2022-07-25 17:15:01 +02:00

8.0 KiB

hsadmin-ng's Role-Based-Access-Management (RBAC)

The requirements of hsadmin-ng include table-m row- and column-level-security for read and write access to business-objects. More precisely, any access has to be controlled according to given rules depending on the accessing users, their roles and the accessed business-object. Further, roles and business-objects are hierarchical.

To avoid misunderstandings, we are using the term "business-object" what's usually called a "domain-object". But as we are in the context of a webhosting infrastructure provider, "domain" would have a double meaning.

Our implementation is based on Role-Based-Access-Management (RBAC) in conjunction with views and triggers on the business-objects. As far as possible, we are using the same terms as defined in the RBAC standard, for our function names though, we chose more expressive names.

In RBAC, subjects can be assigned to roles, roles can be hierarchical and eventually have assigned permissions. A permission allows a specific operation (e.g. view or edit) on a specific (business-) object.

You can find the entity structure as a UML class diagram as follows:

' left to right direction
top to bottom direction

' hide the ugly E in a circle left to the entity name
hide circle

' use right-angled line routing
skinparam linetype ortho

package RBAC {

    ' forward declarations    
    entity RbacUser
    together {
        entity RbacRole
        entity RbacPermission
        RbacUser -[hidden]> RbacRole
        RbacRole -[hidden]> RbacUser
    together {
        entity RbacGrant
        enum RbacReferenceType
        entity RbacReference
    RbacReference -[hidden]> RbacReferenceType
    entity RbacGrant {
        ascendantUuid: uuid(RbackReference)
        descendantUuid: uuid(RbackReference)
    RbacGrant o-u-> RbacReference
    RbacGrant o-u-> RbacReference
    enum RbacReferenceType {
    RbacReferenceType ..> RbacUser
    RbacReferenceType ..> RbacRole
    RbacReferenceType ..> RbacPermission
    entity RbacReference {
        *uuid : uuid <<generated>>
        type : RbacReferenceType
    RbacReference o--> RbacReferenceType  
    entity RbacUser {
        *uuid : uuid <<generated>>
        name : varchar
    RbacUser o-- RbacReference
    entity RbacRole {
        *uuid : uuid(RbacReference)
        name : varchar
    RbacRole o-- RbacReference
    together {   
        enum RbacOperation
        entity RbacObject
    entity RbacPermission {
        *uuid : uuid(RbacReference)
        objectUuid: RbacObject
        op: RbacOperation
    RbacPermission o-- RbacReference
    RbacPermission o-- RbacOperation
    RbacPermission *-- RbacObject
    enum RbacOperation {
    entity RbacObject {
        *uuid : uuid <<generated>>
        objectTable: varchar
    RbacObject o- "Business Objects"    

package "Business Objects" {

    entity package
    package *--u- RbacObject
    entity customer
    customer *--u- RbacObject

    entity "..." as moreBusinessObjects
    moreBusinessObjects *-u- RbacObject


The RBAC Entity Types


An RbacReference is a generalization of all entity types which participate in the hierarchical role system, defined via RbacGrant.

The primary key of the RbacReference and its referred object is always identical.


An RbacUser is a type of RBAC-subject which references a login account outside this system, identified by a name (usually an email-address).

RbacUsers can be assigned to multiple RbacRoles, through which they can get permissions to RbacObjects.

The primary key of the RbacUser is identical to its related RbacReference.


An RbacRole represents a collection of directly or indirectly assigned RbacPermissions. Each RbacRole can be assigned to RbacUsers or to another RbacRole.

Both kinds of assignments are represented via RbacGrant.

RbacRole entities can RbacObjects, or more precise


An RbacPermission allows a specific RbacOperation on a specific RbacObject.


An RbacOperation determines, what an RbacPermission allows to do. It can be one of:

  • add-... - permits creating new instances of specific entity types underneath the object specified by the permission, e.g. "add-package"
  • view - permits reading the contents of the object specified by the permission
  • edit - change the contents of the object specified by the permission
  • delete - delete the object specified by the permission

This list is extensible according to the needs of the access rule system.

Please notice, that there is no create-... operation to create new instances of related business-object-types. For such a singleton business-object-type, e.g. *Organization" or "Hostsharing" has to be defined, and its single entity is referred in the permission. By this, the foreign key in RbacPermission can be defined as NOT NULL.


The RbacGrant entities represent the access-rights structure from RbacUsers via hierarchical RbacRoles down to RbacPermissions.

The core SQL queries to determine access rights are all recursive queries on the RbacGrant table.

Role naming

Automatically generated roles are named as such:


This role is assigned to users who manage objects underneath the object which is accessible through the role. This rule usually gets only view permissions assigned.



Example Users, Roles, Permissions and Business-Objects

' left to right direction
top to bottom direction

' hide the ugly E in a circle left to the entity name
hide circle

' use right-angled line routing
' skinparam linetype ortho

package RbacUsers {
    object UserMike
    object UserSuse
    object UserPaul

package RbacRoles {
    object RoleAdministrators
    object RoleCustXyz_Owner
    object RoleCustXyz_Admin
    object RolePackXyz00_Owner
RbacUsers -[hidden]> RbacRoles

package RbacPermissions {
    object PermCustXyz_View
    object PermCustXyz_Edit
    object PermCustXyz_Delete
    object PermCustXyz_AddPackage
    object PermPackXyz00_View
    object PermPackXyz00_Edit
    object PermPackXyz00_Delete
    object PermPackXyz00_AddUser
RbacRoles -[hidden]> RbacPermissions

package BusinessObjects {
    object CustXyz
    object PackXyz00
RbacPermissions -[hidden]> BusinessObjects

UserMike o---> RoleAdministrators
UserSuse o--> RoleCustXyz_Admin
UserPaul o--> RolePackXyz00_Owner

RoleAdministrators o..> RoleCustXyz_Owner
RoleCustXyz_Owner o-> RoleCustXyz_Admin
RoleCustXyz_Admin o-> RolePackXyz00_Owner

RoleCustXyz_Owner o--> PermCustXyz_Edit
RoleCustXyz_Owner o--> PermCustXyz_Delete
RoleCustXyz_Admin o--> PermCustXyz_View
RoleCustXyz_Admin o--> PermCustXyz_AddPackage
RolePackXyz00_Owner o--> PermPackXyz00_View
RolePackXyz00_Owner o--> PermPackXyz00_Edit
RolePackXyz00_Owner o--> PermPackXyz00_Delete
RolePackXyz00_Owner o--> PermPackXyz00_AddUser

PermCustXyz_View o--> CustXyz
PermCustXyz_Edit o--> CustXyz
PermCustXyz_Delete o--> CustXyz
PermCustXyz_AddPackage o--> CustXyz
PermPackXyz00_View o--> PackXyz00
PermPackXyz00_Edit o--> PackXyz00
PermPackXyz00_Delete o--> PackXyz00
PermPackXyz00_AddUser o--> PackXyz00

left to right direction
' top to bottom direction

' hide the ugly E in a circle left to the entity name
hide circle

' use right-angled line routing
' skinparam linetype ortho

package rbacPerms {

package rbacRoles {
    entity administrators
    entity custXXX

package rbacUsers {
    entity adminMike
    adminMike <-- administrators

    entity adminSven
    entity custXXX
    entity pacAdmXXX00
