
73 lines
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--liquibase formatted sql
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--changeset rbac-global-GLOBAL-OBJECT:1 endDelimiter:--//
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The purpose of this table is provide root business objects
which can be referenced from global roles.
Without this table, these columns needed to be nullable and
many queries would be more complicated.
In production databases, there is only a single row in this table,
in test stages, there can be one row for each test data realm.
create table Global
uuid uuid primary key references RbacObject (uuid) on delete cascade,
name varchar(63) unique
-- create unique index Global_Singleton on Global ((0));
grant select on global to restricted;
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--changeset rbac-global-HAS-GLOBAL-PERMISSION:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
create or replace function hasGlobalPermission(op RbacOp)
returns boolean
language sql as
-- TODO: this could to be optimized
select (select uuid from global) in
(select queryAccessibleObjectUuidsOfSubjectIds(op, 'global', currentSubjectsUuids()));
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--changeset rbac-global-GLOBAL-IDENTITY-VIEW:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Creates a view to the global object table which maps the identifying name to the objectUuid.
drop view if exists global_iv;
create or replace view global_iv as
select target.uuid, target.name as idName
from global as target;
grant all privileges on global_iv to restricted;
Returns the objectUuid for a given identifying name (in this case the idName).
create or replace function globalUuidByIdName(idName varchar)
returns uuid
language sql
strict as $$
select uuid from global_iv iv where iv.idName = globalUuidByIdName.idName;
Returns the identifying name for a given objectUuid (in this case the idName).
create or replace function globalIdNameByUuid(uuid uuid)
returns varchar
language sql
strict as $$
select idName from global_iv iv where iv.uuid = globalIdNameByUuid.uuid;