Co-authored-by: Michael Hoennig <> Reviewed-on: #92 Reviewed-by: Marc Sandlus <>
84 lines
3.3 KiB
84 lines
3.3 KiB
--liquibase formatted sql
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Creates a single partner test record.
create or replace procedure createHsOfficePartnerTestData(
mandantTradeName varchar,
newPartnerNumber numeric(5),
partnerPersonName varchar,
contactCaption varchar )
language plpgsql as $$
idName varchar;
mandantPerson hs_office_person;
partnerRel hs_office_relation;
relatedPerson hs_office_person;
relatedDetailsUuid uuid;
idName := cleanIdentifier( partnerPersonName|| '-' || contactCaption);
select p.* from hs_office_person p
where p.tradeName = mandantTradeName
into mandantPerson;
if mandantPerson is null then
raise exception 'mandant "%" not found', mandantTradeName;
end if;
select p.* from hs_office_person p
where p.tradeName = partnerPersonName or p.familyName = partnerPersonName
into relatedPerson;
select r.* from hs_office_relation r
where r.type = 'PARTNER'
and r.anchoruuid = mandantPerson.uuid and r.holderuuid = relatedPerson.uuid
into partnerRel;
if partnerRel is null then
raise exception 'partnerRel "%"-"%" not found', mandantPerson.tradename, partnerPersonName;
end if;
raise notice 'creating test partner: %', idName;
raise notice '- using partnerRel (%): %', partnerRel.uuid, partnerRel;
raise notice '- using person (%): %', relatedPerson.uuid, relatedPerson;
if relatedPerson.persontype = 'NP' then
into hs_office_partner_details (uuid, birthName, birthday, birthPlace)
values (uuid_generate_v4(), 'Meyer', '1987-10-31', 'Hamburg')
returning uuid into relatedDetailsUuid;
into hs_office_partner_details (uuid, registrationOffice, registrationNumber)
values (uuid_generate_v4(), 'Hamburg', 'RegNo123456789')
returning uuid into relatedDetailsUuid;
end if;
into hs_office_partner (uuid, partnerNumber, partnerRelUuid, detailsUuid)
values (uuid_generate_v4(), newPartnerNumber, partnerRel.uuid, relatedDetailsUuid);
end; $$;
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do language plpgsql $$
call defineContext('creating partner test-data ', null, '', 'global#global:ADMIN');
call createHsOfficePartnerTestData('Hostsharing eG', 10001, 'First GmbH', 'first contact');
call createHsOfficePartnerTestData('Hostsharing eG', 10002, 'Second e.K.', 'second contact');
call createHsOfficePartnerTestData('Hostsharing eG', 10003, 'Third OHG', 'third contact');
call createHsOfficePartnerTestData('Hostsharing eG', 10004, 'Fourth eG', 'fourth contact');
call createHsOfficePartnerTestData('Hostsharing eG', 10010, 'Smith', 'fifth contact');