2024-08-23 05:43:12 +02:00

125 lines
4.7 KiB

-- just a permanent playground to explore optimization of the central recursive CTE query for RBAC
select * from hs_statistics_view;
-- ========================================================
-- An example for a restricted view (_rv) as generated by our RBAC system:
drop view if exists hs_hosting_asset_example_rv;
create view hs_hosting_asset_example_rv as
with accessible_hs_hosting_asset_uuids as (
with recursive
recursive_grants as (
select distinct rbacgrants.descendantuuid,
1 as level,
from rbacgrants
where (rbacgrants.ascendantuuid = any (currentsubjectsuuids()))
and rbacgrants.assumed
union all
select distinct g.descendantuuid,
grants.level + 1 as level,
assertTrue(grants.level < 22, 'too many grant-levels: ' || grants.level)
from rbacgrants g
join recursive_grants grants on grants.descendantuuid = g.ascendantuuid
where g.assumed
grant_count as (
select count(*) as grant_count from recursive_grants
count_check as (
select assertTrue((select grant_count from grant_count) < 600000,
'too many grants for current subjects: ' || (select grant_count from grant_count)) as valid
select distinct perm.objectuuid
from recursive_grants
join rbacpermission perm on recursive_grants.descendantuuid = perm.uuid
join rbacobject obj on obj.uuid = perm.objectuuid
join count_check cc on cc.valid
where obj.objecttable::text = 'hs_hosting_asset'::text
and obj.type = 'EMAIL_ADDRESS'::hshostingassettype -- with/without this type condition
select target.*
from hs_hosting_asset target
where (target.uuid in (select accessible_hs_hosting_asset_uuids.objectuuid
from accessible_hs_hosting_asset_uuids));
-- end of the example view.
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rollback transaction;
DO language plpgsql $$
start_time timestamp;
end_time timestamp;
total_time interval;
letter char(1);
start_time := clock_timestamp();
CALL defineContext('performance testing', null, 'superuser-alex@hostsharing.net',
-- 'hs_booking_project#D-1000300-mihdefaultproject:ADMIN');
FOR i IN 0..25 LOOP
letter := chr(i+ascii('a'));
PERFORM count(*) from (
-- An example for a business query based on the view:
select type, uuid, identifier, caption
from hs_hosting_asset_example_rv
where type = 'EMAIL_ADDRESS'
and identifier like letter || '%'
-- end of the business query example.
) AS timed;
end_time := clock_timestamp();
total_time := end_time - start_time;
RAISE NOTICE 'average execution time: %', total_time/26;
-- average seconds per recursive CTE select as role 'hs_hosting_asset:<DEBITOR>defaultproject:ADMIN'
-- joined with business query for all 'EMAIL_ADDRESSES':
-- D-1000000-hsh D-1000300-mih
-- - without type comparision in rbacobject: ~3.30 - ~3.49 ~0.23
-- - with type comparision in rbacobject: ~2.99 - ~3.08 ~0.21
-- =============================================================================
-- extending the rbacobject table:
alter table rbacobject
-- just for performance testing, we would need a joined enum or a varchar(16) which would make it slow
add column type hshostingassettype;
-- and fill the type column with hs_hosting_asset types:
rollback transaction;
begin transaction;
call defineContext('setting rbacobject.type from hs_hosting_asset.type', null, 'superuser-alex@hostsharing.net');
UPDATE rbacobject
SET type = hs.type
FROM hs_hosting_asset hs
WHERE rbacobject.uuid = hs.uuid;
end transaction;
-- check the result:
(select count(*) as "total" from rbacobject),
(select count(*) as "not null" from rbacobject where type is not null),
(select count(*) as "null" from rbacobject where type is null);