rbac-optimization #80
@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ alias podman-stop='systemctl --user disable --now podman.socket && systemctl --u
alias podman-use='export DOCKER_HOST="unix:///run/user/$UID/podman/podman.sock"; export TESTCONTAINERS_RYUK_DISABLED=true'
alias gw=gradleWrapper
alias pg-sql-run='docker run --name hsadmin-ng-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -v COPY etc/postgresql-log-slow-queries.conf:/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:15.5-bookworm'
alias pg-sql-run='docker run --name hsadmin-ng-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:15.5-bookworm'
alias pg-sql-run-with-query-stats='docker run --name hsadmin-ng-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -v COPY etc/postgresql-log-slow-queries.conf:/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:15.5-bookworm'
alias pg-sql-stop='docker stop hsadmin-ng-postgres'
alias pg-sql-start='docker container start hsadmin-ng-postgres'
alias pg-sql-remove='docker rm hsadmin-ng-postgres'
@ -213,14 +213,7 @@ VACUUM ANALYZE;
This did not improve the performance.
### Improving Indexes
The sequentiap
create index on RbacPermission (objectUuid, op);
create index on RbacPermission (opTableName, op);
### Improving Joins + Indexes
We were suspicious about the sequential scan over all `rbacpermission` rows which was done by PostgreSQL to execute a HashJoin strategy. Turning off that strategy by
@ -243,7 +236,14 @@ did not improve the performance though. The HashJoin was actually still applied,
The HashJoin strategy could be great if the hash-map could be kept for multiple invocations. But during an import process, of course, there are always new rows in the underlying table and the hash-map would be outdated immediately.
Also creating indexes which should suppor the RBAC query, like the following, did not improve performance:
create index on RbacPermission (objectUuid, op);
create index on RbacPermission (opTableName, op);
### LAZY loading for Relation.anchorPerson/.holderPerson/
@ -251,11 +251,24 @@ The slowest query now was fetching Relations joined with Contact, Anchor-Person
We changed these mappings from `EAGER` (default) to `LAZY` to `@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)` and got this result:
| query | calls | total (min) | mean (ms) |
| select hore1_0.uuid,hore1_0.anchoruuid,hore1_0.contactuuid,hore1_0.holderuuid,hore1_0.mark,hore1_0.type,hore1_0.version from hs_office_relation_rv hore1_0 where hore1_0.uuid=$1 | 517 | 5 | 565 |
| select hope1_0.uuid,hope1_0.familyname,hope1_0.givenname,hope1_0.persontype,hope1_0.salutation,hope1_0.title,hope1_0.tradename,hope1_0.version from hs_office_person_rv hope1_0 where hope1_0.uuid=$1 | 1015 | 4 | 240 |
| select hoce1_0.uuid,hoce1_0.caption,hoce1_0.emailaddresses,hoce1_0.phonenumbers,hoce1_0.postaladdress,hoce1_0.version from hs_office_contact_rv hoce1_0 where hoce1_0.uuid=$1 | 497 | 2 | 235
select * from isGranted(array[granteeId], grantedId) | 44613 | 1 | 1 |
| query | calls | total (min) | mean (ms) |
| select hope1_0.uuid,hope1_0.familyname,hope1_0.givenname,hope1_0.persontype,hope1_0.salutation,hope1_0.title,hope1_0.tradename,hope1_0.version from public.hs_office_person_rv hope1_0 where hope1_0.uuid=$1 | 1015 | 4 | 238 |
| select hore1_0.uuid,hore1_0.anchoruuid,hore1_0.contactuuid,hore1_0.holderuuid,hore1_0.mark,hore1_0.type,hore1_0.version from public.hs_office_relation_rv hore1_0 where hore1_0.uuid=$1 | 517 | 4 | 439 |
| select hoce1_0.uuid,hoce1_0.caption,hoce1_0.emailaddresses,hoce1_0.phonenumbers,hoce1_0.postaladdress,hoce1_0.version from public.hs_office_contact_rv hoce1_0 where hoce1_0.uuid=$1 | 497 | 2 | 213 |
| call grantRoleToRole(roleUuid, superRoleUuid, superRoleDesc.assumed) | 31316 | 0 | 1 |
| select * from isGranted(array[granteeId], grantedId) | 44613 | 0 | 0 |
| call buildRbacSystemForHsHostingAsset(NEW) | 2258 | 0 | 7 |
| insert into public.hs_hosting_asset_rv (alarmcontactuuid,assignedtoassetuuid,bookingitemuuid,caption,config,identifier,parentassetuuid,type,version,uuid) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10) | 2207 | 0 | 7 |
| insert into hs_hosting_asset (alarmcontactuuid, version, bookingitemuuid, type, parentassetuuid, assignedtoassetuuid, config, uuid, identifier, caption) values (new.alarmcontactuuid, new. version, new. bookingitemuuid, new. type, new. parentassetuuid, new. assignedtoassetuuid, new. config, new. uuid, new. identifier, new. caption) returning * | 2207 | 0 | 7 |
| with recursive grants as ( select descendantUuid, ascendantUuid from RbacGrants where descendantUuid = grantedId union all select ""grant"".descendantUuid, ""grant"".ascendantUuid from RbacGrants ""grant"" inner join grants recur on recur.ascendantUuid = ""grant"".descendantUuid ) select exists ( select $3 from grants where ascendantUuid = any(granteeIds) ) or grantedId = any(granteeIds) | 47538 | 0 | 0 |
insert into public.hs_office_relation_rv (anchoruuid,contactuuid,holderuuid,mark,type,version,uuid) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7) | 1261 | 0 | 8 |
| insert into hs_office_relation (uuid, version, anchoruuid, holderuuid, contactuuid, type, mark) values (new.uuid, new. version, new. anchoruuid, new. holderuuid, new. contactuuid, new. type, new. mark) returning * | 1261 | 0 | 8 |
| call buildRbacSystemForHsOfficeRelation(NEW) | 1276 | 0 | 7 |
| insert into public.hs_booking_item_rv (caption,parentitemuuid,projectuuid,resources,type,validity,version,uuid) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8) | 926 | 0 | 7 |
| insert into hs_booking_item (resources, version, projectuuid, type, parentitemuuid, validity, uuid, caption) values (new.resources, new. version, new. projectuuid, new. type, new. parentitemuuid, new. validity, new. uuid, new. caption) returning * | 926 | 0 | 7 |
insert into RbacGrants (grantedByTriggerOf, ascendantuuid, descendantUuid, assumed) values (currentTriggerObjectUuid(), superRoleId, subRoleId, doAssume) on conflict do nothing | 40472 | 0 | 0 |
Now, finally, the total runtime of the import was down to 12 minutes.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user