test legacy-id-triggers #149

hsh-michaelhoennig merged 3 commits from feature/test-legacy-id-triggers into master 2025-01-22 10:08:22 +01:00
Showing only changes of commit c71b9b5ee0 - Show all commits

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@ -104,21 +104,32 @@ alias gw-check='. .aliases; . .tc-environment; gw test check -x pitest'
# You can also re-run all these tests, which will take ~20min: `gw-test --all --rerun`
# This will always use the environment from `.tc-environment`.
function _gwTest1() {
printf -- '=%0.s' {1..80}; echo
echo "RUNNING gw $@"
printf -- '-%0.s' {1..80}; echo
./gradlew "$@"
printf -- '-%0.s' {1..80}; echo
echo "DONE gw $@"
function _gwTest() {
. .aliases;
. .tc-environment;
rm /tmp/gwTest.tmp
if [ "$1" == "--all" ]; then
shift # to remove the --all from $@
# delierately in separate gradlew-calls to avoid Testcontains-PostgreSQL problem spillover
./gradlew unitTest "$@" &&
./gradlew officeIntegrationTest bookingIntegrationTest hostingIntegrationTest "$@" &&
./gradlew scenarioTest "$@" &&
./gradlew importOfficeData importHostingAssets "$@";
time (_gwTest1 unitTest "$@" &&
_gwTest1 officeIntegrationTest bookingIntegrationTest hostingIntegrationTest "$@" &&
_gwTest1 scenarioTest "$@" &&
_gwTest1 importOfficeData importHostingAssets "$@");
elif [ $# -eq 0 ] || [[ $1 == -* ]]; then
./gradlew test "$@";
time _gwTest1 test "$@";
./gradlew "$@";
time _gwTest1 "$@";
printf -- '=%0.s' {1..80}; echo
alias gw-test=_gwTest