create relation with holder- and contact-data, and search for contact emailAddress + relation mark #136

hsh-michaelhoennig merged 12 commits from feature/create-relation-with-holder-and-contact-data into master 2024-12-13 14:09:03 +01:00
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@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ public interface HsOfficeRelationRbacRepository extends Repository<HsOfficeRelat
toSqlLikeOperand(mark), toSqlLikeOperand(personData), toSqlLikeOperand(contactData));
// TODO: use ELIKE instead of lower(...) LIKE ...? Or use jsonb_path with RegEx like emailAddressRegEx in ContactRepo?
@Query(value = """
SELECT rel FROM HsOfficeRelationRbacEntity AS rel
WHERE (:relationType IS NULL OR CAST(rel.type AS String) = :relationType)