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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Michael Hoennig
97059c75a1 add holderPerson:ADMIN role to relation:ADMIN 2024-09-17 14:16:43 +02:00
Michael Hoennig
5aec875680 add INSERT permission for partner to relation AGENT 2024-09-17 14:16:04 +02:00
209 changed files with 2934 additions and 3724 deletions

View File

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ If you have at least Docker and the Java JDK installed in appropriate versions a
# the following command should return a JSON array with just all packages visible for the admin of the customer yyy:
curl \
-H 'current-subject:' -H 'assumed-roles: rbactest.customer#yyy:ADMIN' \
-H 'current-subject:' -H 'assumed-roles: test_customer#yyy:ADMIN' \
# add a new customer
@ -550,37 +550,12 @@ Dependency versions can be automatically upgraded to the latest available versio
gw useLatestVersions
Afterward, `gw check` is automatically started.
Afterwards, `gw check` is automatically started.
Please only commit+push to master if the check run shows no errors.
More infos, e.g. on blacklists see on the [project's website](
## Biggest Flaws in our Architecture
### The RBAC System is too Complicated
Now, where we have a better experience with what we really need from the RBAC system, we have learned
that and creates too many (grant- and role-) rows and too even tables which could be avoided completely.
The basic idea is always to always have a fixed set of ordered role-types which apply for all DB-tables under RBAC,
Grants between these for the same DB-row would be implicit by order comparision.
This way we would get rid of all explicit grants within the same DB-row
and would not need the `rbac.role` table anymore.
We would also reduce the depth of the expensive recursive CTE-query.
This has to be explored further.
For now, we just keep it in mind and
### The Mapper is Error-Prone
Where `org.modelmapper.ModelMapper` reduces bloat-code a lot and has some nice features about recursive data-structure mappings,
it often causes strange errors which are hard to fix.
E.g. the uuid of the target main object is often taken from an uuid of a sub-subject.
(For now, use `StrictMapper` to avoid this, for the case it happens.)
## How To ...
### How to Configure .pgpass for the Default PostgreSQL Database?

View File

@ -199,21 +199,21 @@ Limit (cost=6549.08..6549.35 rows=54 width=16)
Group Key: grants.descendantuuid
-> CTE Scan on grants (cost=0.00..22.06 rows=1103 width=16)
-> Index Only Scan using rbacobject_objecttable_uuid_key on rbacobject obj (cost=0.28..0.31 rows=1 width=16)
Index Cond: ((objecttable = 'hs_hosting.asset'::text) AND (uuid = perm.objectuuid))
Index Cond: ((objecttable = 'hs_hosting_asset'::text) AND (uuid = perm.objectuuid))
### Office-Relation-Query
SELECT hore1_0.uuid,a1_0.uuid,a1_0.familyname,a1_0.givenname,a1_0.persontype,a1_0.salutation,a1_0.title,a1_0.tradename,a1_0.version,c1_0.uuid,c1_0.caption,c1_0.emailaddresses,c1_0.phonenumbers,c1_0.postaladdress,c1_0.version,h1_0.uuid,h1_0.familyname,h1_0.givenname,h1_0.persontype,h1_0.salutation,h1_0.title,h1_0.tradename,h1_0.version,hore1_0.mark,hore1_0.type,hore1_0.version
FROM hs_office.relation_rv hore1_0
LEFT JOIN hs_office.person_rv a1_0 ON a1_0.uuid=hore1_0.anchoruuid
LEFT JOIN hs_office.contact_rv c1_0 ON c1_0.uuid=hore1_0.contactuuid
LEFT JOIN hs_office.person_rv h1_0 ON h1_0.uuid=hore1_0.holderuuid
FROM hs_office_relation_rv hore1_0
LEFT JOIN hs_office_person_rv a1_0 ON a1_0.uuid=hore1_0.anchoruuid
LEFT JOIN hs_office_contact_rv c1_0 ON c1_0.uuid=hore1_0.contactuuid
LEFT JOIN hs_office_person_rv h1_0 ON h1_0.uuid=hore1_0.holderuuid
WHERE hore1_0.uuid=$1
That query on the `hs_office.relation_rv`-table joins the three references anchor-person, holder-person and contact.
That query on the `hs_office_relation_rv`-table joins the three references anchor-person, holder-person and contact.
### Total-Query-Time > Total-Import-Runtime
@ -270,21 +270,21 @@ At this point, the import took 21mins with these statistics:
| query | calls | total_m | mean_ms |
| select hore1_0.uuid,a1_0.uuid,a1_0.familyname,a1_0.givenname,a1_0.persontype,a1_0.salutation,a1_0.title,a1_0.tradename,a1_0.version,c1_0.uuid,c1_0.caption,c1_0.emailaddresses,c1_0.phonenumbers,c1_0.postaladdress, c1_0.version,h1_0.uuid,h1_0.familyname,h1_0.givenname,h1_0.persontype,h1_0.salutation,h1_0.title,h1_0.tradename,h1_0.version,hore1_0.mark,hore1_0.type,hore1_0.version from public.hs_office.relation_rv hore1_0 left join public.hs_office.person_rv a1_0 on a1_0.uuid=hore1_0.anchoruuid left join public.hs_office.contact_rv c1_0 on c1_0.uuid=hore1_0.contactuuid left join public.hs_office.person_rv h1_0 on h1_0.uuid=hore1_0.holderuuid where hore1_0.uuid=$1 | 517 | 11 | 1282 |
| select hope1_0.uuid,hope1_0.familyname,hope1_0.givenname,hope1_0.persontype,hope1_0.salutation,hope1_0.title,hope1_0.tradename,hope1_0.version from public.hs_office.person_rv hope1_0 where hope1_0.uuid=$1 | 973 | 4 | 254 |
| select hoce1_0.uuid,hoce1_0.caption,hoce1_0.emailaddresses,hoce1_0.phonenumbers,hoce1_0.postaladdress,hoce1_0.version from public.hs_office.contact_rv hoce1_0 where hoce1_0.uuid=$1 | 973 | 4 | 253 |
| select hore1_0.uuid,a1_0.uuid,a1_0.familyname,a1_0.givenname,a1_0.persontype,a1_0.salutation,a1_0.title,a1_0.tradename,a1_0.version,c1_0.uuid,c1_0.caption,c1_0.emailaddresses,c1_0.phonenumbers,c1_0.postaladdress, c1_0.version,h1_0.uuid,h1_0.familyname,h1_0.givenname,h1_0.persontype,h1_0.salutation,h1_0.title,h1_0.tradename,h1_0.version,hore1_0.mark,hore1_0.type,hore1_0.version from public.hs_office_relation_rv hore1_0 left join public.hs_office_person_rv a1_0 on a1_0.uuid=hore1_0.anchoruuid left join public.hs_office_contact_rv c1_0 on c1_0.uuid=hore1_0.contactuuid left join public.hs_office_person_rv h1_0 on h1_0.uuid=hore1_0.holderuuid where hore1_0.uuid=$1 | 517 | 11 | 1282 |
| select hope1_0.uuid,hope1_0.familyname,hope1_0.givenname,hope1_0.persontype,hope1_0.salutation,hope1_0.title,hope1_0.tradename,hope1_0.version from public.hs_office_person_rv hope1_0 where hope1_0.uuid=$1 | 973 | 4 | 254 |
| select hoce1_0.uuid,hoce1_0.caption,hoce1_0.emailaddresses,hoce1_0.phonenumbers,hoce1_0.postaladdress,hoce1_0.version from public.hs_office_contact_rv hoce1_0 where hoce1_0.uuid=$1 | 973 | 4 | 253 |
| call rbac.grantRoleToRole(roleUuid, superRoleUuid, superRoleDesc.assumed) | 31316 | 0 | 1 |
| call buildRbacSystemForHsHostingAsset(NEW) | 2258 | 0 | 7 |
| select * from rbac.isGranted(array[granteeId], grantedId) | 44613 | 0 | 0 |
| insert into public.hs_hosting.asset_rv (alarmcontactuuid,assignedtoassetuuid,bookingitemuuid,caption,config,identifier,parentassetuuid,type,version,uuid) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10) | 2207 | 0 | 7 |
| insert into hs_hosting.asset (alarmcontactuuid, version, bookingitemuuid, type, parentassetuuid, assignedtoassetuuid, config, uuid, identifier, caption) values (new.alarmcontactuuid, new. version, new. bookingitemuuid, new. type, new. parentassetuuid, new. assignedtoassetuuid, new. config, new. uuid, new. identifier, new. caption) returning * | 2207 | 0 | 7 |
| insert into public.hs_office.relation_rv (anchoruuid,contactuuid,holderuuid,mark,type,version,uuid) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7) | 1261 | 0 | 9 |
| insert into hs_office.relation (uuid, version, anchoruuid, holderuuid, contactuuid, type, mark) values (new.uuid, new. version, new. anchoruuid, new. holderuuid, new. contactuuid, new. type, new. mark) returning * | 1261 | 0 | 9 |
| insert into public.hs_hosting_asset_rv (alarmcontactuuid,assignedtoassetuuid,bookingitemuuid,caption,config,identifier,parentassetuuid,type,version,uuid) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10) | 2207 | 0 | 7 |
| insert into hs_hosting_asset (alarmcontactuuid, version, bookingitemuuid, type, parentassetuuid, assignedtoassetuuid, config, uuid, identifier, caption) values (new.alarmcontactuuid, new. version, new. bookingitemuuid, new. type, new. parentassetuuid, new. assignedtoassetuuid, new. config, new. uuid, new. identifier, new. caption) returning * | 2207 | 0 | 7 |
| insert into public.hs_office_relation_rv (anchoruuid,contactuuid,holderuuid,mark,type,version,uuid) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7) | 1261 | 0 | 9 |
| insert into hs_office_relation (uuid, version, anchoruuid, holderuuid, contactuuid, type, mark) values (new.uuid, new. version, new. anchoruuid, new. holderuuid, new. contactuuid, new. type, new. mark) returning * | 1261 | 0 | 9 |
| call buildRbacSystemForHsOfficeRelation(NEW) | 1276 | 0 | 8 |
| with recursive grants as ( select descendantUuid, ascendantUuid from RbacGrants where descendantUuid = grantedId union all select ""grant"".descendantUuid, ""grant"".ascendantUuid from RbacGrants ""grant"" inner join grants recur on recur.ascendantUuid = ""grant"".descendantUuid ) select exists ( select $3 from grants where ascendantUuid = any(granteeIds) ) or grantedId = any(granteeIds) | 47540 | 0 | 0 |
| insert into RbacGrants (grantedByTriggerOf, ascendantuuid, descendantUuid, assumed) values (currentTriggerObjectUuid(), superRoleId, subRoleId, doAssume) on conflict do nothing" | 40472 | 0 | 0 |
| insert into public.hs_booking.item_rv (caption,parentitemuuid,projectuuid,resources,type,validity,version,uuid) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8) | 926 | 0 | 7 |
| insert into hs_booking.item (resources, version, projectuuid, type, parentitemuuid, validity, uuid, caption) values (new.resources, new. version, new. projectuuid, new. type, new. parentitemuuid, new. validity, new. uuid, new. caption) returning * | 926 | 0 | 7 |
| insert into public.hs_booking_item_rv (caption,parentitemuuid,projectuuid,resources,type,validity,version,uuid) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8) | 926 | 0 | 7 |
| insert into hs_booking_item (resources, version, projectuuid, type, parentitemuuid, validity, uuid, caption) values (new.resources, new. version, new. projectuuid, new. type, new. parentitemuuid, new. validity, new. uuid, new. caption) returning * | 926 | 0 | 7 |
The slowest query now was fetching Relations joined with Contact, Anchor-Person and Holder-Person, for all tables using the restricted (RBAC) views (_rv).
@ -294,20 +294,20 @@ We changed these mappings from `EAGER` (default) to `LAZY` to `@ManyToOne(fetch
| query | calls | total (min) | mean (ms) |
| select hope1_0.uuid,hope1_0.familyname,hope1_0.givenname,hope1_0.persontype,hope1_0.salutation,hope1_0.title,hope1_0.tradename,hope1_0.version from public.hs_office.person_rv hope1_0 where hope1_0.uuid=$1 | 1015 | 4 | 238 |
| select hore1_0.uuid,hore1_0.anchoruuid,hore1_0.contactuuid,hore1_0.holderuuid,hore1_0.mark,hore1_0.type,hore1_0.version from public.hs_office.relation_rv hore1_0 where hore1_0.uuid=$1 | 517 | 4 | 439 |
| select hoce1_0.uuid,hoce1_0.caption,hoce1_0.emailaddresses,hoce1_0.phonenumbers,hoce1_0.postaladdress,hoce1_0.version from public.hs_office.contact_rv hoce1_0 where hoce1_0.uuid=$1 | 497 | 2 | 213 |
| select hope1_0.uuid,hope1_0.familyname,hope1_0.givenname,hope1_0.persontype,hope1_0.salutation,hope1_0.title,hope1_0.tradename,hope1_0.version from public.hs_office_person_rv hope1_0 where hope1_0.uuid=$1 | 1015 | 4 | 238 |
| select hore1_0.uuid,hore1_0.anchoruuid,hore1_0.contactuuid,hore1_0.holderuuid,hore1_0.mark,hore1_0.type,hore1_0.version from public.hs_office_relation_rv hore1_0 where hore1_0.uuid=$1 | 517 | 4 | 439 |
| select hoce1_0.uuid,hoce1_0.caption,hoce1_0.emailaddresses,hoce1_0.phonenumbers,hoce1_0.postaladdress,hoce1_0.version from public.hs_office_contact_rv hoce1_0 where hoce1_0.uuid=$1 | 497 | 2 | 213 |
| call rbac.grantRoleToRole(roleUuid, superRoleUuid, superRoleDesc.assumed) | 31316 | 0 | 1 |
| select * from rbac.isGranted(array[granteeId], grantedId) | 44613 | 0 | 0 |
| call buildRbacSystemForHsHostingAsset(NEW) | 2258 | 0 | 7 |
| insert into public.hs_hosting.asset_rv (alarmcontactuuid,assignedtoassetuuid,bookingitemuuid,caption,config,identifier,parentassetuuid,type,version,uuid) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10) | 2207 | 0 | 7 |
| insert into hs_hosting.asset (alarmcontactuuid, version, bookingitemuuid, type, parentassetuuid, assignedtoassetuuid, config, uuid, identifier, caption) values (new.alarmcontactuuid, new. version, new. bookingitemuuid, new. type, new. parentassetuuid, new. assignedtoassetuuid, new. config, new. uuid, new. identifier, new. caption) returning * | 2207 | 0 | 7 |
| insert into public.hs_hosting_asset_rv (alarmcontactuuid,assignedtoassetuuid,bookingitemuuid,caption,config,identifier,parentassetuuid,type,version,uuid) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10) | 2207 | 0 | 7 |
| insert into hs_hosting_asset (alarmcontactuuid, version, bookingitemuuid, type, parentassetuuid, assignedtoassetuuid, config, uuid, identifier, caption) values (new.alarmcontactuuid, new. version, new. bookingitemuuid, new. type, new. parentassetuuid, new. assignedtoassetuuid, new. config, new. uuid, new. identifier, new. caption) returning * | 2207 | 0 | 7 |
| with recursive grants as ( select descendantUuid, ascendantUuid from RbacGrants where descendantUuid = grantedId union all select ""grant"".descendantUuid, ""grant"".ascendantUuid from RbacGrants ""grant"" inner join grants recur on recur.ascendantUuid = ""grant"".descendantUuid ) select exists ( select $3 from grants where ascendantUuid = any(granteeIds) ) or grantedId = any(granteeIds) | 47538 | 0 | 0 |
insert into public.hs_office.relation_rv (anchoruuid,contactuuid,holderuuid,mark,type,version,uuid) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7) | 1261 | 0 | 8 |
| insert into hs_office.relation (uuid, version, anchoruuid, holderuuid, contactuuid, type, mark) values (new.uuid, new. version, new. anchoruuid, new. holderuuid, new. contactuuid, new. type, new. mark) returning * | 1261 | 0 | 8 |
insert into public.hs_office_relation_rv (anchoruuid,contactuuid,holderuuid,mark,type,version,uuid) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7) | 1261 | 0 | 8 |
| insert into hs_office_relation (uuid, version, anchoruuid, holderuuid, contactuuid, type, mark) values (new.uuid, new. version, new. anchoruuid, new. holderuuid, new. contactuuid, new. type, new. mark) returning * | 1261 | 0 | 8 |
| call buildRbacSystemForHsOfficeRelation(NEW) | 1276 | 0 | 7 |
| insert into public.hs_booking.item_rv (caption,parentitemuuid,projectuuid,resources,type,validity,version,uuid) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8) | 926 | 0 | 7 |
| insert into hs_booking.item (resources, version, projectuuid, type, parentitemuuid, validity, uuid, caption) values (new.resources, new. version, new. projectuuid, new. type, new. parentitemuuid, new. validity, new. uuid, new. caption) returning * | 926 | 0 | 7 |
| insert into public.hs_booking_item_rv (caption,parentitemuuid,projectuuid,resources,type,validity,version,uuid) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8) | 926 | 0 | 7 |
| insert into hs_booking_item (resources, version, projectuuid, type, parentitemuuid, validity, uuid, caption) values (new.resources, new. version, new. projectuuid, new. type, new. parentitemuuid, new. validity, new. uuid, new. caption) returning * | 926 | 0 | 7 |
insert into RbacGrants (grantedByTriggerOf, ascendantuuid, descendantUuid, assumed) values (currentTriggerObjectUuid(), superRoleId, subRoleId, doAssume) on conflict do nothing | 40472 | 0 | 0 |
Now, finally, the total runtime of the import was down to 12 minutes. This is repeatable, where originally, the import took about 25mins in most cases and just rarely - and for unknown reasons - 10min.
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ But once UnixUser and EmailAlias assets got added to the import, the total time
This was not acceptable, especially not, considering that domains, email-addresses and database-assets are almost 10 times that number and thus the import would go up to over 1100min which is 20 hours.
In a first step, a `HsHostingAssetRawEntity` was created, mapped to the raw table (hs_hosting.asset) not to the RBAC-view (hs_hosting.asset_rv). Unfortunately we did not keep measurements, but that was only part of the problem anyway.
In a first step, a `HsHostingAssetRawEntity` was created, mapped to the raw table (hs_hosting_asset) not to the RBAC-view (hs_hosting_asset_rv). Unfortunately we did not keep measurements, but that was only part of the problem anyway.
The main problem was, that there is something strange with persisting (`EntityManager.persist`) for EmailAlias assets. Where importing UnixUsers was mostly slow due to RBAC SELECT-permission checks, persisting EmailAliases suddenly created about a million (in numbers 1.000.000) SQL UPDATE statements after the INSERT, all with the same data, just increased version number (used for optimistic locking). We were not able to figure out why this happened.
@ -330,22 +330,22 @@ Now, the longest running queries are these:
| No.| calls | total_m | mean_ms | query |
| 1 | 13.093 | 4 | 21 | insert into hs_hosting.asset( uuid, type, bookingitemuuid, parentassetuuid, assignedtoassetuuid, alarmcontactuuid, identifier, caption, config, version) values ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, cast($9 as jsonb), $10) |
| 2 | 517 | 4 | 502 | select hore1_0.uuid,hore1_0.anchoruuid,hore1_0.contactuuid,hore1_0.holderuuid,hore1_0.mark,hore1_0.type,hore1_0.version from public.hs_office.relation_rv hore1_0 where hore1_0.uuid=$1 |
| 1 | 13.093 | 4 | 21 | insert into hs_hosting_asset( uuid, type, bookingitemuuid, parentassetuuid, assignedtoassetuuid, alarmcontactuuid, identifier, caption, config, version) values ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, cast($9 as jsonb), $10) |
| 2 | 517 | 4 | 502 | select hore1_0.uuid,hore1_0.anchoruuid,hore1_0.contactuuid,hore1_0.holderuuid,hore1_0.mark,hore1_0.type,hore1_0.version from public.hs_office_relation_rv hore1_0 where hore1_0.uuid=$1 |
| 3 | 13.144 | 4 | 21 | call buildRbacSystemForHsHostingAsset(NEW) |
| 4 | 96.632 | 3 | 2 | call rbac.grantRoleToRole(roleUuid, superRoleUuid, superRoleDesc.assumed) |
| 5 | 120.815 | 3 | 2 | select * from rbac.isGranted(array[granteeId], grantedId) |
| 6 | 123.740 | 3 | 2 | with recursive grants as ( select descendantUuid, ascendantUuid from RbacGrants where descendantUuid = grantedId union all select "grant".descendantUuid, "grant".ascendantUuid from RbacGrants "grant" inner join grants recur on recur.ascendantUuid = "grant".descendantUuid ) select exists ( select $3 from grants where ascendantUuid = any(granteeIds) ) or grantedId = any(granteeIds) |
| 7 | 497 | 2 | 259 | select hoce1_0.uuid,hoce1_0.caption,hoce1_0.emailaddresses,hoce1_0.phonenumbers,hoce1_0.postaladdress,hoce1_0.version from public.hs_office.contact_rv hoce1_0 where hoce1_0.uuid=$1 |
| 8 | 497 | 2 | 255 | select hope1_0.uuid,hope1_0.familyname,hope1_0.givenname,hope1_0.persontype,hope1_0.salutation,hope1_0.title,hope1_0.tradename,hope1_0.version from public.hs_office.person_rv hope1_0 where hope1_0.uuid=$1 |
| 9 | 13.144 | 1 | 8 | SELECT createRoleWithGrants( hs_hosting.asset_TENANT(NEW), permissions => array[$7], incomingSuperRoles => array[ hs_hosting.asset_AGENT(NEW), hs_office.contact_ADMIN(newAlarmContact)], outgoingSubRoles => array[ hs_booking.item_TENANT(newBookingItem), hs_hosting.asset_TENANT(newParentAsset)] ) |
| 10 | 13.144 | 1 | 5 | SELECT createRoleWithGrants( hs_hosting.asset_ADMIN(NEW), permissions => array[$7], incomingSuperRoles => array[ hs_booking.item_AGENT(newBookingItem), hs_hosting.asset_AGENT(newParentAsset), hs_hosting.asset_OWNER(NEW)] ) |
| 7 | 497 | 2 | 259 | select hoce1_0.uuid,hoce1_0.caption,hoce1_0.emailaddresses,hoce1_0.phonenumbers,hoce1_0.postaladdress,hoce1_0.version from public.hs_office_contact_rv hoce1_0 where hoce1_0.uuid=$1 |
| 8 | 497 | 2 | 255 | select hope1_0.uuid,hope1_0.familyname,hope1_0.givenname,hope1_0.persontype,hope1_0.salutation,hope1_0.title,hope1_0.tradename,hope1_0.version from public.hs_office_person_rv hope1_0 where hope1_0.uuid=$1 |
| 9 | 13.144 | 1 | 8 | SELECT createRoleWithGrants( hsHostingAssetTENANT(NEW), permissions => array[$7], incomingSuperRoles => array[ hsHostingAssetAGENT(NEW), hsOfficeContactADMIN(newAlarmContact)], outgoingSubRoles => array[ hsBookingItemTENANT(newBookingItem), hsHostingAssetTENANT(newParentAsset)] ) |
| 10 | 13.144 | 1 | 5 | SELECT createRoleWithGrants( hsHostingAssetADMIN(NEW), permissions => array[$7], incomingSuperRoles => array[ hsBookingItemAGENT(newBookingItem), hsHostingAssetAGENT(newParentAsset), hsHostingAssetOWNER(NEW)] ) |
That the `INSERT into hs_hosting.asset` (No. 1) takes up the most time, seems to be normal, and 21ms for each call is also fine.
That the `INSERT into hs_hosting_asset` (No. 1) takes up the most time, seems to be normal, and 21ms for each call is also fine.
It seems that the trigger effects (eg. No. 3 and No. 4) are included in the measure for the causing INSERT, otherwise summing up the totals would exceed the actual total time of the whole import. And it was to be expected that building the RBAC rules for new business objects takes most of the time.
In production, the `SELECT ... FROM hs_office.relation_rv` (No. 2) with about 0.5 seconds could still be a problem. But once we apply the improvements from the hosting asset area also to the office area, this should not be a problem for the import anymore.
In production, the `SELECT ... FROM hs_office_relation_rv` (No. 2) with about 0.5 seconds could still be a problem. But once we apply the improvements from the hosting asset area also to the office area, this should not be a problem for the import anymore.
## Further Options To Explore
@ -408,12 +408,12 @@ We found some solution approaches:
This optimization idea came from Michael Hierweck and was promising.
The idea is to reduce the size of the result of the recursive CTE query and maybe even speed up that query itself.
To evaluate this, I added a type column to the `rbacObject` table, initially as an enum hsHostingAssetType. Then I entered the type there for all rows from hs_hosting.asset. This means that 83,886 of 92,545 rows in `rbacobject` have a type set, leaving 8,659 without.
To evaluate this, I added a type column to the `rbacObject` table, initially as an enum hsHostingAssetType. Then I entered the type there for all rows from hs_hosting_asset. This means that 83,886 of 92,545 rows in `rbacobject` have a type set, leaving 8,659 without.
If we do this for other types (we currently have 1,271 relations and 927 booking items), it gets more complicated because they are different enum types. As varchar(16), we could lose performance again due to the higher storage space requirements.
But the performance gained is not particularly high anyway.
See the average seconds per recursive CTE select as role 'hs_hosting.asset:<DEBITOR>defaultproject:ADMIN',
See the average seconds per recursive CTE select as role 'hs_hosting_asset:<DEBITOR>defaultproject:ADMIN',
joined with business query for all `'EMAIL_ADDRESSES'`:
| | D-1000000-hsh | D-1000300-mih |

View File

@ -6,21 +6,21 @@
begin transaction;
call defineContext('historization testing', null, '',
-- 'hs_booking.project#D-1000000-hshdefaultproject:ADMIN'); -- prod+test
'hs_booking.project#D-1000313-D-1000313defaultproject:ADMIN'); -- prod+test
-- 'hs_booking.project#D-1000300-mihdefaultproject:ADMIN'); -- prod
-- 'hs_booking.project#D-1000300-mimdefaultproject:ADMIN'); -- test
-- update hs_hosting.asset set caption='lug00 b' where identifier = 'lug00' and type = 'MANAGED_WEBSPACE'; -- prod
-- update hs_hosting.asset set caption='hsh00 A ' || now()::text where identifier = 'hsh00' and type = 'MANAGED_WEBSPACE'; -- test
-- update hs_hosting.asset set caption='hsh00 B ' || now()::text where identifier = 'hsh00' and type = 'MANAGED_WEBSPACE'; -- test
-- 'hs_booking_project#D-1000000-hshdefaultproject:ADMIN'); -- prod+test
'hs_booking_project#D-1000313-D-1000313defaultproject:ADMIN'); -- prod+test
-- 'hs_booking_project#D-1000300-mihdefaultproject:ADMIN'); -- prod
-- 'hs_booking_project#D-1000300-mimdefaultproject:ADMIN'); -- test
-- update hs_hosting_asset set caption='lug00 b' where identifier = 'lug00' and type = 'MANAGED_WEBSPACE'; -- prod
-- update hs_hosting_asset set caption='hsh00 A ' || now()::text where identifier = 'hsh00' and type = 'MANAGED_WEBSPACE'; -- test
-- update hs_hosting_asset set caption='hsh00 B ' || now()::text where identifier = 'hsh00' and type = 'MANAGED_WEBSPACE'; -- test
-- insert into hs_hosting.asset
-- insert into hs_hosting_asset
-- (uuid, bookingitemuuid, type, parentassetuuid, assignedtoassetuuid, identifier, caption, config, alarmcontactuuid)
-- values
-- (uuid_generate_v4(), null, 'EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'bbda5895-0569-4e20-bb4c-34f3a38f3f63'::uuid, null,
-- '', 'some new E-Mail-Address', '{}'::jsonb, null);
delete from hs_hosting.asset where uuid='5aea68d2-3b55-464f-8362-b05c76c5a681'::uuid;
delete from hs_hosting_asset where uuid='5aea68d2-3b55-464f-8362-b05c76c5a681'::uuid;
-- single version at point in time
@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ set hsadminng.tx_history_txid to '';
set hsadminng.tx_history_timestamp to '2024-08-29 12:42';
-- all versions
select base.tx_history_txid(), txc.txtimestamp, txc.currentSubject, txc.currentTask, haex.*
from hs_hosting.asset_ex haex
from hs_hosting_asset_ex haex
join base.tx_context txc on haex.txid=txc.txid
where haex.identifier = '';
select uuid, version, type, identifier, caption from hs_hosting.asset_hv p where identifier = '';
select uuid, version, type, identifier, caption from hs_hosting_asset_hv p where identifier = '';
select pg_current_xact_id();

View File

@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
-- --------------------------------------------------------
select rbac.isGranted(rbac.findRoleId('administrators'), rbac.findRoleId('rbactest.package#aaa00:OWNER'));
select rbac.isGranted(rbac.findRoleId('rbactest.package#aaa00:OWNER'), rbac.findRoleId('administrators'));
-- call rbac.grantRoleToRole(findRoleId('rbactest.package#aaa00:OWNER'), findRoleId('administrators'));
-- call rbac.grantRoleToRole(findRoleId('administrators'), findRoleId('rbactest.package#aaa00:OWNER'));
select rbac.isGranted(rbac.findRoleId('administrators'), rbac.findRoleId('test.package#aaa00:OWNER'));
select rbac.isGranted(rbac.findRoleId('test.package#aaa00:OWNER'), rbac.findRoleId('administrators'));
-- call rbac.grantRoleToRole(findRoleId('test.package#aaa00:OWNER'), findRoleId('administrators'));
-- call rbac.grantRoleToRole(findRoleId('administrators'), findRoleId('test.package#aaa00:OWNER'));
select count(*)
FROM rbac.queryAllPermissionsOfSubjectIdForObjectUuids(rbac.findRbacSubject(''),
ARRAY(select uuid from rbactest.customer where reference < 1100000));
ARRAY(select uuid from test.customer where reference < 1100000));
select count(*)
FROM rbac.queryAllPermissionsOfSubjectId(findRbacSubject(''));
select *

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ CREATE POLICY customer_policy ON customer
TO restricted
-- id=1000
rbac.isPermissionGrantedToSubject(rbac.findEffectivePermissionId('rbactest.customer', id, 'SELECT'), rbac.currentSubjectUuid())
rbac.isPermissionGrantedToSubject(rbac.findEffectivePermissionId('test.customer', id, 'SELECT'), rbac.currentSubjectUuid())
@ -31,28 +31,28 @@ SELECT * from customer;
DROP VIEW cust_view;
CREATE VIEW cust_view AS
SELECT * FROM rbactest.customer;
SELECT * FROM test.customer;
ON SELECT TO cust_view
SELECT * FROM rbactest.customer WHERE rbac.isPermissionGrantedToSubject(rbac.findEffectivePermissionId('rbactest.customer', id, 'SELECT'), rbac.currentSubjectUuid());
SELECT * FROM test.customer WHERE rbac.isPermissionGrantedToSubject(rbac.findEffectivePermissionId('test.customer', id, 'SELECT'), rbac.currentSubjectUuid());
SELECT * from cust_view LIMIT 10;
select rbac.queryAllPermissionsOfSubjectId(findRbacSubject(''));
-- access control via view-rule with join to recursive permissions - really fast (38ms for 1 million rows)
FROM rbactest.customer;
FROM test.customer;
ON SELECT TO cust_view
SELECT c.uuid, c.reference, c.prefix FROM rbactest.customer AS c
SELECT c.uuid, c.reference, c.prefix FROM test.customer AS c
JOIN rbac.queryAllPermissionsOfSubjectId(rbac.currentSubjectUuid()) AS p
ON p.objectTable='rbactest.customer' AND p.objectUuid=c.uuid;
ON p.objectTable='test.customer' AND p.objectUuid=c.uuid;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON cust_view TO restricted;
@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ select rr.uuid, rr.type from rbac.RbacGrants g
join rbac.RbacReference RR on g.ascendantUuid = RR.uuid
where g.descendantUuid in (
select uuid from rbac.queryAllPermissionsOfSubjectId(findRbacSubject(''))
where objectTable='rbactest.customer');
where objectTable='test.customer');
call rbac.grantRoleToUser(rbac.findRoleId('rbactest.customer#aaa:ADMIN'), rbac.findRbacSubject(''));
call rbac.grantRoleToUser(rbac.findRoleId('test.customer#aaa:ADMIN'), rbac.findRbacSubject(''));
select rbac.queryAllPermissionsOfSubjectId(findRbacSubject(''));

View File

@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ select * from hs_statistics_v;
-- This is the extracted recursive CTE query to determine the visible object UUIDs of a single table
-- (and optionally the hosting-asset-type) as a separate VIEW.
-- In the generated code this is part of the hs_hosting.asset_rv VIEW.
-- In the generated code this is part of the hs_hosting_asset_rv VIEW.
drop view if exists hs_hosting.asset_example_gv;
create view hs_hosting.asset_example_gv as
drop view if exists hs_hosting_asset_example_gv;
create view hs_hosting_asset_example_gv as
with recursive
recursive_grants as (
select distinct rbacgrants.descendantuuid,
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ select distinct perm.objectuuid
join rbacpermission perm on recursive_grants.descendantuuid = perm.uuid
join rbacobject obj on obj.uuid = perm.objectuuid
join count_check cc on cc.valid
where obj.objecttable::text = 'hs_hosting.asset'::text
where obj.objecttable::text = 'hs_hosting_asset'::text
-- with/without this type condition
-- and obj.type = 'EMAIL_ADDRESS'::hshostingassettype
and obj.type = 'EMAIL_ADDRESS'::hshostingassettype
@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ select distinct perm.objectuuid
rollback transaction;
begin transaction;
CALL defineContext('performance testing', null, '',
-- 'hs_booking.project#D-1000300-mihdefaultproject:ADMIN');
-- 'hs_booking_project#D-1000300-mihdefaultproject:ADMIN');
EXPLAIN ANALYZE select * from hs_hosting.asset_example_gv;
EXPLAIN ANALYZE select * from hs_hosting_asset_example_gv;
end transaction ;
-- ========================================================
@ -64,15 +64,15 @@ end transaction ;
-- An example for a restricted view (_rv) similar to the one generated by our RBAC system,
-- but using the above separate VIEW to determine the visible objects.
drop view if exists hs_hosting.asset_example_rv;
create view hs_hosting.asset_example_rv as
with accessible_hs_hosting.asset_uuids as (
select * from hs_hosting.asset_example_gv
drop view if exists hs_hosting_asset_example_rv;
create view hs_hosting_asset_example_rv as
with accessible_hs_hosting_asset_uuids as (
select * from hs_hosting_asset_example_gv
select target.*
from hs_hosting.asset target
where (target.uuid in (select accessible_hs_hosting.asset_uuids.objectuuid
from accessible_hs_hosting.asset_uuids));
from hs_hosting_asset target
where (target.uuid in (select accessible_hs_hosting_asset_uuids.objectuuid
from accessible_hs_hosting_asset_uuids));
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ BEGIN
start_time := clock_timestamp();
CALL defineContext('performance testing', null, '',
-- 'hs_booking.project#D-1000300-mihdefaultproject:ADMIN');
-- 'hs_booking_project#D-1000300-mihdefaultproject:ADMIN');
FOR i IN 0..25 LOOP
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ BEGIN
-- An example for a business query based on the view:
select type, uuid, identifier, caption
from hs_hosting.asset_example_rv
from hs_hosting_asset_example_rv
where type = 'EMAIL_ADDRESS'
and identifier like letter || '%'
-- end of the business query example.
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ BEGIN
-- average seconds per recursive CTE select as role 'hs_hosting.asset:<DEBITOR>defaultproject:ADMIN'
-- average seconds per recursive CTE select as role 'hs_hosting_asset:<DEBITOR>defaultproject:ADMIN'
-- joined with business query for all 'EMAIL_ADDRESSES':
-- D-1000000-hsh D-1000300-mih
-- - without type comparison in rbacobject: ~3.30 - ~3.49 ~0.23
@ -128,15 +128,15 @@ $$;
rollback transaction;
begin transaction;
CALL defineContext('performance testing', null, '',
-- 'hs_booking.project#D-1000300-mihdefaultproject:ADMIN');
-- 'hs_booking_project#D-1000300-mihdefaultproject:ADMIN');
-- An example for a business query based on the view:
select type, uuid, identifier, caption
from hs_hosting.asset_example_rv
from hs_hosting_asset_example_rv
where type = 'EMAIL_ADDRESS'
-- and identifier like 'b%'
-- end of the business query example.
@ -151,17 +151,17 @@ end transaction;
alter table rbacobject
-- just for performance testing, we would need a joined enum or a varchar(16) which would make it slow
add column type hs_hosting.AssetType;
add column type hshostingassettype;
-- and fill the type column with hs_hosting.asset types:
-- and fill the type column with hs_hosting_asset types:
rollback transaction;
begin transaction;
call defineContext('setting rbacobject.type from hs_hosting.asset.type', null, '');
call defineContext('setting rbacobject.type from hs_hosting_asset.type', null, '');
UPDATE rbacobject
SET type = hs.type
FROM hs_hosting.asset hs
FROM hs_hosting_asset hs
WHERE rbacobject.uuid = hs.uuid;
end transaction;

View File

@ -9,25 +9,15 @@ import java.lang.annotation.Target;
public @interface DisplayAs {
class DisplayName {
public static String of(final Class<?> clazz) {
final var displayNameAnnot = getDisplayNameAnnotation(clazz);
final var displayNameAnnot = clazz.getAnnotation(DisplayAs.class);
return displayNameAnnot != null ? displayNameAnnot.value() : clazz.getSimpleName();
public static String of(@NotNull final Object instance) {
return of(instance.getClass());
private static DisplayAs getDisplayNameAnnotation(final Class<?> clazz) {
if (clazz == null) {
return null;
final var annot = clazz.getAnnotation(DisplayAs.class);
return annot != null ? annot : getDisplayNameAnnotation(clazz.getSuperclass());
String value() default "";

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.stringify.Stringify.stringify;
// a partial HsOfficeDebitorEntity to reduce the number of SQL queries to load the entity
@Table(schema = "hs_booking", name = "debitor_xv")
@Table(name = "hs_booking_debitor_xv")

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
import lombok.Getter;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationEvent;
import jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull;
public class BookingItemCreatedEvent extends ApplicationEvent {
private final @NotNull HsBookingItem newBookingItem;
public BookingItemCreatedEvent(@NotNull HsBookingItemController source, @NotNull final HsBookingItem newBookingItem) {
this.newBookingItem = newBookingItem;

View File

@ -5,19 +5,17 @@ import
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.KeyValueMap;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.StrictMapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.persistence.EntityManagerWrapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.Mapper;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationEventPublisher;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.MvcUriComponentsBuilder;
import jakarta.persistence.EntityManager;
import jakarta.persistence.PersistenceContext;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
@ -32,16 +30,13 @@ public class HsBookingItemController implements HsBookingItemsApi {
private Context context;
private StrictMapper mapper;
private ApplicationEventPublisher applicationEventPublisher;
private Mapper mapper;
private HsBookingItemRbacRepository bookingItemRepo;
private EntityManagerWrapper em;
private EntityManager em;
@Transactional(readOnly = true)
@ -53,7 +48,7 @@ public class HsBookingItemController implements HsBookingItemsApi {
final var entities = bookingItemRepo.findAllByProjectUuid(projectUuid);
final var resources = mapper.mapList(entities, HsBookingItemResource.class, RBAC_ENTITY_TO_RESOURCE_POSTMAPPER);
final var resources = mapper.mapList(entities, HsBookingItemResource.class, ENTITY_TO_RESOURCE_POSTMAPPER);
return ResponseEntity.ok(resources);
@ -67,23 +62,15 @@ public class HsBookingItemController implements HsBookingItemsApi {
context.define(currentSubject, assumedRoles);
final var entityToSave =, HsBookingItemRbacEntity.class, RESOURCE_TO_ENTITY_POSTMAPPER);
final var saveProcessor = new BookingItemEntitySaveProcessor(em, entityToSave);
final var mapped = saveProcessor
.mapUsing(e ->, HsBookingItemResource.class, ITEM_TO_RESOURCE_POSTMAPPER))
applicationEventPublisher.publishEvent(new BookingItemCreatedEvent(this, saveProcessor.getEntity()));
final var saved = HsBookingItemEntityValidatorRegistry.validated(em,;
final var uri =
final var mapped =, HsBookingItemResource.class, ENTITY_TO_RESOURCE_POSTMAPPER);
return ResponseEntity.created(uri).body(mapped);
@ -100,7 +87,7 @@ public class HsBookingItemController implements HsBookingItemsApi {
result.ifPresent(entity -> em.detach(entity)); // prevent further LAZY-loading
return result
.map(bookingItemEntity -> ResponseEntity.ok(, HsBookingItemResource.class, RBAC_ENTITY_TO_RESOURCE_POSTMAPPER))), HsBookingItemResource.class, ENTITY_TO_RESOURCE_POSTMAPPER)))
.orElseGet(() -> ResponseEntity.notFound().build());
@ -133,21 +120,18 @@ public class HsBookingItemController implements HsBookingItemsApi {
new HsBookingItemEntityPatcher(current).apply(body);
final var saved =, current));
final var mapped =, HsBookingItemResource.class, RBAC_ENTITY_TO_RESOURCE_POSTMAPPER);
final var mapped =, HsBookingItemResource.class, ENTITY_TO_RESOURCE_POSTMAPPER);
return ResponseEntity.ok(mapped);
final BiConsumer<HsBookingItem, HsBookingItemResource> ITEM_TO_RESOURCE_POSTMAPPER = (entity, resource) -> {
final BiConsumer<HsBookingItemRbacEntity, HsBookingItemResource> ENTITY_TO_RESOURCE_POSTMAPPER = (entity, resource) -> {
if (entity.getValidity().hasUpperBound()) {
final BiConsumer<HsBookingItemRbacEntity, HsBookingItemResource> RBAC_ENTITY_TO_RESOURCE_POSTMAPPER = ITEM_TO_RESOURCE_POSTMAPPER::accept;
final BiConsumer<HsBookingItemInsertResource, HsBookingItemRbacEntity> RESOURCE_TO_ENTITY_POSTMAPPER = (resource, entity) -> {
entity.setProject(em.find(HsBookingProjectRealEntity.class, resource.getProjectUuid()));
entity.setValidity(toPostgresDateRange(, resource.getValidTo()));

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.experimental.SuperBuilder;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.SQL;
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.SQL.directlyFetc
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.rbacViewFor;
@Table(schema = "hs_booking", name = "item_rv")
@Table(name = "hs_booking_item_rv")
@SuperBuilder(toBuilder = true)
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ public class HsBookingItemRbacEntity extends HsBookingItem {
.toRole(GLOBAL, ADMIN).grantPermission(INSERT) // TODO.impl: Why is this necessary to insert test data?
.toRole(GLOBAL, ADMIN).grantPermission(DELETE)
.importEntityAlias("project", HsBookingProjectRbacEntity.class, usingDefaultCase(),
.importEntityAlias("project", HsBookingProject.class, usingDefaultCase(),

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import jakarta.persistence.Table;
@Table(schema = "hs_booking", name = "item")
@Table(name = "hs_booking_item")
@SuperBuilder(toBuilder = true)

View File

@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
import lombok.Getter;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.errors.MultiValidationException;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.hs.validation.HsEntityValidator;
import jakarta.persistence.EntityManager;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
// TODO.refa: introduce common base class with HsHostingAssetEntitySaveProcessor
* Wraps the steps of the pararation, validation, mapping and revamp around saving of a HsBookingItem into a readable API.
public class BookingItemEntitySaveProcessor {
private final HsEntityValidator<HsBookingItem> validator;
private String expectedStep = "preprocessEntity";
private final EntityManager em;
private HsBookingItem entity;
private HsBookingItemResource resource;
public BookingItemEntitySaveProcessor(final EntityManager em, final HsBookingItem entity) {
this.em = em;
this.entity = entity;
this.validator = HsBookingItemEntityValidatorRegistry.forType(entity.getType());
/// initial step allowing to set default values before any validations
public BookingItemEntitySaveProcessor preprocessEntity() {
step("preprocessEntity", "validateEntity");
return this;
/// validates the entity itself including its properties
public BookingItemEntitySaveProcessor validateEntity() {
step("validateEntity", "prepareForSave");
return this;
// TODO.impl: remove once the migration of legacy data is done
/// validates the entity itself including its properties, but ignoring some error messages for import of legacy data
public BookingItemEntitySaveProcessor validateEntityIgnoring(final String... ignoreRegExp) {
step("validateEntity", "prepareForSave");
final var ignoreRegExpPatterns =;
.filter(error -> -> p.matcher(error).matches() ))
return this;
/// hashing passwords etc.
public BookingItemEntitySaveProcessor prepareForSave() {
step("prepareForSave", "save");
validator.prepareProperties(em, entity);
return this;
* Saves the entity using the given `saveFunction`.
* <p>`validator.postPersist(em, entity)` is NOT called.
* If any postprocessing is necessary, the saveFunction has to implement this.</p>
* @param saveFunction
* @return this
public BookingItemEntitySaveProcessor saveUsing(final Function<HsBookingItem, HsBookingItem> saveFunction) {
step("save", "validateContext");
entity = saveFunction.apply(entity);
return this;
* Saves the using the `EntityManager`, but does NOT ever merge the entity.
* <p>`validator.postPersist(em, entity)` is called afterwards with the entity guaranteed to be flushed to the database.</p>
* @return this
public BookingItemEntitySaveProcessor save() {
return saveUsing(e -> {
if (!em.contains(entity)) {
em.flush(); // makes RbacEntity available as RealEntity if needed
validator.postPersist(em, entity);
return entity;
/// validates the entity within it's parent and child hierarchy (e.g. totals validators and other limits)
public BookingItemEntitySaveProcessor validateContext() {
step("validateContext", "mapUsing");
return HsEntityValidator.doWithEntityManager(em, () -> {
return this;
/// maps entity to JSON resource representation
public BookingItemEntitySaveProcessor mapUsing(
final Function<HsBookingItem, HsBookingItemResource> mapFunction) {
step("mapUsing", "revampProperties");
resource = mapFunction.apply(entity);
return this;
/// removes write-only-properties and ads computed-properties
public HsBookingItemResource revampProperties() {
step("revampProperties", null);
final var revampedProps = validator.revampProperties(em, entity, (Map<String, Object>) resource.getResources());
return resource;
// Makes sure that the steps are called in the correct order.
// Could also be implemented using an interface per method, but that seems exaggerated.
private void step(final String current, final String next) {
if (!expectedStep.equals(current)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("expected " + expectedStep + " but got " + current);
expectedStep = next;

View File

@ -48,11 +48,10 @@ public class HsBookingItemEntityValidatorRegistry {
public static List<String> doValidate(final EntityManager em, final HsBookingItem bookingItem) {
final var bookingItemValidator = HsBookingItemEntityValidatorRegistry.forType(bookingItem.getType());
return HsEntityValidator.doWithEntityManager(em, () ->
() -> bookingItemValidator.validateEntity(bookingItem),
() -> bookingItemValidator.validateContext(bookingItem))
() -> HsBookingItemEntityValidatorRegistry.forType(bookingItem.getType()).validateEntity(bookingItem),
() -> HsBookingItemEntityValidatorRegistry.forType(bookingItem.getType()).validateContext(bookingItem))

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
@ -16,9 +15,6 @@ class HsDomainSetupBookingItemValidator extends HsBookingItemEntityValidator {
public static final String FQDN_REGEX = "^((?!-)[A-Za-z0-9-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.)+[A-Za-z]{2,12}";
public static final String DOMAIN_NAME_PROPERTY_NAME = "domainName";
public static final String TARGET_UNIX_USER_PROPERTY_NAME = "targetUnixUser";
public static final String WEBSPACE_NAME_REGEX = "[a-z][a-z0-9]{2}[0-9]{2}";
public static final String TARGET_UNIX_USER_NAME_REGEX = "^"+WEBSPACE_NAME_REGEX+"$|^"+WEBSPACE_NAME_REGEX+"-[a-z0-9\\._-]+$";
public static final String VERIFICATION_CODE_PROPERTY_NAME = "verificationCode";
HsDomainSetupBookingItemValidator() {
@ -28,12 +24,6 @@ class HsDomainSetupBookingItemValidator extends HsBookingItemEntityValidator {
.matchesRegEx(FQDN_REGEX).describedAs("is not a (non-top-level) fully qualified domain name")
.notMatchesRegEx(REGISTRAR_LEVEL_DOMAINS).describedAs("is a forbidden registrar-level domain name")
// TODO.legacy: remove the following property once we give up legacy compatibility
.matchesRegEx(TARGET_UNIX_USER_NAME_REGEX).describedAs("is not a valid unix-user name")
@ -55,11 +45,6 @@ class HsDomainSetupBookingItemValidator extends HsBookingItemEntityValidator {
private static String generateVerificationCode(final EntityManager em, final PropertiesProvider propertiesProvider) {
final var userDefinedVerificationCode = propertiesProvider.getDirectValue(VERIFICATION_CODE_PROPERTY_NAME, String.class);
if (userDefinedVerificationCode != null) {
return userDefinedVerificationCode;
final var alphaNumeric = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ23456789";
final var secureRandom = new SecureRandom();
final var sb = new StringBuilder();

View File

@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ public abstract class HsBookingProject implements Stringifyable, BaseEntity<HsBo
public static RbacView rbac() {
return rbacViewFor("project", HsBookingProjectRbacEntity.class)
return rbacViewFor("project", HsBookingProject.class)
SELECT bookingProject.uuid as uuid, debitorIV.idName || '-' || base.cleanIdentifier(bookingProject.caption) as idName
FROM hs_booking.project bookingProject
JOIN hs_office.debitor_iv debitorIV ON debitorIV.uuid = bookingProject.debitorUuid
FROM hs_booking_project bookingProject
JOIN hs_office_debitor_iv debitorIV ON debitorIV.uuid = bookingProject.debitorUuid
.withUpdatableColumns("version", "caption")
@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ public abstract class HsBookingProject implements Stringifyable, BaseEntity<HsBo
SELECT ${columns}
FROM hs_office.relation debitorRel
JOIN hs_office.debitor debitor ON debitor.debitorRelUuid = debitorRel.uuid
FROM hs_office_relation debitorRel
JOIN hs_office_debitor debitor ON debitor.debitorRelUuid = debitorRel.uuid
WHERE debitor.uuid = ${REF}.debitorUuid

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.StandardMapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.Mapper;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public class HsBookingProjectController implements HsBookingProjectsApi {
private Context context;
private StandardMapper mapper;
private Mapper mapper;
private HsBookingProjectRbacRepository bookingProjectRepo;

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.SQL.fetchedBySql
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.rbacViewFor;
@Table(schema = "hs_booking", name = "project_rv")
@Table(name = "hs_booking_project_rv")
@SuperBuilder(toBuilder = true)
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ public class HsBookingProjectRbacEntity extends HsBookingProject {
return rbacViewFor("project", HsBookingProjectRbacEntity.class)
SELECT bookingProject.uuid as uuid, debitorIV.idName || '-' || base.cleanIdentifier(bookingProject.caption) as idName
FROM hs_booking.project bookingProject
JOIN hs_office.debitor_iv debitorIV ON debitorIV.uuid = bookingProject.debitorUuid
FROM hs_booking_project bookingProject
JOIN hs_office_debitor_iv debitorIV ON debitorIV.uuid = bookingProject.debitorUuid
.withUpdatableColumns("version", "caption")
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ public class HsBookingProjectRbacEntity extends HsBookingProject {
SELECT ${columns}
FROM hs_office.relation debitorRel
JOIN hs_office.debitor debitor ON debitor.debitorRelUuid = debitorRel.uuid
FROM hs_office_relation debitorRel
JOIN hs_office_debitor debitor ON debitor.debitorRelUuid = debitorRel.uuid
WHERE debitor.uuid = ${REF}.debitorUuid

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import jakarta.persistence.Table;
@Table(schema = "hs_booking", name = "project")
@Table(name = "hs_booking_project")
@SuperBuilder(toBuilder = true)

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.persistence.EntityManagerWrapper;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import java.util.List;
public class HsBookingItemCreatedListener implements ApplicationListener<BookingItemCreatedEvent> {
private EntityManagerWrapper emw;
public void onApplicationEvent(final BookingItemCreatedEvent event) {
System.out.println("Received newly created booking item: " + event.getNewBookingItem());
final var newBookingItemRealEntity =
emw.getReference(HsBookingItemRealEntity.class, event.getNewBookingItem().getUuid());
final var newHostingAsset = switch (newBookingItemRealEntity.getType()) {
case PRIVATE_CLOUD -> null;
case CLOUD_SERVER -> null;
case MANAGED_SERVER -> null;
case MANAGED_WEBSPACE -> null;
case DOMAIN_SETUP -> createDomainSetupHostingAsset(newBookingItemRealEntity);
if (newHostingAsset != null) {
try {
new HostingAssetEntitySaveProcessor(emw, newHostingAsset)
} catch (final Exception e) {
// TODO.impl: store status in a separate field, maybe enum+message
newBookingItemRealEntity.getResources().put("status", e.getMessage());
private HsHostingAsset createDomainSetupHostingAsset(final HsBookingItemRealEntity fromBookingItem) {
return HsHostingAssetRbacEntity.builder()
.identifier(fromBookingItem.getDirectValue("domainName", String.class))

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.KeyValueMap;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.StandardMapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.Mapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.persistence.EntityManagerWrapper;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public class HsHostingAssetController implements HsHostingAssetsApi {
private Context context;
private StandardMapper mapper;
private Mapper mapper;
private HsHostingAssetRbacRepository rbacAssetRepo;

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.experimental.SuperBuilder;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.SQL;
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.SQL.directlyFetc
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.rbacViewFor;
@Table(schema = "hs_hosting", name = "asset_rv")
@Table(name = "hs_hosting_asset_rv")
@SuperBuilder(toBuilder = true)
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public class HsHostingAssetRbacEntity extends HsHostingAsset {
.withUpdatableColumns("version", "caption", "config", "assignedToAssetUuid", "alarmContactUuid")
.toRole(GLOBAL, ADMIN).grantPermission(INSERT) // TODO.impl: Why is this necessary to insert test data?
.importEntityAlias("bookingItem", HsBookingItemRbacEntity.class, usingDefaultCase(),
.importEntityAlias("bookingItem", HsBookingItem.class, usingDefaultCase(),

View File

@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ public interface HsHostingAssetRbacRepository extends HsHostingAssetRepository<H
from hs_hosting.asset_rv ha
left join hs_booking.item bi on bi.uuid = ha.bookingitemuuid
left join hs_hosting.asset pha on pha.uuid = ha.parentassetuuid
from hs_hosting_asset_rv ha
left join hs_booking_item bi on bi.uuid = ha.bookingitemuuid
left join hs_hosting_asset pha on pha.uuid = ha.parentassetuuid
where (:projectUuid is null or bi.projectuuid=:projectUuid)
and (:parentAssetUuid is null or pha.uuid=:parentAssetUuid)
and (:type is null or :type=cast(ha.type as text))
""", nativeQuery = true)
// The JPQL query did not generate "left join" but just "join".
// I also optimized the query by not using the _rv for hs_booking.item and hs_hosting.asset, only for hs_hosting.asset_rv.
// I also optimized the query by not using the _rv for hs_booking_item and hs_hosting_asset, only for hs_hosting_asset_rv.
List<HsHostingAssetRbacEntity> findAllByCriteriaImpl(UUID projectUuid, UUID parentAssetUuid, String type);
default List<HsHostingAssetRbacEntity> findAllByCriteria(final UUID projectUuid, final UUID parentAssetUuid, final HsHostingAssetType type) {
return findAllByCriteriaImpl(projectUuid, parentAssetUuid, HsHostingAssetType.asString(type));

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import jakarta.persistence.Entity;
import jakarta.persistence.Table;
@Table(schema = "hs_hosting", name = "asset")
@Table(name = "hs_hosting_asset")
@SuperBuilder(builderMethodName = "genericBuilder", toBuilder = true)

View File

@ -24,15 +24,15 @@ public interface HsHostingAssetRealRepository extends HsHostingAssetRepository<H
from hs_hosting.asset_rv ha
left join hs_booking.item bi on bi.uuid = ha.bookingitemuuid
left join hs_hosting.asset pha on pha.uuid = ha.parentassetuuid
from hs_hosting_asset_rv ha
left join hs_booking_item bi on bi.uuid = ha.bookingitemuuid
left join hs_hosting_asset pha on pha.uuid = ha.parentassetuuid
where (:projectUuid is null or bi.projectuuid=:projectUuid)
and (:parentAssetUuid is null or pha.uuid=:parentAssetUuid)
and (:type is null or :type=cast(ha.type as text))
""", nativeQuery = true)
// The JPQL query did not generate "left join" but just "join".
// I also optimized the query by not using the _rv for hs_booking.item and hs_hosting.asset, only for hs_hosting.asset_rv.
// I also optimized the query by not using the _rv for hs_booking_item and hs_hosting_asset, only for hs_hosting_asset_rv.
List<HsHostingAssetRealEntity> findAllByCriteriaImpl(UUID projectUuid, UUID parentAssetUuid, String type);
default List<HsHostingAssetRealEntity> findAllByCriteria(final UUID projectUuid, final UUID parentAssetUuid, final HsHostingAssetType type) {
return findAllByCriteriaImpl(projectUuid, parentAssetUuid, HsHostingAssetType.asString(type));

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class HsUnixUserHostingAssetValidator extends HostingAssetEntityValidator {
private static Integer computeUserId(final EntityManager em, final PropertiesProvider propertiesProvider) {
final Object result = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT nextval('hs_hosting.asset_unixuser_system_id_seq')", Integer.class)
final Object result = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT nextval('hs_hosting_asset_unixuser_system_id_seq')", Integer.class)
return (Integer) result;

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.context.Context;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.StandardMapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.Mapper;
import org.iban4j.BicUtil;
import org.iban4j.IbanUtil;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public class HsOfficeBankAccountController implements HsOfficeBankAccountsApi {
private Context context;
private StandardMapper mapper;
private Mapper mapper;
private HsOfficeBankAccountRepository bankAccountRepo;

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.Role.*;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.stringify.Stringify.stringify;
@Table(schema = "hs_office", name = "bankaccount_rv")
@Table(name = "hs_office_bankaccount_rv")

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.StandardMapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.Mapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.context.Context;
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public class HsOfficeContactController implements HsOfficeContactsApi {
private Context context;
private StandardMapper mapper;
private Mapper mapper;
private HsOfficeContactRbacRepository contactRepo;

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.Role.*;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.rbacViewFor;
@Table(schema = "hs_office", name = "contact_rv")
@Table(name = "hs_office_contact_rv")

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import jakarta.persistence.Entity;
import jakarta.persistence.Table;
@Table(schema = "hs_office", name = "contact")
@Table(name = "hs_office_contact")

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.context.Context;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.errors.MultiValidationException;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.StandardMapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.Mapper;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat;
import org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat.ISO;
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ public class HsOfficeCoopAssetsTransactionController implements HsOfficeCoopAsse
private Context context;
private StandardMapper mapper;
private Mapper mapper;
private HsOfficeCoopAssetsTransactionRepository coopAssetsTransactionRepo;

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.rbacViewFor;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.stringify.Stringify.stringify;
@Table(schema = "hs_office", name = "coopassettx_rv")
@Table(name = "hs_office_coopassetstransaction_rv")

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.errors.MultiValidationException;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.StandardMapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.Mapper;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat;
import org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat.ISO;
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public class HsOfficeCoopSharesTransactionController implements HsOfficeCoopShar
private Context context;
private StandardMapper mapper;
private Mapper mapper;
private HsOfficeCoopSharesTransactionRepository coopSharesTransactionRepo;

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.rbacViewFor;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.stringify.Stringify.stringify;
@Table(schema = "hs_office", name = "coopsharetx_rv")
@Table(name = "hs_office_coopsharestransaction_rv")

View File

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ import
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.StandardMapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.persistence.EntityExistsValidator;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.Mapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.object.BaseEntity;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
import org.hibernate.Hibernate;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import jakarta.validation.ValidationException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.errors.DisplayAs.DisplayName;
import static;
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ public class HsOfficeDebitorController implements HsOfficeDebitorsApi {
private Context context;
private StandardMapper mapper;
private Mapper mapper;
private HsOfficeDebitorRepository debitorRepo;
@ -41,9 +42,6 @@ public class HsOfficeDebitorController implements HsOfficeDebitorsApi {
private HsOfficeRelationRealRepository relrealRepo;
private EntityExistsValidator entityValidator;
private EntityManager em;
@ -86,10 +84,10 @@ public class HsOfficeDebitorController implements HsOfficeDebitorsApi {
final var entityToSave =, HsOfficeDebitorEntity.class);
if ( body.getDebitorRel() != null ) {
final var debitorRel ="debitorRel.", body.getDebitorRel(), HsOfficeRelationRealEntity.class);
entityValidator.validateEntityExists("debitorRel.anchorUuid", debitorRel.getAnchor());
entityValidator.validateEntityExists("debitorRel.holderUuid", debitorRel.getHolder());
entityValidator.validateEntityExists("debitorRel.contactUuid", debitorRel.getContact());
final var debitorRel =, HsOfficeRelationRealEntity.class);
validateEntityExists("debitorRel.anchorUuid", debitorRel.getAnchor());
validateEntityExists("debitorRel.holderUuid", debitorRel.getHolder());
validateEntityExists("debitorRel.contactUuid", debitorRel.getContact());
} else {
final var debitorRelOptional = relrealRepo.findByUuid(body.getDebitorRelUuid());
@ -162,4 +160,15 @@ public class HsOfficeDebitorController implements HsOfficeDebitorsApi {
final var mapped =, HsOfficeDebitorResource.class);
return ResponseEntity.ok(mapped);
// TODO.impl: extract this to some generally usable class?
private <T extends BaseEntity<T>> T validateEntityExists(final String property, final T entitySkeleton) {
final var foundEntity = em.find(entitySkeleton.getClass(), entitySkeleton.getUuid());
if ( foundEntity == null) {
throw new ValidationException("Unable to find " + DisplayName.of(entitySkeleton) + " by " + property + ": " + entitySkeleton.getUuid());
//noinspection unchecked
return (T) foundEntity;

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.rbacViewFor;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.stringify.Stringify.stringify;
@Table(schema = "hs_office", name = "debitor_rv")
@Table(name = "hs_office_debitor_rv")
@Builder(toBuilder = true)
@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ public class HsOfficeDebitorEntity implements BaseEntity<HsOfficeDebitorEntity>,
value = """
SELECT DISTINCT partner.uuid
FROM hs_office.partner_rv partner
JOIN hs_office.relation_rv dRel
FROM hs_office_partner_rv partner
JOIN hs_office_relation_rv dRel
ON dRel.uuid = debitorreluuid AND dRel.type = 'DEBITOR'
JOIN hs_office.relation_rv pRel
JOIN hs_office_relation_rv pRel
ON pRel.uuid = partner.partnerRelUuid AND pRel.type = 'PARTNER'
WHERE pRel.holderUuid = dRel.anchorUuid
@ -170,14 +170,14 @@ public class HsOfficeDebitorEntity implements BaseEntity<HsOfficeDebitorEntity>,
SELECT debitor.uuid AS uuid,
'D-' || (SELECT partner.partnerNumber
FROM hs_office.partner partner
JOIN hs_office.relation partnerRel
FROM hs_office_partner partner
JOIN hs_office_relation partnerRel
ON partnerRel.uuid = partner.partnerRelUUid AND partnerRel.type = 'PARTNER'
JOIN hs_office.relation debitorRel
JOIN hs_office_relation debitorRel
ON debitorRel.anchorUuid = partnerRel.holderUuid AND debitorRel.type = 'DEBITOR'
WHERE debitorRel.uuid = debitor.debitorRelUuid)
|| debitorNumberSuffix as idName
FROM hs_office.debitor AS debitor
FROM hs_office_debitor AS debitor
@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ public class HsOfficeDebitorEntity implements BaseEntity<HsOfficeDebitorEntity>,
SELECT ${columns}
FROM hs_office.relation AS partnerRel
JOIN hs_office.relation AS debitorRel
FROM hs_office_relation AS partnerRel
JOIN hs_office_relation AS debitorRel
ON debitorRel.type = 'DEBITOR' AND debitorRel.anchorUuid = partnerRel.holderUuid
WHERE partnerRel.type = 'PARTNER'
AND ${REF}.debitorRelUuid = debitorRel.uuid

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.StandardMapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.Mapper;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public class HsOfficeMembershipController implements HsOfficeMembershipsApi {
private Context context;
private StandardMapper mapper;
private Mapper mapper;
private HsOfficeMembershipRepository membershipRepo;

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.rbacViewFor;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.stringify.Stringify.stringify;
@Table(schema = "hs_office", name = "membership_rv")
@Table(name = "hs_office_membership_rv")
@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ public class HsOfficeMembershipEntity implements BaseEntity<HsOfficeMembershipEn
SELECT m.uuid AS uuid,
'M-' || p.partnerNumber || m.memberNumberSuffix as idName
FROM hs_office.membership AS m
JOIN hs_office.partner AS p ON p.uuid = m.partnerUuid
FROM hs_office_membership AS m
JOIN hs_office_partner AS p ON p.uuid = m.partnerUuid
.withUpdatableColumns("validity", "membershipFeeBillable", "status")
@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ public class HsOfficeMembershipEntity implements BaseEntity<HsOfficeMembershipEn
SELECT ${columns}
FROM hs_office.partner AS partner
JOIN hs_office.relation AS partnerRel ON partnerRel.uuid = partner.partnerRelUuid
FROM hs_office_partner AS partner
JOIN hs_office_relation AS partnerRel ON partnerRel.uuid = partner.partnerRelUuid
WHERE partner.uuid = ${REF}.partnerUuid

View File

@ -2,18 +2,18 @@ package;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.EntityPatcher;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.StandardMapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.Mapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.OptionalFromJson;
import java.util.Optional;
public class HsOfficeMembershipEntityPatcher implements EntityPatcher<HsOfficeMembershipPatchResource> {
private final StandardMapper mapper;
private final Mapper mapper;
private final HsOfficeMembershipEntity entity;
public HsOfficeMembershipEntityPatcher(
final StandardMapper mapper,
final Mapper mapper,
final HsOfficeMembershipEntity entity) {
this.mapper = mapper;
this.entity = entity;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.StandardMapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.Mapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.object.BaseEntity;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ public class HsOfficePartnerController implements HsOfficePartnersApi {
private Context context;
private StandardMapper mapper;
private Mapper mapper;
private HsOfficePartnerRepository partnerRepo;

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.rbacViewFor;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.stringify.Stringify.stringify;
@Table(schema = "hs_office", name = "partner_details_rv")
@Table(name = "hs_office_partner_details_rv")
@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ public class HsOfficePartnerDetailsEntity implements BaseEntity<HsOfficePartnerD
return rbacViewFor("partnerDetails", HsOfficePartnerDetailsEntity.class)
SELECT partnerDetails.uuid as uuid, partner_iv.idName as idName
FROM hs_office.partner_details AS partnerDetails
JOIN hs_office.partner partner ON partner.detailsUuid = partnerDetails.uuid
JOIN hs_office.partner_iv partner_iv ON partner_iv.uuid = partner.uuid
FROM hs_office_partner_details AS partnerDetails
JOIN hs_office_partner partner ON partner.detailsUuid = partnerDetails.uuid
JOIN hs_office_partner_iv partner_iv ON partner_iv.uuid = partner.uuid

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import static java.util.Optional.ofNullable;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.stringify.Stringify.stringify;
@Table(schema = "hs_office", name = "partner_rv")
@Table(name = "hs_office_partner_rv")
@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ public class HsOfficePartnerEntity implements Stringifyable, BaseEntity<HsOffice
.toRole("partnerRel", AGENT).grantPermission(INSERT)
.createPermission(DELETE).grantedTo("partnerRel", OWNER)
.createPermission(UPDATE).grantedTo("partnerRel", ADMIN)
.createPermission(SELECT).grantedTo("partnerRel", TENANT)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.StandardMapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.Mapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.context.Context;
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class HsOfficePersonController implements HsOfficePersonsApi {
private Context context;
private StandardMapper mapper;
private Mapper mapper;
private HsOfficePersonRepository personRepo;

View File

@ -21,9 +21,8 @@ import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.Role.*;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.rbacViewFor;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.stringify.Stringify.stringify;
// TODO.refa: split HsOfficePersonEntity into Real+Rbac-Entity
@Table(schema = "hs_office", name = "person_rv")
@Table(name = "hs_office_person_rv")

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.StandardMapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.Mapper;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public class HsOfficeRelationController implements HsOfficeRelationsApi {
private Context context;
private StandardMapper mapper;
private Mapper mapper;
private HsOfficeRelationRbacRepository relationRbacRepo;
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public class HsOfficeRelationController implements HsOfficeRelationsApi {
context.define(currentSubject, assumedRoles);
final var entities = relationRbacRepo.findRelationRelatedToPersonUuidAndRelationType(personUuid,
relationType == null ? null : HsOfficeRelationType.valueOf(;, HsOfficeRelationType.class));
final var resources = mapper.mapList(entities, HsOfficeRelationResource.class,

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.SQL.directlyFetc
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.rbacViewFor;
@Table(schema = "hs_office", name = "relation_rv")
@Table(name = "hs_office_relation_rv")
@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ public class HsOfficeRelationRbacEntity extends HsOfficeRelation {
public static RbacView rbac() {
return rbacViewFor("relation", HsOfficeRelationRbacEntity.class)
(select idName from hs_office.person_iv p where p.uuid = anchorUuid)
(select idName from hs_office_person_iv p where p.uuid = anchorUuid)
|| '-with-' || target.type || '-'
|| (select idName from hs_office.person_iv p where p.uuid = holderUuid)
|| (select idName from hs_office_person_iv p where p.uuid = holderUuid)
"(select idName from hs_office.person_iv p where p.uuid = target.holderUuid)"))
"(select idName from hs_office_person_iv p where p.uuid = target.holderUuid)"))
.importEntityAlias("anchorPerson", HsOfficePersonEntity.class, usingDefaultCase(),
@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ public class HsOfficeRelationRbacEntity extends HsOfficeRelation {
.createSubRole(ADMIN, (with) -> {
with.outgoingSubRole("holderPerson", ADMIN); // FIXME: only for type=partner
.createSubRole(AGENT, (with) -> {
// TODO.rbac: we need relation:PROXY, to allow changing the relation contact.

View File

@ -13,18 +13,18 @@ public interface HsOfficeRelationRbacRepository extends Repository<HsOfficeRelat
Optional<HsOfficeRelationRbacEntity> findByUuid(UUID id);
default List<HsOfficeRelationRbacEntity> findRelationRelatedToPersonUuidAndRelationType(@NotNull UUID personUuid, HsOfficeRelationType relationType) {
return findRelationRelatedToPersonUuidAndRelationTypeString(personUuid, relationType == null ? null : relationType.toString());
return findRelationRelatedToPersonUuidAndRelationTypeString(personUuid, relationType.toString());
@Query(value = """
SELECT p.* FROM hs_office.relation_rv AS p
SELECT p.* FROM hs_office_relation_rv AS p
WHERE p.anchorUuid = :personUuid OR p.holderUuid = :personUuid
""", nativeQuery = true)
List<HsOfficeRelationRbacEntity> findRelationRelatedToPersonUuid(@NotNull UUID personUuid);
@Query(value = """
SELECT p.* FROM hs_office.relation_rv AS p
WHERE (:relationType IS NULL OR p.type = cast(:relationType AS hs_office.RelationType))
SELECT p.* FROM hs_office_relation_rv AS p
WHERE (:relationType IS NULL OR p.type = cast(:relationType AS HsOfficeRelationType))
AND ( p.anchorUuid = :personUuid OR p.holderUuid = :personUuid)
""", nativeQuery = true)
List<HsOfficeRelationRbacEntity> findRelationRelatedToPersonUuidAndRelationTypeString(@NotNull UUID personUuid, String relationType);

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import jakarta.persistence.Table;
@Table(schema = "hs_office", name = "relation")
@Table(name = "hs_office_relation")

View File

@ -13,18 +13,18 @@ public interface HsOfficeRelationRealRepository extends Repository<HsOfficeRelat
Optional<HsOfficeRelationRealEntity> findByUuid(UUID id);
default List<HsOfficeRelationRealEntity> findRelationRelatedToPersonUuidAndRelationType(@NotNull UUID personUuid, HsOfficeRelationType relationType) {
return findRelationRelatedToPersonUuidAndRelationTypeString(personUuid, relationType == null ? null : relationType.toString());
return findRelationRelatedToPersonUuidAndRelationTypeString(personUuid, relationType.toString());
@Query(value = """
SELECT p.* FROM hs_office.relation AS p
SELECT p.* FROM hs_office_relation AS p
WHERE p.anchorUuid = :personUuid OR p.holderUuid = :personUuid
""", nativeQuery = true)
List<HsOfficeRelationRealEntity> findRelationRelatedToPersonUuid(@NotNull UUID personUuid);
@Query(value = """
SELECT p.* FROM hs_office.relation AS p
WHERE (:relationType IS NULL OR p.type = cast(:relationType AS hs_office.RelationType))
SELECT p.* FROM hs_office_relation AS p
WHERE (:relationType IS NULL OR p.type = cast(:relationType AS HsOfficeRelationType))
AND ( p.anchorUuid = :personUuid OR p.holderUuid = :personUuid)
""", nativeQuery = true)
List<HsOfficeRelationRealEntity> findRelationRelatedToPersonUuidAndRelationTypeString(@NotNull UUID personUuid, String relationType);

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.StandardMapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.Mapper;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public class HsOfficeSepaMandateController implements HsOfficeSepaMandatesApi {
private Context context;
private StandardMapper mapper;
private Mapper mapper;
private HsOfficeSepaMandateRepository sepaMandateRepo;

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.rbacViewFor;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.stringify.Stringify.stringify;
@Table(schema = "hs_office", name = "sepamandate_rv")
@Table(name = "hs_office_sepamandate_rv")
@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ public class HsOfficeSepaMandateEntity implements Stringifyable, BaseEntity<HsOf
return rbacViewFor("sepaMandate", HsOfficeSepaMandateEntity.class)
select sm.uuid as uuid, ba.iban || '-' || sm.validity as idName
from hs_office.sepamandate sm
join hs_office.bankaccount ba on ba.uuid = sm.bankAccountUuid
from hs_office_sepamandate sm
join hs_office_bankaccount ba on ba.uuid = sm.bankAccountUuid
.withUpdatableColumns("reference", "agreement", "validity")
@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ public class HsOfficeSepaMandateEntity implements Stringifyable, BaseEntity<HsOf
SELECT ${columns}
FROM hs_office.relation debitorRel
JOIN hs_office.debitor debitor ON debitor.debitorRelUuid = debitorRel.uuid
FROM hs_office_relation debitorRel
JOIN hs_office_debitor debitor ON debitor.debitorRelUuid = debitorRel.uuid
WHERE debitor.uuid = ${REF}.debitorUuid

View File

@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ public abstract class HsEntityValidator<E extends PropertiesProvider> {
public Map<String, Object> revampProperties(final EntityManager em, final E entity, final Map<String, Object> config) {
final var copy = config != null ? new HashMap<>(config) : new HashMap();
final var copy = new HashMap<>(config);
stream(propertyValidators).forEach(p -> {
if (p.isWriteOnly()) {

View File

@ -11,20 +11,18 @@ import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import static;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.errors.DisplayAs.DisplayName;
* A nicer API for ModelMapper.
abstract class Mapper extends ModelMapper {
public class Mapper extends ModelMapper {
EntityManager em;
Mapper() {
public Mapper() {
@ -47,12 +45,8 @@ abstract class Mapper extends ModelMapper {
public <D> D map(final Object source, final Class<D> destinationType) {
return map("", source, destinationType);
public <D> D map(final String namePrefix, final Object source, final Class<D> destinationType) {
final var target =, destinationType);
for (Field f : getDeclaredFieldsIncludingSuperClasses(destinationType)) {
for (Field f : destinationType.getDeclaredFields()) {
if (f.getAnnotation(ManyToOne.class) == null) {
@ -70,30 +64,18 @@ abstract class Mapper extends ModelMapper {
if (subEntityUuid == null) {
ReflectionUtils.setField(f, target, fetchEntity(namePrefix + f.getName() + ".uuid", f.getType(), subEntityUuid));
ReflectionUtils.setField(f, target, findEntityById(f.getType(), subEntityUuid));
return target;
private static <D> Field[] getDeclaredFieldsIncludingSuperClasses(final Class<D> destinationType) {
if (destinationType == null) {
return new Field[0];
return Stream.concat(
public <E> E fetchEntity(final String propertyName, final Class<E> entityClass, final Object subEntityUuid) {
final var entity = em.getReference(entityClass, subEntityUuid);
private Object findEntityById(final Class<?> entityClass, final Object subEntityUuid) {
// using getReference would be more efficent, but results in very technical error messages
final var entity = em.find(entityClass, subEntityUuid);
if (entity != null) {
return entity;
throw new ValidationException(
"Unable to find " + DisplayName.of(entityClass) +
" by " + propertyName + ": " + subEntityUuid);
throw new ValidationException("Unable to find " + DisplayName.of(entityClass) + " by uuid: " + subEntityUuid);
public <S, T> T map(final S source, final Class<T> targetClass, final BiConsumer<S, T> postMapper) {
@ -104,13 +86,4 @@ abstract class Mapper extends ModelMapper {
postMapper.accept(source, target);
return target;
public <S, T> T map(final String namePrefix, final S source, final Class<T> targetClass, final BiConsumer<S, T> postMapper) {
if (source == null) {
return null;
final var target = map(source, targetClass);
postMapper.accept(source, target);
return target;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
public class MapperConfiguration {
public Mapper modelMapper() {
return new Mapper();

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
package net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
* A nicer API for ModelMapper in standard mode.
public class StandardMapper extends Mapper {
public StandardMapper() {

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
package net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import static org.modelmapper.convention.MatchingStrategies.STRICT;
* A nicer API for ModelMapper in strict mode.
* <p>This makes sure that resource.whateverUuid does not accidentally get mapped to entity.uuid,
* if resource.uuid does not exist.</p>
public class StrictMapper extends Mapper {
public StrictMapper() {

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
package net.hostsharing.hsadminng.persistence;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.errors.DisplayAs.DisplayName;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.object.BaseEntity;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import jakarta.persistence.Entity;
import jakarta.validation.ValidationException;
public class EntityExistsValidator {
private EntityManagerWrapper em;
public <T extends BaseEntity<T>> void validateEntityExists(final String property, final T entitySkeleton) {
final var foundEntity = em.find(entityClass(entitySkeleton), entitySkeleton.getUuid());
if ( foundEntity == null) {
throw new ValidationException("Unable to find " + DisplayName.of(entitySkeleton) + " by " + property + ": " + entitySkeleton.getUuid());
private static <T extends BaseEntity<T>> Class<?> entityClass(final T entityOrProxy) {
final var entityClass = entityClass(entityOrProxy.getClass());
if (entityClass == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("@Entity not found in superclass hierarchy of " + entityOrProxy.getClass());
return entityClass;
private static Class<?> entityClass(final Class<?> entityOrProxyClass) {
return entityOrProxyClass.isAnnotationPresent(Entity.class)
? entityOrProxyClass
: entityOrProxyClass.getSuperclass() == null
? null
: entityClass(entityOrProxyClass.getSuperclass());

View File

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ public class InsertTriggerGenerator {
with("superRoleRef", toRoleDescriptor(g.getSuperRoleDef(), "row")));
} else {
-- Granting INSERT INTO hs_hosting.asset permissions to specified role of pre-existing hs_hosting.asset rows slipped,
-- Granting INSERT INTO hs_hosting_asset permissions to specified role of pre-existing hs_hosting_asset rows slipped,
-- because there cannot yet be any pre-existing rows in the same table yet.
with("rawSuperTable", g.getSuperRoleDef().getEntityAlias().getRawTableNameWithSchema()),
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public class InsertTriggerGenerator {
Grants ${rawSubTable} INSERT permission to specified role of new ${rawSuperTable} rows.
create or replace function ${rawSubTableSchemaPrefix}${rawSubTableShortName}_grants_insert_to_${rawSuperTableShortName}_tf()
create or replace function ${rawSuperTableSchemaName}new_${rawSubTableShortName}_grants_insert_to_${rawSuperTableShortName}_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
strict as $$
@ -113,11 +113,11 @@ public class InsertTriggerGenerator {
return NEW;
end; $$;
-- ..._z_... is to put it at the end of after insert triggers, to make sure the roles exist
create trigger ${rawSubTableName}_z_grants_after_insert_tg
-- z_... is to put it at the end of after insert triggers, to make sure the roles exist
create trigger z_new_${rawSubTable}_grants_after_insert_tg
after insert on ${rawSuperTableWithSchema}
for each row
execute procedure ${rawSubTableSchemaPrefix}${rawSubTableShortName}_grants_insert_to_${rawSuperTableShortName}_tf();
execute procedure ${rawSuperTableSchemaName}new_${rawSubTableShortName}_grants_insert_to_${rawSuperTableShortName}_tf();
with("ifConditionThen", g.getSuperRoleDef().getEntityAlias().isCaseDependent()
// TODO.impl: .type needs to be dynamically generated
@ -130,9 +130,8 @@ public class InsertTriggerGenerator {
with("rawSuperTableWithSchema", g.getSuperRoleDef().getEntityAlias().getRawTableNameWithSchema()),
with("rawSuperTableShortName", g.getSuperRoleDef().getEntityAlias().getRawTableShortName()),
with("rawSuperTable", g.getSuperRoleDef().getEntityAlias().getRawTableName()),
with("rawSuperTableSchemaName", g.getSuperRoleDef().getEntityAlias().getRawTableSchemaPrefix()),
with("rawSubTable", g.getPermDef().getEntityAlias().getRawTableNameWithSchema()),
with("rawSubTableSchemaPrefix", g.getPermDef().getEntityAlias().getRawTableSchemaPrefix()),
with("rawSubTableName", g.getPermDef().getEntityAlias().getRawTableName()),
with("rawSubTableShortName", g.getPermDef().getEntityAlias().getRawTableShortName()));
@ -155,16 +154,15 @@ public class InsertTriggerGenerator {
returns trigger
language plpgsql as $$
raise exception '[403] insert into ${rawSubTableWithSchema} values(%) not allowed regardless of current subject, no insert permissions granted at all', NEW;
raise exception '[403] insert into ${rawSubTable} values(%) not allowed regardless of current subject, no insert permissions granted at all', NEW;
end; $$;
create trigger ${rawSubTable}_insert_permission_check_tg
before insert on ${rawSubTable}
for each row
execute procedure ${rawSubTableWithSchema}_insert_permission_missing_tf();
execute procedure ${rawSubTable}_insert_permission_missing_tf();
with("rawSubTableWithSchema", rbacDef.getRootEntityAlias().getRawTableNameWithSchema()),
with("rawSubTable", rbacDef.getRootEntityAlias().getRawTableName()));
with("rawSubTable", rbacDef.getRootEntityAlias().getRawTableNameWithSchema()));
@ -185,7 +183,7 @@ public class InsertTriggerGenerator {
private void generateInsertPermissionsCheckHeader(final StringWriter plPgSql) {
-- ============================================================================
--changeset InsertTriggerGenerator:${liquibaseTagPrefix}-rbac-CHECKING-INSERT-PERMISSION endDelimiter:--//
--changeset InsertTriggerGenerator:${rawSubTable}-rbac-CHECKING-INSERT-PERMISSION endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -198,7 +196,6 @@ public class InsertTriggerGenerator {
superObjectUuid uuid;
with("liquibaseTagPrefix", liquibaseTagPrefix),
with("rawSubTable", rbacDef.getRootEntityAlias().getRawTableNameWithSchema()));
@ -213,7 +210,7 @@ public class InsertTriggerGenerator {
if (g.getSuperRoleDef().isGlobal(GUEST)) {
-- check INSERT permission for anyone
-- check INSERT INSERT permission for anyone
if ${caseCondition}true then
return NEW;
end if;
@ -222,7 +219,7 @@ public class InsertTriggerGenerator {
} else if (g.getSuperRoleDef().isGlobal(ADMIN)) {
-- check INSERT permission if ADMIN
if ${caseCondition}rbac.isGlobalAdmin() then
return NEW;
end if;
@ -261,18 +258,17 @@ public class InsertTriggerGenerator {
private void generateInsertPermissionsChecksFooter(final StringWriter plPgSql) {
raise exception '[403] insert into ${rawSubTableWithSchema} values(%) not allowed for current subjects % (%)',
raise exception '[403] insert into ${rawSubTable} values(%) not allowed for current subjects % (%)',
NEW, base.currentSubjects(), rbac.currentSubjectOrAssumedRolesUuids();
end; $$;
create trigger ${rawSubTable}_insert_permission_check_tg
before insert on ${rawSubTableWithSchema}
before insert on ${rawSubTable}
for each row
execute procedure ${rawSubTableWithSchema}_insert_permission_check_tf();
execute procedure ${rawSubTable}_insert_permission_check_tf();
with("rawSubTableWithSchema", rbacDef.getRootEntityAlias().getRawTableNameWithSchema()),
with("rawSubTable", rbacDef.getRootEntityAlias().getRawTableName()));
with("rawSubTable", rbacDef.getRootEntityAlias().getRawTableNameWithSchema()));
private String toStringList(final Set<RbacView.CaseDef> cases) {
@ -325,7 +321,7 @@ public class InsertTriggerGenerator {
private String toRoleDescriptor(final RbacView.RbacRoleDefinition roleDef, final String ref) {
final var functionName = roleDef.descriptorFunctionName();
final var functionName = toVar(roleDef);
if (roleDef.getEntityAlias().isGlobal()) {
return functionName + "()";

View File

@ -19,11 +19,12 @@ public class RbacRoleDescriptorsGenerator {
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RbacRoleDescriptorsGenerator:${liquibaseTagPrefix}-rbac-ROLE-DESCRIPTORS endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call rbac.generateRbacRoleDescriptors('${rawTableName}');
call rbac.generateRbacRoleDescriptors('${simpleEntityVarName}', '${rawTableName}');
with("liquibaseTagPrefix", liquibaseTagPrefix),
with("simpleEntityVarName", simpleEntityVarName),
with("rawTableName", rawTableName));

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import jakarta.persistence.Version;
import jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
@ -29,7 +30,6 @@ import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.RbacGrantDefinit
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.RbacSubjectReference.UserRole.CREATOR;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.SQL.Part.AUTO_FETCH;
import static org.apache.commons.collections4.SetUtils.hashSet;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.capitalize;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.uncapitalize;
@ -90,11 +90,11 @@ public class RbacView {
* @param <E>
* a JPA entity class extending RbacObject
public static <E extends BaseEntity<?>> RbacView rbacViewFor(final String alias, final Class<E> entityClass) {
public static <E extends BaseEntity> RbacView rbacViewFor(final String alias, final Class<E> entityClass) {
return new RbacView(alias, entityClass);
RbacView(final String alias, final Class<? extends BaseEntity<?>> entityClass) {
RbacView(final String alias, final Class<? extends BaseEntity> entityClass) {
rootEntityAlias = new EntityAlias(alias, entityClass);
entityAliases.put(alias, rootEntityAlias);
new RbacSubjectReference(CREATOR);
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ public class RbacView {
* <p>An identity view is a view which maps an objectUuid to an idName.
* The idName should be a human-readable representation of the row, but as short as possible.
* The idName must only consist of letters (A-Z, a-z), digits (0-9), dash (-), dot (.) and unserscore '_'.
* It's used to create the object-specific-role-names like rbactest.customer#abc:ADMIN - here 'abc' is the idName.
* It's used to create the object-specific-role-names like test_customer#abc:ADMIN - here 'abc' is the idName.
* The idName not necessarily unique in a table, but it should be avoided.
* </p>
@ -287,9 +287,9 @@ public class RbacView {
* @param <EC>
* a JPA entity class extending RbacObject
public <EC extends BaseEntity<?>> RbacView importRootEntityAliasProxy(
public <EC extends BaseEntity> RbacView importRootEntityAliasProxy(
final String aliasName,
final Class<? extends BaseEntity<?>> entityClass,
final Class<? extends BaseEntity> entityClass,
final ColumnValue forCase,
final SQL fetchSql,
final Column dependsOnColum) {
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ public class RbacView {
* a JPA entity class extending RbacObject
public RbacView importSubEntityAlias(
final String aliasName, final Class<? extends BaseEntity<?>> entityClass,
final String aliasName, final Class<? extends BaseEntity> entityClass,
final SQL fetchSql, final Column dependsOnColum) {
importEntityAliasImpl(aliasName, entityClass, usingDefaultCase(), fetchSql, dependsOnColum, true, NOT_NULL);
return this;
@ -350,14 +350,14 @@ public class RbacView {
* a JPA entity class extending RbacObject
public RbacView importEntityAlias(
final String aliasName, final Class<? extends BaseEntity<?>> entityClass, final ColumnValue usingCase,
final String aliasName, final Class<? extends BaseEntity> entityClass, final ColumnValue usingCase,
final Column dependsOnColum, final SQL fetchSql, final Nullable nullable) {
importEntityAliasImpl(aliasName, entityClass, usingCase, fetchSql, dependsOnColum, false, nullable);
return this;
private EntityAlias importEntityAliasImpl(
final String aliasName, final Class<? extends BaseEntity<?>> entityClass, final ColumnValue usingCase,
final String aliasName, final Class<? extends BaseEntity> entityClass, final ColumnValue usingCase,
final SQL fetchSql, final Column dependsOnColum, boolean asSubEntity, final Nullable nullable) {
final var entityAlias = ofNullable(entityAliases.get(aliasName))
@ -831,10 +831,6 @@ public class RbacView {
public boolean isGlobal(final Role role) {
return entityAlias.isGlobal() && this.role == role;
public String descriptorFunctionName() {
return entityAlias.getRawTableNameWithSchema() + "_" + capitalize(;
public RbacSubjectReference findUserRef(final RbacSubjectReference.UserRole userRole) {
@ -915,13 +911,13 @@ public class RbacView {
return distinctGrantDef;
record EntityAlias(String aliasName, Class<? extends BaseEntity<?>> entityClass, ColumnValue usingCase, SQL fetchSql, Column dependsOnColum, boolean isSubEntity, Nullable nullable) {
record EntityAlias(String aliasName, Class<? extends BaseEntity> entityClass, ColumnValue usingCase, SQL fetchSql, Column dependsOnColum, boolean isSubEntity, Nullable nullable) {
public EntityAlias(final String aliasName) {
this(aliasName, null, null, null, null, false, null);
public EntityAlias(final String aliasName, final Class<? extends BaseEntity<?>> entityClass) {
public EntityAlias(final String aliasName, final Class<? extends BaseEntity> entityClass) {
this(aliasName, entityClass, null, null, null, false, null);
@ -968,7 +964,7 @@ public class RbacView {
if ( aliasName.equals("")) {
return ""; // TODO: maybe we should introduce a GlobalEntity class?
return qualifiedRealTableName(entityClass);
return withoutRvSuffix(entityClass.getAnnotation(Table.class).name());
String getRawTableSchemaPrefix() {
@ -987,12 +983,14 @@ public class RbacView {
String getRawTableShortName() {
// TODO.impl: some combined function and trigger names are too long
// maybe we should shorten the table name e.g. hs_office.coopsharetx -> hsof.coopsharetx
// maybe we should shorten the table name e.g. hs_office_coopsharestransaction -> hsof.coopsharetx
// this is just a workaround:
return getRawTableName()
.replace("hs_office.", "hsof.")
.replace("hs_booking.", "hsbk_")
.replace("hs_hosting.", "hsho_");
.replace("hs_office_", "hsof_")
.replace("hs_booking_", "hsbk_")
.replace("hs_hosting_", "hsho_")
.replace("coopsharestransaction", "coopsharetx")
.replace("coopassetstransaction", "coopassettx");
String dependsOnColumName() {
@ -1012,12 +1010,8 @@ public class RbacView {
public static String qualifiedRealTableName(final Class<? extends BaseEntity<?>> entityClass) {
final var tableAnnotation = entityClass.getAnnotation(Table.class);
final var schema = tableAnnotation.schema();
final var tableName =;
final var realTableName = tableName.substring(0, tableName.length() - "_rv".length());
return (schema.isEmpty() ? "" : (schema + ".")) + realTableName;
public static String withoutRvSuffix(final String tableName) {
return tableName.substring(0, tableName.length() - "_rv".length());
public enum Role {
@ -1276,14 +1270,13 @@ public class RbacView {
public static Set<Class<? extends BaseEntity>> findRbacEntityClasses(String packageName) {
final var reflections = new Reflections(packageName, TypeAnnotationsScanner.class);
final Set<Class<? extends BaseEntity>> rbacEntityClasses = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(Entity.class).stream()
return reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(Entity.class).stream()
.filter(c -> stream(c.getInterfaces()).anyMatch(i -> i== BaseEntity.class))
.filter(c -> stream(c.getDeclaredMethods())
.anyMatch(m -> m.getName().equals("rbac") && isStatic(m.getModifiers()))
.anyMatch(m -> m.getName().equals("rbac") && Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers()))
return rbacEntityClasses;

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ public class RbacViewPostgresGenerator {
public RbacViewPostgresGenerator(final RbacView forRbacDef) {
rbacDef = forRbacDef;
liqibaseTagPrefix = rbacDef.getRootEntityAlias().getRawTableNameWithSchema().replace("_", "-").replace(".", "-");
liqibaseTagPrefix = rbacDef.getRootEntityAlias().getRawTableNameWithSchema().replace("_", "-");
--liquibase formatted sql
-- This code generated was by ${generator}, do not amend manually.

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.RbacGrantDefinit
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.Role.*;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.StringWriter.with;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.capitalize;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.uncapitalize;
class RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator {
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ class RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator {
private final String liquibaseTagPrefix;
private final String simpleEntityName;
private final String simpleEntityVarName;
private final String qualifiedRawTableName;
private final String rawTableName;
RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator(final RbacView rbacDef, final String liquibaseTagPrefix) {
this.rbacDef = rbacDef;
@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ class RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator {
simpleEntityVarName = rbacDef.getRootEntityAlias().simpleName();
simpleEntityName = capitalize(simpleEntityVarName);
qualifiedRawTableName = rbacDef.getRootEntityAlias().getRawTableNameWithSchema();
rawTableName = rbacDef.getRootEntityAlias().getRawTableNameWithSchema();
void generateTo(final StringWriter plPgSql) {
@ -65,12 +66,13 @@ class RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator {
Creates the roles, grants and permission for the AFTER INSERT TRIGGER.
create or replace procedure ${rawTableQualifiedName}_build_rbac_system(
NEW ${rawTableQualifiedName}
create or replace procedure buildRbacSystemFor${simpleEntityName}(
NEW ${rawTableName}
language plpgsql as $$
.replace("${rawTableQualifiedName}", qualifiedRawTableName));
.replace("${simpleEntityName}", simpleEntityName)
.replace("${rawTableName}", rawTableName));
plPgSql.indented(() -> {
@ -104,21 +106,21 @@ class RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator {
Called from the AFTER UPDATE TRIGGER to re-wire the grants.
create or replace procedure ${rawTableQualifiedName}_update_rbac_system(
OLD ${rawTableQualifiedName},
NEW ${rawTableQualifiedName}
create or replace procedure updateRbacRulesFor${simpleEntityName}(
OLD ${rawTableName},
NEW ${rawTableName}
language plpgsql as $$
if ${updateConditions} then
delete from rbac.grants g where g.grantedbytriggerof = OLD.uuid;
call ${rawTableQualifiedName}_build_rbac_system(NEW);
call buildRbacSystemFor${simpleEntityName}(NEW);
end if;
end; $$;
with("simpleEntityName", simpleEntityName),
with("rawTableQualifiedName", qualifiedRawTableName),
with("rawTableName", rawTableName),
with("updateConditions", updateConditions));
@ -128,15 +130,16 @@ class RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator {
Called from the AFTER UPDATE TRIGGER to re-wire the grants.
create or replace procedure ${rawTableQualifiedName}_update_rbac_system(
OLD ${rawTableQualifiedName},
NEW ${rawTableQualifiedName}
create or replace procedure updateRbacRulesFor${simpleEntityName}(
OLD ${rawTableName},
NEW ${rawTableName}
language plpgsql as $$
with("rawTableQualifiedName", qualifiedRawTableName));
.replace("${simpleEntityName}", simpleEntityName)
.replace("${rawTableName}", rawTableName));
plPgSql.indented(() -> {
@ -361,10 +364,11 @@ class RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator {
if (roleDef.getEntityAlias().isGlobal()) {
return "rbac.global_ADMIN()";
return "rbac.globalAdmin()";
final String entityRefVar = entityRefVar(rootRefVar, roleDef.getEntityAlias());
return roleDef.descriptorFunctionName() + "(" + entityRefVar + ")";
return roleDef.getEntityAlias().simpleName() + capitalize(roleDef.getRole().name())
+ "(" + entityRefVar + ")";
private String entityRefVar(
@ -387,8 +391,8 @@ class RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator {
plPgSql.writeLn("perform rbac.defineRoleWithGrants(");
plPgSql.indented(() -> {
.replace("${qualifiedRawTableName)", qualifiedRawTableName)
.replace("${simpleVarName)", simpleEntityVarName)
.replace("${roleSuffix}", capitalize(;
generatePermissionsForRole(plPgSql, role);
@ -510,25 +514,25 @@ class RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator {
AFTER INSERT TRIGGER to create the role+grant structure for a new ${rawTableQualifiedName} row.
AFTER INSERT TRIGGER to create the role+grant structure for a new ${rawTableName} row.
create or replace function ${rawTableQualifiedName}_build_rbac_system_after_insert_tf()
create or replace function insertTriggerFor${simpleEntityName}_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
strict as $$
call ${rawTableQualifiedName}_build_rbac_system(NEW);
call buildRbacSystemFor${simpleEntityName}(NEW);
return NEW;
end; $$;
create trigger build_rbac_system_after_insert_tg
after insert on ${rawTableQualifiedName}
create trigger insertTriggerFor${simpleEntityName}_tg
after insert on ${rawTableName}
for each row
execute procedure ${rawTableQualifiedName}_build_rbac_system_after_insert_tf();
execute procedure insertTriggerFor${simpleEntityName}_tf();
.replace("${schemaPrefix}", schemaPrefix(qualifiedRawTableName))
.replace("${rawTableQualifiedName}", qualifiedRawTableName)
.replace("${simpleEntityName}", simpleEntityName)
.replace("${rawTableName}", rawTableName)
@ -545,35 +549,30 @@ class RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator {
AFTER UPDATE TRIGGER to re-wire the grant structure for a new ${rawTableQualifiedName} row.
AFTER INSERT TRIGGER to re-wire the grant structure for a new ${rawTableName} row.
create or replace function ${rawTableQualifiedName}_update_rbac_system_after_update_tf()
create or replace function updateTriggerFor${simpleEntityName}_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
strict as $$
call ${rawTableQualifiedName}_update_rbac_system(OLD, NEW);
call updateRbacRulesFor${simpleEntityName}(OLD, NEW);
return NEW;
end; $$;
create trigger update_rbac_system_after_update_tg
after update on ${rawTableQualifiedName}
create trigger updateTriggerFor${simpleEntityName}_tg
after update on ${rawTableName}
for each row
execute procedure ${rawTableQualifiedName}_update_rbac_system_after_update_tf();
execute procedure updateTriggerFor${simpleEntityName}_tf();
.replace("${rawTableQualifiedName}", qualifiedRawTableName)
.replace("${simpleEntityName}", simpleEntityName)
.replace("${rawTableName}", rawTableName)
private String schemaPrefix(final String qualifiedIdentifier) {
return qualifiedIdentifier.contains(".")
? qualifiedIdentifier.split("\\.")[0] + "."
: "";
private static void generateFooter(final StringWriter plPgSql) {
@ -591,12 +590,16 @@ class RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator {
final RbacView.RbacRoleDefinition roleDef,
final boolean assumed) {
final var assumedArg = assumed ? "" : ", rbac.unassumed()";
return roleDef.descriptorFunctionName() +
return toRoleRef(roleDef) +
(roleDef.getEntityAlias().isGlobal() ? ( assumed ? "()" : "(rbac.unassumed())")
: rbacDef.isRootEntityAlias(roleDef.getEntityAlias()) ? ("(" + + ")")
: "(" + toTriggerReference(triggerRef, roleDef.getEntityAlias()) + assumedArg + ")");
private static String toRoleRef(final RbacView.RbacRoleDefinition roleDef) {
return uncapitalize(roleDef.getEntityAlias().simpleName()) + capitalize(roleDef.getRole().name());
private static String toTriggerReference(
final PostgresTriggerReference triggerRef,
final RbacView.EntityAlias entityAlias) {

View File

@ -19,11 +19,9 @@ public class StringWriter {
String writeLn(final String text, final VarDef... varDefs) {
final var insertText = indented(new VarReplacer(varDefs).apply(text));
void writeLn(final String text, final VarDef... varDefs) {
string.append( indented( new VarReplacer(varDefs).apply(text) ));
return insertText;
void writeLn() {

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.grant;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.context.Context;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.StandardMapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.Mapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generated.api.v1.api.RbacGrantsApi;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generated.api.v1.model.RbacGrantResource;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public class RbacGrantController implements RbacGrantsApi {
private Context context;
private StandardMapper mapper;
private Mapper mapper;
private RbacGrantRepository rbacGrantRepository;

View File

@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ public class RbacGrantsDiagramService {
if ( !g.getDescendantIdName().startsWith("")) {
if (!includes.contains(TEST_ENTITIES) && g.getDescendantIdName().contains(":rbactest.")) {
if (!includes.contains(TEST_ENTITIES) && g.getDescendantIdName().contains(":test_")) {
if (!includes.contains(NON_TEST_ENTITIES) && !g.getDescendantIdName().contains(":rbactest.")) {
if (!includes.contains(NON_TEST_ENTITIES) && !g.getDescendantIdName().contains(":test_")) {

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.role;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.context.Context;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.StandardMapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.Mapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generated.api.v1.api.RbacRolesApi;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generated.api.v1.model.RbacRoleResource;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ public class RbacRoleController implements RbacRolesApi {
private Context context;
private StandardMapper mapper;
private Mapper mapper;
private RbacRoleRepository rbacRoleRepository;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.subject;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.context.Context;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.StandardMapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.Mapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generated.api.v1.api.RbacSubjectsApi;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generated.api.v1.model.RbacSubjectPermissionResource;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generated.api.v1.model.RbacSubjectResource;
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ public class RbacSubjectController implements RbacSubjectsApi {
private Context context;
private StandardMapper mapper;
private Mapper mapper;
private RbacSubjectRepository rbacSubjectRepository;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.test.cust;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.context.Context;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.StandardMapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.Mapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.test.generated.api.v1.api.TestCustomersApi;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.test.generated.api.v1.model.TestCustomerResource;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ public class TestCustomerController implements TestCustomersApi {
private Context context;
private StandardMapper mapper;
private Mapper mapper;
private TestCustomerRepository testCustomerRepository;

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.Role.*;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.rbacViewFor;
@Table(schema = "rbactest", name = "customer_rv")
@Table(name = "test_customer_rv")
@ -62,6 +62,6 @@ public class TestCustomerEntity implements BaseEntity<TestCustomerEntity> {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.SQL.directlyFetc
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.rbacViewFor;
@Table(schema = "rbactest", name = "domain_rv")
@Table(name = "test_domain_rv")
@ -68,6 +68,6 @@ public class TestDomainEntity implements BaseEntity<TestDomainEntity> {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.test.pac;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.StandardMapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.Mapper;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.mapper.OptionalFromJson;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.context.Context;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.test.generated.api.v1.api.TestPackagesApi;
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ public class TestPackageController implements TestPackagesApi {
private Context context;
private StandardMapper mapper;
private Mapper mapper;
private TestPackageRepository testPackageRepository;

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.SQL.*;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacView.rbacViewFor;
@Table(schema = "rbactest", name = "package_rv")
@Table(name = "test_package_rv")
@ -69,6 +69,6 @@ public class TestPackageEntity implements BaseEntity<TestPackageEntity> {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

View File

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ components:
type: object

View File

@ -6,31 +6,15 @@
--changeset michael.hoennig:table-columns-function endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
create or replace function base.tableColumnNames( ofTableName text )
create or replace function base.tableColumnNames( tableName text )
returns text
language 'plpgsql' as $$
tableName text;
tableSchema text;
columns text[];
declare columns text[];
tableSchema := CASE
WHEN position('.' in ofTableName) > 0 THEN split_part(ofTableName, '.', 1)
ELSE 'public'
tableName := CASE
WHEN position('.' in ofTableName) > 0 THEN split_part(ofTableName, '.', 2)
ELSE ofTableName
columns := (select array(select column_name::text
from information_schema.columns
where table_name = tableName
and table_schema = tableSchema));
assert cardinality(columns) > 0, 'cannot determine columns of table ' || ofTableName ||
'("' || tableSchema || '"."' || tableName || '")';
where table_name = tableName));
return array_to_string(columns, ', ');
end; $$

View File

@ -127,7 +127,6 @@ begin
end; $$;
-- ============================================================================
--changeset michael.hoennig:context-base.ASSUMED-ROLES endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -168,6 +167,45 @@ begin
return cleanIdentifier;
end; $$;
create or replace function base.findObjectUuidByIdName(objectTable varchar, objectIdName varchar)
returns uuid
returns null on null input
language plpgsql as $$
sql varchar;
uuid uuid;
objectTable := base.pureIdentifier(objectTable);
objectIdName := base.pureIdentifier(objectIdName);
sql := format('select * from %sUuidByIdName(%L);', objectTable, objectIdName);
execute sql into uuid;
when others then
raise exception 'function %UuidByIdName(...) not found, add identity view support for table %', objectTable, objectTable;
return uuid;
end ; $$;
create or replace function base.findIdNameByObjectUuid(objectTable varchar, objectUuid uuid)
returns varchar
returns null on null input
language plpgsql as $$
sql varchar;
idName varchar;
objectTable := base.pureIdentifier(objectTable);
sql := format('select * from %sIdNameByUuid(%L::uuid);', objectTable, objectUuid);
execute sql into idName;
when others then
raise exception 'function %IdNameByUuid(...) not found, add identity view support for table %', objectTable, objectTable;
return idName;
end ; $$;
create or replace function base.currentSubjects()
returns varchar(1023)[]
stable -- leakproof

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
--liquibase formatted sql
-- ============================================================================
--changeset michael.hoennig:base-COMBINE-TABLE-SCHEMA-AND-NAME endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
create or replace function base.combine_table_schema_and_name(tableSchema name, tableName name)
returns text
language plpgsql as $$
assert LEFT(tableSchema, 1) <> '"', 'tableSchema must not start with "';
assert LEFT(tableName, 1) <> '"', 'tableName must not start with "';
if tableSchema is null or tableSchema = 'public' or tableSchema = '' then
return tableName::text;
return tableSchema::text || '.' || tableName::text;
end if;
end; $$;

View File

@ -77,11 +77,9 @@ create or replace function base.tx_journal_trigger()
curTask text;
curTxId xid8;
tableSchemaAndName text;
curTask := base.currentTask();
curTxId := pg_current_xact_id();
tableSchemaAndName := base.combine_table_schema_and_name(tg_table_schema, tg_table_name);
into base.tx_context (txId, txTimestamp, currentSubject, assumedRoles, currentTask, currentRequest)
@ -92,20 +90,20 @@ begin
case tg_op
when 'INSERT' then insert
into base.tx_journal
values (curTxId, tableSchemaAndName,
new.uuid, tg_op::base.tx_operation,
values (curTxId,
tg_table_name, new.uuid, tg_op::base.tx_operation,
when 'UPDATE' then insert
into base.tx_journal
values (curTxId, tableSchemaAndName,
old.uuid, tg_op::base.tx_operation,
values (curTxId,
tg_table_name, old.uuid, tg_op::base.tx_operation,
base.jsonb_changes_delta(to_jsonb(old), to_jsonb(new)));
when 'DELETE' then insert
into base.tx_journal
values (curTxId,tableSchemaAndName,
old.uuid, 'DELETE'::base.tx_operation,
values (curTxId,
tg_table_name, old.uuid, 'DELETE'::base.tx_operation,
else raise exception 'Trigger op % not supported for %.', tg_op, tableSchemaAndName;
else raise exception 'Trigger op % not supported for %.', tg_op, tg_table_name;
end case;
return null;
end; $$;

View File

@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ begin
if (currentSubject is null or currentSubject = '') then
raise exception 'hsadminng.currentSubject must be defined, please use "SET LOCAL ...;"';
end if;
raise notice 'currentSubject: %', currentSubject;
-- determine task
currentTask = current_setting('hsadminng.currentTask');
@ -80,9 +81,8 @@ begin
"alive" := false;
end if;
sql := format('INSERT INTO %3$s_ex VALUES (DEFAULT, pg_current_xact_id(), %1$L, %2$L, $1.*)',
TG_OP, alive, base.combine_table_schema_and_name(tg_table_schema, tg_table_name)::name);
-- raise exception 'generated-SQL: %', sql;
sql := format('INSERT INTO %3$I_ex VALUES (DEFAULT, pg_current_xact_id(), %1$L, %2$L, $1.*)', TG_OP, alive, TG_TABLE_NAME);
raise notice 'sql: %', sql;
execute sql using "row";
return "row";
@ -117,12 +117,12 @@ begin
-- raise notice 'sql: %', createHistTableSql;
raise notice 'sql: %', createHistTableSql;
execute createHistTableSql;
-- create the historical view
viewName = baseTable || '_hv';
exVersionsTable = baseTable || '_ex';
viewName = quote_ident(format('%s_hv', baseTable));
exVersionsTable = quote_ident(format('%s_ex', baseTable));
baseCols = (select string_agg(quote_ident(column_name), ', ')
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema = 'public'
@ -147,13 +147,14 @@ begin
viewName, baseCols, exVersionsTable
-- raise notice 'generated-sql: %', createViewSQL;
raise notice 'sql: %', createViewSQL;
execute createViewSQL;
-- "-9-" to put the trigger execution after any alphabetically lesser tx-triggers
createTriggerSQL = 'CREATE TRIGGER tx_9_historicize_tg' ||
' FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE base.tx_historicize_tf()';
raise notice 'sql: %', createTriggerSQL;
execute createTriggerSQL;
end; $$;

View File

@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
-- ============================================================================
--changeset michael.hoennig:rbac-base-REFERENCE endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
create type rbac.ReferenceType as enum ('rbac.subject', 'rbac.role', 'rbac.permission');
create table rbac.reference
@ -118,20 +120,18 @@ create or replace function rbac.insert_related_object()
strict as $$
objectUuid uuid;
tableSchemaAndName text;
tableSchemaAndName := base.combine_table_schema_and_name(TG_TABLE_SCHEMA, TG_TABLE_NAME);
if TG_OP = 'INSERT' then
if NEW.uuid is null then
into rbac.object (objectTable)
values (tableSchemaAndName)
values (TG_TABLE_NAME)
returning uuid into objectUuid;
NEW.uuid = objectUuid;
into rbac.object (uuid, objectTable)
values (NEW.uuid, tableSchemaAndName)
values (NEW.uuid, TG_TABLE_NAME)
returning uuid into objectUuid;
end if;
return NEW;
@ -233,50 +233,6 @@ $$;
-- ============================================================================
--changeset michael.hoennig:rbac-base-IDNAME-FUNCTIONS endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
create or replace function rbac.findObjectUuidByIdName(objectTable varchar, objectIdName varchar)
returns uuid
returns null on null input
language plpgsql as $$
sql varchar;
uuid uuid;
objectTable := base.pureIdentifier(objectTable);
objectIdName := base.pureIdentifier(objectIdName);
sql := format('select * from %s_uuid_by_id_name(%L);', objectTable, objectIdName);
execute sql into uuid;
when others then
raise exception 'function %_uuid_by_id_name(...) not found, add identity view support for table %', objectTable, objectTable;
return uuid;
end ; $$;
create or replace function rbac.findIdNameByObjectUuid(objectTable varchar, objectUuid uuid)
returns varchar
returns null on null input
language plpgsql as $$
sql varchar;
idName varchar;
objectTable := base.pureIdentifier(objectTable);
sql := format('select * from %s_id_name_by_uuid(%L::uuid);', objectTable, objectUuid);
execute sql into idName;
when others then
raise exception 'function %_id_name_by_uuid(...) not found, add identity view support for table %', objectTable, objectTable;
return idName;
end ; $$;
-- ============================================================================
--changeset michael.hoennig:rbac-base-ROLE-FUNCTIONS endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -306,7 +262,7 @@ begin
objectTableFromRoleIdName = split_part(roleParts, '#', 1);
objectNameFromRoleIdName = split_part(roleParts, '#', 2);
roleTypeFromRoleIdName = split_part(roleParts, '#', 3);
objectUuidOfRole = rbac.findObjectUuidByIdName(objectTableFromRoleIdName, objectNameFromRoleIdName);
objectUuidOfRole = base.findObjectUuidByIdName(objectTableFromRoleIdName, objectNameFromRoleIdName);
select uuid
from rbac.role
@ -428,7 +384,7 @@ create index on rbac.permission (objectUuid, op);
create index on rbac.permission (opTableName, op);
ALTER TABLE rbac.permission
ADD CONSTRAINT unique_including_null_values UNIQUE NULLS NOT DISTINCT (objectUuid, op, opTableName);
ADD CONSTRAINT RbacPermission_uc UNIQUE NULLS NOT DISTINCT (objectUuid, op, opTableName);
call base.create_journal('rbac.permission');

View File

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ begin
objectNameToAssume = split_part(roleNameParts, '#', 2);
roleTypeToAssume = split_part(roleNameParts, '#', 3);
objectUuidToAssume = rbac.findObjectUuidByIdName(objectTableToAssume, objectNameToAssume);
objectUuidToAssume = base.findObjectUuidByIdName(objectTableToAssume, objectNameToAssume);
if objectUuidToAssume is null then
raise exception '[401] object % cannot be found in table % (from roleNameParts=%)', objectNameToAssume, objectTableToAssume, roleNameParts;
end if;

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ select (objectTable || '#' || objectIdName || ':' || roleType) as roleIdName, *
-- @formatter:off
from (
select r.*,
o.objectTable, rbac.findIdNameByObjectUuid(o.objectTable, o.uuid) as objectIdName
o.objectTable, base.findIdNameByObjectUuid(o.objectTable, o.uuid) as objectIdName
from rbac.role as r
join rbac.object as o on o.uuid = r.objectuuid
) as unordered
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ select *
-- @formatter:off
from (
select r.*, o.objectTable,
rbac.findIdNameByObjectUuid(o.objectTable, o.uuid) as objectIdName
base.findIdNameByObjectUuid(o.objectTable, o.uuid) as objectIdName
from rbac.role as r
join rbac.object as o on o.uuid = r.objectuuid
where rbac.isGranted(rbac.currentSubjectOrAssumedRolesUuids(), r.uuid)
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ create or replace view rbac.grants_ev as
-- @formatter:off
select x.grantUuid as uuid,
x.grantedByTriggerOf as grantedByTriggerOf,
go.objectTable || '#' || rbac.findIdNameByObjectUuid(go.objectTable, go.uuid) || ':' || r.roletype as grantedByRoleIdName,
go.objectTable || '#' || base.findIdNameByObjectUuid(go.objectTable, go.uuid) || ':' || r.roletype as grantedByRoleIdName,
x.ascendingIdName as ascendantIdName,
x.descendingIdName as descendantIdName,
@ -72,15 +72,15 @@ create or replace view rbac.grants_ev as
'user:' ||,
'role:' || aro.objectTable || '#' || rbac.findIdNameByObjectUuid(aro.objectTable, aro.uuid) || ':' || ar.roletype
'role:' || aro.objectTable || '#' || base.findIdNameByObjectUuid(aro.objectTable, aro.uuid) || ':' || ar.roletype
) as ascendingIdName,
aro.objectTable, aro.uuid,
( case
when dro is not null
then ('role:' || dro.objectTable || '#' || rbac.findIdNameByObjectUuid(dro.objectTable, dro.uuid) || ':' || dr.roletype)
then ('role:' || dro.objectTable || '#' || base.findIdNameByObjectUuid(dro.objectTable, dro.uuid) || ':' || dr.roletype)
when dp.op = 'INSERT'
then 'perm:' || dpo.objecttable || '#' || rbac.findIdNameByObjectUuid(dpo.objectTable, dpo.uuid) || ':' || dp.op || '>' || dp.opTableName
else 'perm:' || dpo.objecttable || '#' || rbac.findIdNameByObjectUuid(dpo.objectTable, dpo.uuid) || ':' || dp.op
then 'perm:' || dpo.objecttable || '#' || base.findIdNameByObjectUuid(dpo.objectTable, dpo.uuid) || ':' || dp.op || '>' || dp.opTableName
else 'perm:' || dpo.objecttable || '#' || base.findIdNameByObjectUuid(dpo.objectTable, dpo.uuid) || ':' || dp.op
) as descendingIdName,
dro.objectTable, dro.uuid,
@ -114,14 +114,14 @@ create or replace view rbac.grants_ev as
create or replace view rbac.grants_rv as
-- @formatter:off
select o.objectTable || '#' || rbac.findIdNameByObjectUuid(o.objectTable, o.uuid) || ':' || r.roletype as grantedByRoleIdName,
select o.objectTable || '#' || base.findIdNameByObjectUuid(o.objectTable, o.uuid) || ':' || r.roletype as grantedByRoleIdName,
g.objectTable || '#' || g.objectIdName || ':' || g.roletype as grantedRoleIdName, g.userName, g.assumed,
g.grantedByRoleUuid, g.descendantUuid as grantedRoleUuid, g.ascendantUuid as subjectUuid,
g.objectTable, g.objectUuid, g.objectIdName, g.roleType as grantedRoleType
from (
select g.grantedbyroleuuid, g.ascendantuuid, g.descendantuuid, g.assumed, as userName, o.objecttable, r.objectuuid, r.roletype,
rbac.findIdNameByObjectUuid(o.objectTable, o.uuid) as objectIdName
base.findIdNameByObjectUuid(o.objectTable, o.uuid) as objectIdName
from rbac.grants as g
join rbac.role as r on r.uuid = g.descendantUuid
join rbac.object o on o.uuid = r.objectuuid
@ -363,10 +363,10 @@ begin
xp.permissionObjectTable, xp.permissionObjectIdName, xp.permissionObjectUuid
from (select
r.uuid as roleUuid, r.roletype, ro.objectTable as roleObjectTable,
rbac.findIdNameByObjectUuid(ro.objectTable, ro.uuid) as roleObjectIdName,
base.findIdNameByObjectUuid(ro.objectTable, ro.uuid) as roleObjectIdName,
p.uuid as permissionUuid, p.op, p.opTableName,
po.objecttable as permissionObjectTable,
rbac.findIdNameByObjectUuid(po.objectTable, po.uuid) as permissionObjectIdName,
base.findIdNameByObjectUuid(po.objectTable, po.uuid) as permissionObjectIdName,
po.uuid as permissionObjectUuid
from rbac.queryPermissionsGrantedToSubjectId( targetSubjectUuid) as p
join rbac.grants as g on g.descendantUuid = p.uuid

View File

@ -8,40 +8,26 @@
create or replace procedure rbac.generateRelatedRbacObject(targetTable varchar)
language plpgsql as $$
targetTableName text;
targetSchemaPrefix text;
createInsertTriggerSQL text;
createDeleteTriggerSQL text;
if POSITION('.' IN targetTable) > 0 then
targetSchemaPrefix := SPLIT_PART(targetTable, '.', 1) || '.';
targetTableName := SPLIT_PART(targetTable, '.', 2);
targetSchemaPrefix := '';
targetTableName := targetTable;
end if;
if targetSchemaPrefix = '' and targetTableName = 'customer' then
raise exception 'missing targetShemaPrefix: %', targetTable;
end if;
createInsertTriggerSQL = format($sql$
create trigger createRbacObjectFor_%s_insert_tg_1058_25
before insert on %s%s
create trigger createRbacObjectFor_%s_Trigger
before insert on %s
for each row
execute procedure rbac.insert_related_object();
$sql$, targetTableName, targetSchemaPrefix, targetTableName);
$sql$, targetTable, targetTable);
execute createInsertTriggerSQL;
createDeleteTriggerSQL = format($sql$
create trigger createRbacObjectFor_%s_delete_tg_1058_35
after delete on %s%s
create trigger delete_related_rbac_rules_for_%s_tg
after delete
on %s
for each row
execute procedure rbac.delete_related_rbac_rules_tf();
$sql$, targetTableName, targetSchemaPrefix, targetTableName);
$sql$, targetTable, targetTable);
execute createDeleteTriggerSQL;
end; $$;
@ -49,62 +35,62 @@ $$;
--changeset michael.hoennig:rbac-generators-ROLE-DESCRIPTORS endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
create procedure rbac.generateRbacRoleDescriptors(targetTable text)
create procedure rbac.generateRbacRoleDescriptors(prefix text, targetTable text)
language plpgsql as $$
sql text;
sql = format($sql$
create or replace function %1$s_OWNER(entity %1$s, assumed boolean = true)
create or replace function %1$sOwner(entity %2$s, assumed boolean = true)
returns rbac.RoleDescriptor
language plpgsql
strict as $f$
return rbac.roleDescriptorOf('%1$s', entity.uuid, 'OWNER', assumed);
return rbac.roleDescriptorOf('%2$s', entity.uuid, 'OWNER', assumed);
end; $f$;
create or replace function %1$s_ADMIN(entity %1$s, assumed boolean = true)
create or replace function %1$sAdmin(entity %2$s, assumed boolean = true)
returns rbac.RoleDescriptor
language plpgsql
strict as $f$
return rbac.roleDescriptorOf('%1$s', entity.uuid, 'ADMIN', assumed);
return rbac.roleDescriptorOf('%2$s', entity.uuid, 'ADMIN', assumed);
end; $f$;
create or replace function %1$s_AGENT(entity %1$s, assumed boolean = true)
create or replace function %1$sAgent(entity %2$s, assumed boolean = true)
returns rbac.RoleDescriptor
language plpgsql
strict as $f$
return rbac.roleDescriptorOf('%1$s', entity.uuid, 'AGENT', assumed);
return rbac.roleDescriptorOf('%2$s', entity.uuid, 'AGENT', assumed);
end; $f$;
create or replace function %1$s_TENANT(entity %1$s, assumed boolean = true)
create or replace function %1$sTenant(entity %2$s, assumed boolean = true)
returns rbac.RoleDescriptor
language plpgsql
strict as $f$
return rbac.roleDescriptorOf('%1$s', entity.uuid, 'TENANT', assumed);
return rbac.roleDescriptorOf('%2$s', entity.uuid, 'TENANT', assumed);
end; $f$;
-- TODO: remove guest role
create or replace function %1$s_GUEST(entity %1$s, assumed boolean = true)
create or replace function %1$sGuest(entity %2$s, assumed boolean = true)
returns rbac.RoleDescriptor
language plpgsql
strict as $f$
return rbac.roleDescriptorOf('%1$s', entity.uuid, 'GUEST', assumed);
return rbac.roleDescriptorOf('%2$s', entity.uuid, 'GUEST', assumed);
end; $f$;
create or replace function %1$s_REFERRER(entity %1$s)
create or replace function %1$sReferrer(entity %2$s)
returns rbac.RoleDescriptor
language plpgsql
strict as $f$
return rbac.roleDescriptorOf('%1$s', entity.uuid, 'REFERRER');
return rbac.roleDescriptorOf('%2$s', entity.uuid, 'REFERRER');
end; $f$;
$sql$, targetTable);
$sql$, prefix, targetTable);
execute sql;
end; $$;
@ -130,7 +116,7 @@ begin
-- creates a function which maps an idName to the objectUuid
sql = format($sql$
create or replace function %1$s_uuid_by_id_name(givenIdName varchar)
create or replace function %1$sUuidByIdName(givenIdName varchar)
returns uuid
language plpgsql as $f$
@ -144,7 +130,7 @@ begin
-- creates a function which maps an objectUuid to the related idName
sql = format($sql$
create or replace function %1$s_id_name_by_uuid(givenUuid uuid)
create or replace function %1$sIdNameByUuid(givenUuid uuid)
returns varchar
language sql
strict as $f$
@ -190,7 +176,7 @@ begin
sql := format($sql$
create or replace view %1$s_rv as
with accessible_uuids as (
with accessible_%1$s_uuids as (
with recursive
recursive_grants as
(select distinct rbac.grants.descendantuuid,
@ -223,7 +209,7 @@ begin
select target.*
from %1$s as target
where target.uuid in (select * from accessible_uuids)
where target.uuid in (select * from accessible_%1$s_uuids)
order by %2$s;
grant all privileges on %1$s_rv to ${HSADMINNG_POSTGRES_RESTRICTED_USERNAME};
@ -233,9 +219,9 @@ begin
Instead of insert trigger function for the restricted view.
newColumns := 'new.' || replace(columnNames, ', ', ', new.');
newColumns := 'new.' || replace(columnNames, ',', ', new.');
sql := format($sql$
create function %1$s_instead_of_insert_tf()
create or replace function %1$sInsert()
returns trigger
language plpgsql as $f$
@ -254,11 +240,11 @@ begin
Creates an instead of insert trigger for the restricted view.
sql := format($sql$
create trigger instead_of_insert_tg
create trigger %1$sInsert_tg
instead of insert
on %1$s_rv
for each row
execute function %1$s_instead_of_insert_tf();
execute function %1$sInsert();
$sql$, targetTable);
execute sql;
@ -266,7 +252,7 @@ begin
Instead of delete trigger function for the restricted view.
sql := format($sql$
create function %1$s_instead_of_delete_tf()
create or replace function %1$sDelete()
returns trigger
language plpgsql as $f$
@ -283,11 +269,11 @@ begin
Creates an instead of delete trigger for the restricted view.
sql := format($sql$
create trigger instead_of_delete_tg
create trigger %1$sDelete_tg
instead of delete
on %1$s_rv
for each row
execute function %1$s_instead_of_delete_tf();
execute function %1$sDelete();
$sql$, targetTable);
execute sql;
@ -297,7 +283,7 @@ begin
if columnUpdates is not null then
sql := format($sql$
create function %1$s_instead_of_update_tf()
create or replace function %1$sUpdate()
returns trigger
language plpgsql as $f$
@ -316,11 +302,11 @@ begin
Creates an instead of delete trigger for the restricted view.
sql = format($sql$
create trigger instead_of_update_tg
create trigger %1$sUpdate_tg
instead of update
on %1$s_rv
for each row
execute function %1$s_instead_of_update_tf();
execute function %1$sUpdate();
$sql$, targetTable);
execute sql;
end if;

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ create or replace function rbac.isGlobalAdmin()
returns boolean
language plpgsql as $$
return rbac.isGranted(rbac.currentSubjectOrAssumedRolesUuids(), rbac.findRoleId(rbac.global_ADMIN()));
return rbac.isGranted(rbac.currentSubjectOrAssumedRolesUuids(), rbac.findRoleId(rbac.globalAdmin()));
end; $$;
@ -66,21 +66,21 @@ grant all privileges on rbac.global_iv to ${HSADMINNG_POSTGRES_RESTRICTED_USERNA
Returns the objectUuid for a given identifying name (in this case the idName).
create or replace function rbac.global_uuid_by_id_name(idName varchar)
create or replace function rbac.globalUuidByIdName(idName varchar)
returns uuid
language sql
strict as $$
select uuid from rbac.global_iv iv where iv.idName = global_uuid_by_id_name.idName;
select uuid from rbac.global_iv iv where iv.idName = globalUuidByIdName.idName;
Returns the identifying name for a given objectUuid (in this case the idName).
create or replace function rbac.global_id_name_by_uuid(uuid uuid)
create or replace function rbac.globalIdNameByUuid(uuid uuid)
returns varchar
language sql
strict as $$
select idName from rbac.global_iv iv where iv.uuid = global_id_name_by_uuid.uuid;
select idName from rbac.global_iv iv where iv.uuid = globalIdNameByUuid.uuid;
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ commit;
A rbac.Global administrator role.
create or replace function rbac.global_ADMIN(assumed boolean = true)
create or replace function rbac.globalAdmin(assumed boolean = true)
returns rbac.RoleDescriptor
returns null on null input
stable -- leakproof
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ $$;
begin transaction;
call base.defineContext('creating', null, null, null);
select rbac.createRole(rbac.global_ADMIN());
select rbac.createRole(rbac.globalAdmin());
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ do language plpgsql $$
call base.defineContext('creating fake test-realm admin users', null, null, null);
admins = rbac.findRoleId(rbac.global_ADMIN());
admins = rbac.findRoleId(rbac.globalAdmin());
call rbac.grantRoleToSubjectUnchecked(admins, admins, rbac.create_subject(''));
call rbac.grantRoleToSubjectUnchecked(admins, admins, rbac.create_subject(''));
perform rbac.create_subject('');

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
--liquibase formatted sql
-- ============================================================================
--changeset michael.hoennig:rbactest-SCHEMA endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CREATE SCHEMA rbactest; -- just 'test' does not work, databasechangelog gets emptied or deleted

View File

@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
--liquibase formatted sql
-- This code generated was by RbacViewPostgresGenerator, do not amend manually.
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RbacObjectGenerator:rbactest-package-rbac-OBJECT endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call rbac.generateRelatedRbacObject('rbactest.package');
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RbacRoleDescriptorsGenerator:rbactest-package-rbac-ROLE-DESCRIPTORS endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call rbac.generateRbacRoleDescriptors('rbactest.package');
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator:rbactest-package-rbac-insert-trigger endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Creates the roles, grants and permission for the AFTER INSERT TRIGGER.
create or replace procedure rbactest.package_build_rbac_system(
NEW rbactest.package
language plpgsql as $$
newCustomer rbactest.customer;
call rbac.enterTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
SELECT * FROM rbactest.customer WHERE uuid = NEW.customerUuid INTO newCustomer;
assert newCustomer.uuid is not null, format('newCustomer must not be null for NEW.customerUuid = %s', NEW.customerUuid);
perform rbac.defineRoleWithGrants(
permissions => array['DELETE', 'UPDATE'],
incomingSuperRoles => array[rbactest.customer_ADMIN(newCustomer)]
perform rbac.defineRoleWithGrants(
incomingSuperRoles => array[rbactest.package_OWNER(NEW)]
perform rbac.defineRoleWithGrants(
permissions => array['SELECT'],
incomingSuperRoles => array[rbactest.package_ADMIN(NEW)],
outgoingSubRoles => array[rbactest.customer_TENANT(newCustomer)]
call rbac.leaveTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
end; $$;
AFTER INSERT TRIGGER to create the role+grant structure for a new rbactest.package row.
create or replace function rbactest.package_build_rbac_system_after_insert_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
strict as $$
call rbactest.package_build_rbac_system(NEW);
return NEW;
end; $$;
create trigger build_rbac_system_after_insert_tg
after insert on rbactest.package
for each row
execute procedure rbactest.package_build_rbac_system_after_insert_tf();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator:rbactest-package-rbac-update-trigger endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Called from the AFTER UPDATE TRIGGER to re-wire the grants.
create or replace procedure rbactest.package_update_rbac_system(
OLD rbactest.package,
NEW rbactest.package
language plpgsql as $$
oldCustomer rbactest.customer;
newCustomer rbactest.customer;
call rbac.enterTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
SELECT * FROM rbactest.customer WHERE uuid = OLD.customerUuid INTO oldCustomer;
assert oldCustomer.uuid is not null, format('oldCustomer must not be null for OLD.customerUuid = %s', OLD.customerUuid);
SELECT * FROM rbactest.customer WHERE uuid = NEW.customerUuid INTO newCustomer;
assert newCustomer.uuid is not null, format('newCustomer must not be null for NEW.customerUuid = %s', NEW.customerUuid);
if NEW.customerUuid <> OLD.customerUuid then
call rbac.revokeRoleFromRole(rbactest.package_OWNER(OLD), rbactest.customer_ADMIN(oldCustomer));
call rbac.grantRoleToRole(rbactest.package_OWNER(NEW), rbactest.customer_ADMIN(newCustomer));
call rbac.revokeRoleFromRole(rbactest.customer_TENANT(oldCustomer), rbactest.package_TENANT(OLD));
call rbac.grantRoleToRole(rbactest.customer_TENANT(newCustomer), rbactest.package_TENANT(NEW));
end if;
call rbac.leaveTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
end; $$;
AFTER UPDATE TRIGGER to re-wire the grant structure for a new rbactest.package row.
create or replace function rbactest.package_update_rbac_system_after_update_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
strict as $$
call rbactest.package_update_rbac_system(OLD, NEW);
return NEW;
end; $$;
create trigger update_rbac_system_after_update_tg
after update on rbactest.package
for each row
execute procedure rbactest.package_update_rbac_system_after_update_tf();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset InsertTriggerGenerator:rbactest-package-rbac-GRANTING-INSERT-PERMISSION endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- granting INSERT permission to rbactest.customer ----------------------------
Grants INSERT INTO rbactest.package permissions to specified role of pre-existing rbactest.customer rows.
do language plpgsql $$
row rbactest.customer;
call base.defineContext('create INSERT INTO rbactest.package permissions for pre-exising rbactest.customer rows');
FOR row IN SELECT * FROM rbactest.customer
-- unconditional for all rows in that table
call rbac.grantPermissionToRole(
rbac.createPermission(row.uuid, 'INSERT', 'rbactest.package'),
Grants rbactest.package INSERT permission to specified role of new customer rows.
create or replace function rbactest.package_grants_insert_to_customer_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
strict as $$
-- unconditional for all rows in that table
call rbac.grantPermissionToRole(
rbac.createPermission(NEW.uuid, 'INSERT', 'rbactest.package'),
-- end.
return NEW;
end; $$;
-- ..._z_... is to put it at the end of after insert triggers, to make sure the roles exist
create trigger package_z_grants_after_insert_tg
after insert on rbactest.customer
for each row
execute procedure rbactest.package_grants_insert_to_customer_tf();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset InsertTriggerGenerator:rbactest-package-rbac-CHECKING-INSERT-PERMISSION endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Checks if the user respectively the assumed roles are allowed to insert a row to rbactest.package.
create or replace function rbactest.package_insert_permission_check_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql as $$
superObjectUuid uuid;
-- check INSERT permission via direct foreign key: NEW.customerUuid
if rbac.hasInsertPermission(NEW.customerUuid, 'rbactest.package') then
return NEW;
end if;
raise exception '[403] insert into rbactest.package values(%) not allowed for current subjects % (%)',
NEW, base.currentSubjects(), rbac.currentSubjectOrAssumedRolesUuids();
end; $$;
create trigger package_insert_permission_check_tg
before insert on rbactest.package
for each row
execute procedure rbactest.package_insert_permission_check_tf();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RbacIdentityViewGenerator:rbactest-package-rbac-IDENTITY-VIEW endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call rbac.generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('rbactest.package',
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RbacRestrictedViewGenerator:rbactest-package-rbac-RESTRICTED-VIEW endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call rbac.generateRbacRestrictedView('rbactest.package',
version = new.version,
customerUuid = new.customerUuid,
description = new.description

View File

@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
--liquibase formatted sql
-- This code generated was by RbacViewPostgresGenerator, do not amend manually.
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RbacObjectGenerator:rbactest-domain-rbac-OBJECT endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call rbac.generateRelatedRbacObject('rbactest.domain');
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RbacRoleDescriptorsGenerator:rbactest-domain-rbac-ROLE-DESCRIPTORS endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call rbac.generateRbacRoleDescriptors('rbactest.domain');
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator:rbactest-domain-rbac-insert-trigger endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Creates the roles, grants and permission for the AFTER INSERT TRIGGER.
create or replace procedure rbactest.domain_build_rbac_system(
NEW rbactest.domain
language plpgsql as $$
newPackage rbactest.package;
call rbac.enterTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
SELECT * FROM rbactest.package WHERE uuid = NEW.packageUuid INTO newPackage;
assert newPackage.uuid is not null, format('newPackage must not be null for NEW.packageUuid = %s', NEW.packageUuid);
perform rbac.defineRoleWithGrants(
permissions => array['DELETE', 'UPDATE'],
incomingSuperRoles => array[rbactest.package_ADMIN(newPackage)],
outgoingSubRoles => array[rbactest.package_TENANT(newPackage)]
perform rbac.defineRoleWithGrants(
permissions => array['SELECT'],
incomingSuperRoles => array[rbactest.domain_OWNER(NEW)],
outgoingSubRoles => array[rbactest.package_TENANT(newPackage)]
call rbac.leaveTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
end; $$;
AFTER INSERT TRIGGER to create the role+grant structure for a new rbactest.domain row.
create or replace function rbactest.domain_build_rbac_system_after_insert_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
strict as $$
call rbactest.domain_build_rbac_system(NEW);
return NEW;
end; $$;
create trigger build_rbac_system_after_insert_tg
after insert on rbactest.domain
for each row
execute procedure rbactest.domain_build_rbac_system_after_insert_tf();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator:rbactest-domain-rbac-update-trigger endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Called from the AFTER UPDATE TRIGGER to re-wire the grants.
create or replace procedure rbactest.domain_update_rbac_system(
OLD rbactest.domain,
NEW rbactest.domain
language plpgsql as $$
oldPackage rbactest.package;
newPackage rbactest.package;
call rbac.enterTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
SELECT * FROM rbactest.package WHERE uuid = OLD.packageUuid INTO oldPackage;
assert oldPackage.uuid is not null, format('oldPackage must not be null for OLD.packageUuid = %s', OLD.packageUuid);
SELECT * FROM rbactest.package WHERE uuid = NEW.packageUuid INTO newPackage;
assert newPackage.uuid is not null, format('newPackage must not be null for NEW.packageUuid = %s', NEW.packageUuid);
if NEW.packageUuid <> OLD.packageUuid then
call rbac.revokeRoleFromRole(rbactest.domain_OWNER(OLD), rbactest.package_ADMIN(oldPackage));
call rbac.grantRoleToRole(rbactest.domain_OWNER(NEW), rbactest.package_ADMIN(newPackage));
call rbac.revokeRoleFromRole(rbactest.package_TENANT(oldPackage), rbactest.domain_OWNER(OLD));
call rbac.grantRoleToRole(rbactest.package_TENANT(newPackage), rbactest.domain_OWNER(NEW));
call rbac.revokeRoleFromRole(rbactest.package_TENANT(oldPackage), rbactest.domain_ADMIN(OLD));
call rbac.grantRoleToRole(rbactest.package_TENANT(newPackage), rbactest.domain_ADMIN(NEW));
end if;
call rbac.leaveTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
end; $$;
AFTER UPDATE TRIGGER to re-wire the grant structure for a new rbactest.domain row.
create or replace function rbactest.domain_update_rbac_system_after_update_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
strict as $$
call rbactest.domain_update_rbac_system(OLD, NEW);
return NEW;
end; $$;
create trigger update_rbac_system_after_update_tg
after update on rbactest.domain
for each row
execute procedure rbactest.domain_update_rbac_system_after_update_tf();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset InsertTriggerGenerator:rbactest-domain-rbac-GRANTING-INSERT-PERMISSION endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- granting INSERT permission to rbactest.package ----------------------------
Grants INSERT INTO rbactest.domain permissions to specified role of pre-existing rbactest.package rows.
do language plpgsql $$
row rbactest.package;
call base.defineContext('create INSERT INTO rbactest.domain permissions for pre-exising rbactest.package rows');
FOR row IN SELECT * FROM rbactest.package
-- unconditional for all rows in that table
call rbac.grantPermissionToRole(
rbac.createPermission(row.uuid, 'INSERT', 'rbactest.domain'),
Grants rbactest.domain INSERT permission to specified role of new package rows.
create or replace function rbactest.domain_grants_insert_to_package_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
strict as $$
-- unconditional for all rows in that table
call rbac.grantPermissionToRole(
rbac.createPermission(NEW.uuid, 'INSERT', 'rbactest.domain'),
-- end.
return NEW;
end; $$;
-- ..._z_... is to put it at the end of after insert triggers, to make sure the roles exist
create trigger domain_z_grants_after_insert_tg
after insert on rbactest.package
for each row
execute procedure rbactest.domain_grants_insert_to_package_tf();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset InsertTriggerGenerator:rbactest-domain-rbac-CHECKING-INSERT-PERMISSION endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Checks if the user respectively the assumed roles are allowed to insert a row to rbactest.domain.
create or replace function rbactest.domain_insert_permission_check_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql as $$
superObjectUuid uuid;
-- check INSERT permission via direct foreign key: NEW.packageUuid
if rbac.hasInsertPermission(NEW.packageUuid, 'rbactest.domain') then
return NEW;
end if;
raise exception '[403] insert into rbactest.domain values(%) not allowed for current subjects % (%)',
NEW, base.currentSubjects(), rbac.currentSubjectOrAssumedRolesUuids();
end; $$;
create trigger domain_insert_permission_check_tg
before insert on rbactest.domain
for each row
execute procedure rbactest.domain_insert_permission_check_tf();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RbacIdentityViewGenerator:rbactest-domain-rbac-IDENTITY-VIEW endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call rbac.generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('rbactest.domain',
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RbacRestrictedViewGenerator:rbactest-domain-rbac-RESTRICTED-VIEW endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call rbac.generateRbacRestrictedView('rbactest.domain',
version = new.version,
packageUuid = new.packageUuid,
description = new.description

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
--changeset michael.hoennig:test-customer-MAIN-TABLE endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
create table if not exists rbactest.customer
create table if not exists test_customer
uuid uuid unique references rbac.object (uuid),
version int not null default 0,

View File

@ -3,29 +3,29 @@
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RbacObjectGenerator:rbactest-customer-rbac-OBJECT endDelimiter:--//
--changeset RbacObjectGenerator:test-customer-rbac-OBJECT endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call rbac.generateRelatedRbacObject('rbactest.customer');
call rbac.generateRelatedRbacObject('test_customer');
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RbacRoleDescriptorsGenerator:rbactest-customer-rbac-ROLE-DESCRIPTORS endDelimiter:--//
--changeset RbacRoleDescriptorsGenerator:test-customer-rbac-ROLE-DESCRIPTORS endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call rbac.generateRbacRoleDescriptors('rbactest.customer');
call rbac.generateRbacRoleDescriptors('testCustomer', 'test_customer');
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator:rbactest-customer-rbac-insert-trigger endDelimiter:--//
--changeset RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator:test-customer-rbac-insert-trigger endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Creates the roles, grants and permission for the AFTER INSERT TRIGGER.
create or replace procedure rbactest.customer_build_rbac_system(
NEW rbactest.customer
create or replace procedure buildRbacSystemForTestCustomer(
NEW test_customer
language plpgsql as $$
@ -35,129 +35,129 @@ begin
call rbac.enterTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
perform rbac.defineRoleWithGrants(
permissions => array['DELETE'],
incomingSuperRoles => array[rbac.global_ADMIN(rbac.unassumed())],
incomingSuperRoles => array[rbac.globalADMIN(rbac.unassumed())],
subjectUuids => array[rbac.currentSubjectUuid()]
perform rbac.defineRoleWithGrants(
permissions => array['UPDATE'],
incomingSuperRoles => array[rbactest.customer_OWNER(NEW)]
incomingSuperRoles => array[testCustomerOWNER(NEW)]
perform rbac.defineRoleWithGrants(
permissions => array['SELECT'],
incomingSuperRoles => array[rbactest.customer_ADMIN(NEW)]
incomingSuperRoles => array[testCustomerADMIN(NEW)]
call rbac.leaveTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
end; $$;
AFTER INSERT TRIGGER to create the role+grant structure for a new rbactest.customer row.
AFTER INSERT TRIGGER to create the role+grant structure for a new test_customer row.
create or replace function rbactest.customer_build_rbac_system_after_insert_tf()
create or replace function insertTriggerForTestCustomer_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
strict as $$
call rbactest.customer_build_rbac_system(NEW);
call buildRbacSystemForTestCustomer(NEW);
return NEW;
end; $$;
create trigger build_rbac_system_after_insert_tg
after insert on rbactest.customer
create trigger insertTriggerForTestCustomer_tg
after insert on test_customer
for each row
execute procedure rbactest.customer_build_rbac_system_after_insert_tf();
execute procedure insertTriggerForTestCustomer_tf();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset InsertTriggerGenerator:rbactest-customer-rbac-GRANTING-INSERT-PERMISSION endDelimiter:--//
--changeset InsertTriggerGenerator:test-customer-rbac-GRANTING-INSERT-PERMISSION endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- granting INSERT permission to ----------------------------
Grants INSERT INTO rbactest.customer permissions to specified role of pre-existing rows.
Grants INSERT INTO test_customer permissions to specified role of pre-existing rows.
do language plpgsql $$
call base.defineContext('create INSERT INTO rbactest.customer permissions for pre-exising rows');
call base.defineContext('create INSERT INTO test_customer permissions for pre-exising rows');
-- unconditional for all rows in that table
call rbac.grantPermissionToRole(
rbac.createPermission(row.uuid, 'INSERT', 'rbactest.customer'),
rbac.createPermission(row.uuid, 'INSERT', 'test_customer'),
Grants rbactest.customer INSERT permission to specified role of new global rows.
Grants test_customer INSERT permission to specified role of new global rows.
create or replace function rbactest.customer_grants_insert_to_global_tf()
create or replace function rbac.new_test_customer_grants_insert_to_global_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
strict as $$
-- unconditional for all rows in that table
call rbac.grantPermissionToRole(
rbac.createPermission(NEW.uuid, 'INSERT', 'rbactest.customer'),
rbac.createPermission(NEW.uuid, 'INSERT', 'test_customer'),
-- end.
return NEW;
end; $$;
-- ..._z_... is to put it at the end of after insert triggers, to make sure the roles exist
create trigger customer_z_grants_after_insert_tg
-- z_... is to put it at the end of after insert triggers, to make sure the roles exist
create trigger z_new_test_customer_grants_after_insert_tg
after insert on
for each row
execute procedure rbactest.customer_grants_insert_to_global_tf();
execute procedure rbac.new_test_customer_grants_insert_to_global_tf();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset InsertTriggerGenerator:rbactest-customer-rbac-CHECKING-INSERT-PERMISSION endDelimiter:--//
--changeset InsertTriggerGenerator:test_customer-rbac-CHECKING-INSERT-PERMISSION endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Checks if the user respectively the assumed roles are allowed to insert a row to rbactest.customer.
Checks if the user respectively the assumed roles are allowed to insert a row to test_customer.
create or replace function rbactest.customer_insert_permission_check_tf()
create or replace function test_customer_insert_permission_check_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql as $$
superObjectUuid uuid;
-- check INSERT permission if ADMIN
if rbac.isGlobalAdmin() then
return NEW;
end if;
raise exception '[403] insert into rbactest.customer values(%) not allowed for current subjects % (%)',
raise exception '[403] insert into test_customer values(%) not allowed for current subjects % (%)',
NEW, base.currentSubjects(), rbac.currentSubjectOrAssumedRolesUuids();
end; $$;
create trigger customer_insert_permission_check_tg
before insert on rbactest.customer
create trigger test_customer_insert_permission_check_tg
before insert on test_customer
for each row
execute procedure rbactest.customer_insert_permission_check_tf();
execute procedure test_customer_insert_permission_check_tf();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RbacIdentityViewGenerator:rbactest-customer-rbac-IDENTITY-VIEW endDelimiter:--//
--changeset RbacIdentityViewGenerator:test-customer-rbac-IDENTITY-VIEW endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call rbac.generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('rbactest.customer',
call rbac.generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('test_customer',
@ -165,9 +165,9 @@ call rbac.generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('rbactest.customer',
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RbacRestrictedViewGenerator:rbactest-customer-rbac-RESTRICTED-VIEW endDelimiter:--//
--changeset RbacRestrictedViewGenerator:test-customer-rbac-RESTRICTED-VIEW endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call rbac.generateRbacRestrictedView('rbactest.customer',
call rbac.generateRbacRestrictedView('test_customer',

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
Generates a customer reference number for a given test data counter.
create or replace function rbactest.customer_create_test_data(customerCount integer)
create or replace function testCustomerReference(customerCount integer)
returns integer
returns null on null input
language plpgsql as $$
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ end; $$;
Creates a single customer test record with dist.
create or replace procedure rbactest.customer_create_test_data(
create or replace procedure createTestCustomerTestData(
custReference integer,
custPrefix varchar
@ -28,21 +28,21 @@ declare
custRowId uuid;
custAdminName varchar;
custAdminUuid uuid;
newCust rbactest.customer;
newCust test_customer;
custRowId = uuid_generate_v4();
custAdminName = 'customer-admin@' || custPrefix || '';
custAdminUuid = rbac.create_subject(custAdminName);
into rbactest.customer (reference, prefix, adminUserName)
into test_customer (reference, prefix, adminUserName)
values (custReference, custPrefix, custAdminName);
select * into newCust
from rbactest.customer where reference=custReference;
from test_customer where reference=custReference;
call rbac.grantRoleToSubject(
end; $$;
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ end; $$;
Creates a range of test customers for mass data generation.
create or replace procedure rbactest.customer_create_test_data(
create or replace procedure createTestCustomerTestData(
startCount integer, -- count of auto generated rows before the run
endCount integer -- count of auto generated rows after the run
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ create or replace procedure rbactest.customer_create_test_data(
for t in startCount..endCount
call rbactest.customer_create_test_data(rbactest.testCustomerReference(t), base.intToVarChar(t, 3));
call createTestCustomerTestData(testCustomerReference(t), base.intToVarChar(t, 3));
end loop;
end; $$;
@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ do language plpgsql $$
call base.defineContext('creating RBAC test customer', null, '', '');
call rbactest.customer_create_test_data(99901, 'xxx');
call rbactest.customer_create_test_data(99902, 'yyy');
call rbactest.customer_create_test_data(99903, 'zzz');
call createTestCustomerTestData(99901, 'xxx');
call createTestCustomerTestData(99902, 'yyy');
call createTestCustomerTestData(99903, 'zzz');

View File

@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
--changeset michael.hoennig:test-package-MAIN-TABLE endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
create table if not exists rbactest.package
create table if not exists test_package
uuid uuid unique references rbac.object (uuid),
version int not null default 0,
customerUuid uuid references rbactest.customer (uuid),
customerUuid uuid references test_customer (uuid),
name varchar(5),
description varchar(96)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
--liquibase formatted sql
-- This code generated was by RbacViewPostgresGenerator, do not amend manually.
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RbacObjectGenerator:test-package-rbac-OBJECT endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call rbac.generateRelatedRbacObject('test_package');
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RbacRoleDescriptorsGenerator:test-package-rbac-ROLE-DESCRIPTORS endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call rbac.generateRbacRoleDescriptors('testPackage', 'test_package');
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator:test-package-rbac-insert-trigger endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Creates the roles, grants and permission for the AFTER INSERT TRIGGER.
create or replace procedure buildRbacSystemForTestPackage(
NEW test_package
language plpgsql as $$
newCustomer test_customer;
call rbac.enterTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
SELECT * FROM test_customer WHERE uuid = NEW.customerUuid INTO newCustomer;
assert newCustomer.uuid is not null, format('newCustomer must not be null for NEW.customerUuid = %s', NEW.customerUuid);
perform rbac.defineRoleWithGrants(
permissions => array['DELETE', 'UPDATE'],
incomingSuperRoles => array[testCustomerADMIN(newCustomer)]
perform rbac.defineRoleWithGrants(
incomingSuperRoles => array[testPackageOWNER(NEW)]
perform rbac.defineRoleWithGrants(
permissions => array['SELECT'],
incomingSuperRoles => array[testPackageADMIN(NEW)],
outgoingSubRoles => array[testCustomerTENANT(newCustomer)]
call rbac.leaveTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
end; $$;
AFTER INSERT TRIGGER to create the role+grant structure for a new test_package row.
create or replace function insertTriggerForTestPackage_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
strict as $$
call buildRbacSystemForTestPackage(NEW);
return NEW;
end; $$;
create trigger insertTriggerForTestPackage_tg
after insert on test_package
for each row
execute procedure insertTriggerForTestPackage_tf();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator:test-package-rbac-update-trigger endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Called from the AFTER UPDATE TRIGGER to re-wire the grants.
create or replace procedure updateRbacRulesForTestPackage(
OLD test_package,
NEW test_package
language plpgsql as $$
oldCustomer test_customer;
newCustomer test_customer;
call rbac.enterTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
SELECT * FROM test_customer WHERE uuid = OLD.customerUuid INTO oldCustomer;
assert oldCustomer.uuid is not null, format('oldCustomer must not be null for OLD.customerUuid = %s', OLD.customerUuid);
SELECT * FROM test_customer WHERE uuid = NEW.customerUuid INTO newCustomer;
assert newCustomer.uuid is not null, format('newCustomer must not be null for NEW.customerUuid = %s', NEW.customerUuid);
if NEW.customerUuid <> OLD.customerUuid then
call rbac.revokeRoleFromRole(testPackageOWNER(OLD), testCustomerADMIN(oldCustomer));
call rbac.grantRoleToRole(testPackageOWNER(NEW), testCustomerADMIN(newCustomer));
call rbac.revokeRoleFromRole(testCustomerTENANT(oldCustomer), testPackageTENANT(OLD));
call rbac.grantRoleToRole(testCustomerTENANT(newCustomer), testPackageTENANT(NEW));
end if;
call rbac.leaveTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
end; $$;
AFTER INSERT TRIGGER to re-wire the grant structure for a new test_package row.
create or replace function updateTriggerForTestPackage_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
strict as $$
call updateRbacRulesForTestPackage(OLD, NEW);
return NEW;
end; $$;
create trigger updateTriggerForTestPackage_tg
after update on test_package
for each row
execute procedure updateTriggerForTestPackage_tf();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset InsertTriggerGenerator:test-package-rbac-GRANTING-INSERT-PERMISSION endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- granting INSERT permission to test_customer ----------------------------
Grants INSERT INTO test_package permissions to specified role of pre-existing test_customer rows.
do language plpgsql $$
row test_customer;
call base.defineContext('create INSERT INTO test_package permissions for pre-exising test_customer rows');
FOR row IN SELECT * FROM test_customer
-- unconditional for all rows in that table
call rbac.grantPermissionToRole(
rbac.createPermission(row.uuid, 'INSERT', 'test_package'),
Grants test_package INSERT permission to specified role of new test_customer rows.
create or replace function new_test_package_grants_insert_to_test_customer_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
strict as $$
-- unconditional for all rows in that table
call rbac.grantPermissionToRole(
rbac.createPermission(NEW.uuid, 'INSERT', 'test_package'),
-- end.
return NEW;
end; $$;
-- z_... is to put it at the end of after insert triggers, to make sure the roles exist
create trigger z_new_test_package_grants_after_insert_tg
after insert on test_customer
for each row
execute procedure new_test_package_grants_insert_to_test_customer_tf();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset InsertTriggerGenerator:test_package-rbac-CHECKING-INSERT-PERMISSION endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Checks if the user respectively the assumed roles are allowed to insert a row to test_package.
create or replace function test_package_insert_permission_check_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql as $$
superObjectUuid uuid;
-- check INSERT permission via direct foreign key: NEW.customerUuid
if rbac.hasInsertPermission(NEW.customerUuid, 'test_package') then
return NEW;
end if;
raise exception '[403] insert into test_package values(%) not allowed for current subjects % (%)',
NEW, base.currentSubjects(), rbac.currentSubjectOrAssumedRolesUuids();
end; $$;
create trigger test_package_insert_permission_check_tg
before insert on test_package
for each row
execute procedure test_package_insert_permission_check_tf();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RbacIdentityViewGenerator:test-package-rbac-IDENTITY-VIEW endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call rbac.generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('test_package',
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RbacRestrictedViewGenerator:test-package-rbac-RESTRICTED-VIEW endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call rbac.generateRbacRestrictedView('test_package',
version = new.version,
customerUuid = new.customerUuid,
description = new.description

View File

@ -6,32 +6,32 @@
Creates the given number of test packages for the given customer.
create or replace procedure rbactest.package_create_test_data(customerPrefix varchar, pacCount int)
create or replace procedure createPackageTestData(customerPrefix varchar, pacCount int)
language plpgsql as $$
cust rbactest.customer;
cust test_customer;
custAdminUser varchar;
custAdminRole varchar;
pacName varchar;
pac rbactest.package;
pac test_package;
select * from rbactest.customer where rbactest.customer.prefix = customerPrefix into cust;
select * from test_customer where test_customer.prefix = customerPrefix into cust;
for t in 0..(pacCount-1)
pacName = cust.prefix || to_char(t, 'fm00');
custAdminUser = 'customer-admin@' || cust.prefix || '';
custAdminRole = 'rbactest.customer#' || cust.prefix || ':ADMIN';
custAdminRole = 'test_customer#' || cust.prefix || ':ADMIN';
call base.defineContext('creating RBAC test package', null, '', custAdminRole);
into rbactest.package (customerUuid, name, description)
into test_package (customerUuid, name, description)
values (cust.uuid, pacName, 'Here you can add your own description of package ' || pacName || '.')
returning * into pac;
call rbac.grantRoleToSubject(
rbac.create_subject('pac-admin-' || pacName || '@' || cust.prefix || ''),
@ -41,15 +41,15 @@ end; $$;
Creates a range of test packages for mass data generation.
create or replace procedure rbactest.package_create_test_data()
create or replace procedure createPackageTestData()
language plpgsql as $$
cust rbactest.customer;
cust test_customer;
for cust in (select * from rbactest.customer)
for cust in (select * from test_customer)
continue when cust.reference >= 90000; -- reserved for functional testing
call rbactest.package_create_test_data(cust.prefix, 3);
call createPackageTestData(cust.prefix, 3);
end loop;
@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ $$;
do language plpgsql $$
call rbactest.package_create_test_data('xxx', 3);
call rbactest.package_create_test_data('yyy', 3);
call rbactest.package_create_test_data('zzz', 3);
call createPackageTestData('xxx', 3);
call createPackageTestData('yyy', 3);
call createPackageTestData('zzz', 3);

View File

@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
--changeset michael.hoennig:test-domain-MAIN-TABLE endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
create table if not exists rbactest.domain
create table if not exists test_domain
uuid uuid unique references rbac.object (uuid),
packageUuid uuid references rbactest.package (uuid),
packageUuid uuid references test_package (uuid),
name character varying(253),
description character varying(96)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
--liquibase formatted sql
-- This code generated was by RbacViewPostgresGenerator, do not amend manually.
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RbacObjectGenerator:test-domain-rbac-OBJECT endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call rbac.generateRelatedRbacObject('test_domain');
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RbacRoleDescriptorsGenerator:test-domain-rbac-ROLE-DESCRIPTORS endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call rbac.generateRbacRoleDescriptors('testDomain', 'test_domain');
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator:test-domain-rbac-insert-trigger endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Creates the roles, grants and permission for the AFTER INSERT TRIGGER.
create or replace procedure buildRbacSystemForTestDomain(
NEW test_domain
language plpgsql as $$
newPackage test_package;
call rbac.enterTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
SELECT * FROM test_package WHERE uuid = NEW.packageUuid INTO newPackage;
assert newPackage.uuid is not null, format('newPackage must not be null for NEW.packageUuid = %s', NEW.packageUuid);
perform rbac.defineRoleWithGrants(
permissions => array['DELETE', 'UPDATE'],
incomingSuperRoles => array[testPackageADMIN(newPackage)],
outgoingSubRoles => array[testPackageTENANT(newPackage)]
perform rbac.defineRoleWithGrants(
permissions => array['SELECT'],
incomingSuperRoles => array[testDomainOWNER(NEW)],
outgoingSubRoles => array[testPackageTENANT(newPackage)]
call rbac.leaveTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
end; $$;
AFTER INSERT TRIGGER to create the role+grant structure for a new test_domain row.
create or replace function insertTriggerForTestDomain_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
strict as $$
call buildRbacSystemForTestDomain(NEW);
return NEW;
end; $$;
create trigger insertTriggerForTestDomain_tg
after insert on test_domain
for each row
execute procedure insertTriggerForTestDomain_tf();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator:test-domain-rbac-update-trigger endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Called from the AFTER UPDATE TRIGGER to re-wire the grants.
create or replace procedure updateRbacRulesForTestDomain(
OLD test_domain,
NEW test_domain
language plpgsql as $$
oldPackage test_package;
newPackage test_package;
call rbac.enterTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
SELECT * FROM test_package WHERE uuid = OLD.packageUuid INTO oldPackage;
assert oldPackage.uuid is not null, format('oldPackage must not be null for OLD.packageUuid = %s', OLD.packageUuid);
SELECT * FROM test_package WHERE uuid = NEW.packageUuid INTO newPackage;
assert newPackage.uuid is not null, format('newPackage must not be null for NEW.packageUuid = %s', NEW.packageUuid);
if NEW.packageUuid <> OLD.packageUuid then
call rbac.revokeRoleFromRole(testDomainOWNER(OLD), testPackageADMIN(oldPackage));
call rbac.grantRoleToRole(testDomainOWNER(NEW), testPackageADMIN(newPackage));
call rbac.revokeRoleFromRole(testPackageTENANT(oldPackage), testDomainOWNER(OLD));
call rbac.grantRoleToRole(testPackageTENANT(newPackage), testDomainOWNER(NEW));
call rbac.revokeRoleFromRole(testPackageTENANT(oldPackage), testDomainADMIN(OLD));
call rbac.grantRoleToRole(testPackageTENANT(newPackage), testDomainADMIN(NEW));
end if;
call rbac.leaveTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
end; $$;
AFTER INSERT TRIGGER to re-wire the grant structure for a new test_domain row.
create or replace function updateTriggerForTestDomain_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
strict as $$
call updateRbacRulesForTestDomain(OLD, NEW);
return NEW;
end; $$;
create trigger updateTriggerForTestDomain_tg
after update on test_domain
for each row
execute procedure updateTriggerForTestDomain_tf();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset InsertTriggerGenerator:test-domain-rbac-GRANTING-INSERT-PERMISSION endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- granting INSERT permission to test_package ----------------------------
Grants INSERT INTO test_domain permissions to specified role of pre-existing test_package rows.
do language plpgsql $$
row test_package;
call base.defineContext('create INSERT INTO test_domain permissions for pre-exising test_package rows');
FOR row IN SELECT * FROM test_package
-- unconditional for all rows in that table
call rbac.grantPermissionToRole(
rbac.createPermission(row.uuid, 'INSERT', 'test_domain'),
Grants test_domain INSERT permission to specified role of new test_package rows.
create or replace function new_test_domain_grants_insert_to_test_package_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
strict as $$
-- unconditional for all rows in that table
call rbac.grantPermissionToRole(
rbac.createPermission(NEW.uuid, 'INSERT', 'test_domain'),
-- end.
return NEW;
end; $$;
-- z_... is to put it at the end of after insert triggers, to make sure the roles exist
create trigger z_new_test_domain_grants_after_insert_tg
after insert on test_package
for each row
execute procedure new_test_domain_grants_insert_to_test_package_tf();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset InsertTriggerGenerator:test_domain-rbac-CHECKING-INSERT-PERMISSION endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Checks if the user respectively the assumed roles are allowed to insert a row to test_domain.
create or replace function test_domain_insert_permission_check_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql as $$
superObjectUuid uuid;
-- check INSERT permission via direct foreign key: NEW.packageUuid
if rbac.hasInsertPermission(NEW.packageUuid, 'test_domain') then
return NEW;
end if;
raise exception '[403] insert into test_domain values(%) not allowed for current subjects % (%)',
NEW, base.currentSubjects(), rbac.currentSubjectOrAssumedRolesUuids();
end; $$;
create trigger test_domain_insert_permission_check_tg
before insert on test_domain
for each row
execute procedure test_domain_insert_permission_check_tf();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RbacIdentityViewGenerator:test-domain-rbac-IDENTITY-VIEW endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call rbac.generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('test_domain',
-- ============================================================================
--changeset RbacRestrictedViewGenerator:test-domain-rbac-RESTRICTED-VIEW endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call rbac.generateRbacRestrictedView('test_domain',
version = new.version,
packageUuid = new.packageUuid,
description = new.description

View File

@ -6,15 +6,15 @@
Creates the given count of test unix users for a single package.
create or replace procedure rbactest.domain_create_test_data( packageName varchar, domainCount int )
create or replace procedure createdomainTestData( packageName varchar, domainCount int )
language plpgsql as $$
pac record;
pacAdmin varchar;
select p.uuid,, c.prefix as custPrefix
from rbactest.package p
join rbactest.customer c on p.customeruuid = c.uuid
from test_package p
join test_customer c on p.customeruuid = c.uuid
where = packageName
into pac;
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ begin
call base.defineContext('creating RBAC test domain', null, pacAdmin, null);
into rbactest.domain (name, packageUuid)
into test_domain (name, packageUuid)
values ( || '-' || base.intToVarChar(t, 4), pac.uuid);
end loop;
end; $$;
@ -32,18 +32,20 @@ end; $$;
Creates a range of unix users for mass data generation.
create or replace procedure rbactest.domain_create_test_data( domainPerPackage integer )
create or replace procedure createdomainTestData( domainPerPackage integer )
language plpgsql as $$
pac record;
pacAdmin varchar;
currentTask varchar;
for pac in
(select p.uuid,
from rbactest.package p
join rbactest.customer c on p.customeruuid = c.uuid
from test_package p
join test_customer c on p.customeruuid = c.uuid
where c.reference < 90000) -- reserved for functional testing
call rbactest.domain_create_test_data(, 2);
call createdomainTestData(, 2);
end loop;
@ -57,17 +59,17 @@ end; $$;
do language plpgsql $$
call rbactest.domain_create_test_data('xxx00', 2);
call rbactest.domain_create_test_data('xxx01', 2);
call rbactest.domain_create_test_data('xxx02', 2);
call createdomainTestData('xxx00', 2);
call createdomainTestData('xxx01', 2);
call createdomainTestData('xxx02', 2);
call rbactest.domain_create_test_data('yyy00', 2);
call rbactest.domain_create_test_data('yyy01', 2);
call rbactest.domain_create_test_data('yyy02', 2);
call createdomainTestData('yyy00', 2);
call createdomainTestData('yyy01', 2);
call createdomainTestData('yyy02', 2);
call rbactest.domain_create_test_data('zzz00', 2);
call rbactest.domain_create_test_data('zzz01', 2);
call rbactest.domain_create_test_data('zzz02', 2);
call createdomainTestData('zzz00', 2);
call createdomainTestData('zzz01', 2);
call createdomainTestData('zzz02', 2);

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More