avoid nested subselect for insert permission check
This commit is contained in:
@ -150,11 +150,7 @@ public class HsOfficeDebitorEntity implements HasUuid, Stringifyable {
.toRole("global", ADMIN).grantPermission(INSERT)
.importRootEntityAliasProxy("debitorRel", HsOfficeRelationEntity.class,
FROM hs_office_relation AS r
WHERE r.type = 'DEBITOR' AND r.uuid = ${REF}.debitorRelUuid
.createPermission(DELETE).grantedTo("debitorRel", OWNER)
.createPermission(UPDATE).grantedTo("debitorRel", ADMIN)
@ -170,7 +166,7 @@ public class HsOfficeDebitorEntity implements HasUuid, Stringifyable {
.importEntityAlias("partnerRel", HsOfficeRelationEntity.class,
SELECT partnerRel.*
SELECT ${columns}
FROM hs_office_relation AS partnerRel
JOIN hs_office_relation AS debitorRel
ON debitorRel.type = 'DEBITOR' AND debitorRel.anchorUuid = partnerRel.holderUuid
@ -132,10 +132,10 @@ public class HsOfficeMembershipEntity implements HasUuid, Stringifyable {
.importEntityAlias("partnerRel", HsOfficeRelationEntity.class,
FROM hs_office_partner AS p
JOIN hs_office_relation AS r ON r.uuid = p.partnerRelUuid
WHERE p.uuid = ${REF}.partnerUuid
SELECT ${columns}
FROM hs_office_partner AS partner
JOIN hs_office_relation AS partnerRel ON partnerRel.uuid = partner.partnerRelUuid
WHERE partner.uuid = ${REF}.partnerUuid
.toRole("partnerRel", ADMIN).grantPermission(INSERT)
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.rbacdef.RbacView.Column.dependsOnCo
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.rbacdef.RbacView.Permission.*;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.rbacdef.RbacView.Permission.SELECT;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.rbacdef.RbacView.Role.*;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.rbacdef.RbacView.SQL.fetchedBySql;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.rbacdef.RbacView.SQL.directlyFetchedByDependsOnColumn;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.rbacdef.RbacView.rbacViewFor;
import static java.util.Optional.ofNullable;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.stringify.Stringify.stringify;
@ -98,14 +98,14 @@ public class HsOfficePartnerEntity implements Stringifyable, HasUuid {
.toRole("global", ADMIN).grantPermission(INSERT) // FIXME: global -> partnerRel.anchor?
.importRootEntityAliasProxy("partnerRel", HsOfficeRelationEntity.class,
fetchedBySql("SELECT * FROM hs_office_relation AS r WHERE r.uuid = ${ref}.partnerRelUuid"),
.createPermission(DELETE).grantedTo("partnerRel", ADMIN)
.createPermission(UPDATE).grantedTo("partnerRel", AGENT)
.createPermission(SELECT).grantedTo("partnerRel", TENANT)
.importSubEntityAlias("partnerDetails", HsOfficePartnerDetailsEntity.class,
fetchedBySql("SELECT * FROM hs_office_partner_details AS d WHERE d.uuid = ${ref}.detailsUuid"),
.createPermission("partnerDetails", DELETE).grantedTo("partnerRel", ADMIN)
.createPermission("partnerDetails", UPDATE).grantedTo("partnerRel", AGENT)
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.rbacdef.RbacView.Nullable.NOT_NULL;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.rbacdef.RbacView.Permission.*;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.rbacdef.RbacView.RbacUserReference.UserRole.CREATOR;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.rbacdef.RbacView.Role.*;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.rbacdef.RbacView.SQL.fetchedBySql;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.rbacdef.RbacView.SQL.directlyFetchedByDependsOnColumn;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.rbacdef.RbacView.rbacViewFor;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.stringify.Stringify.stringify;
@ -91,15 +91,15 @@ public class HsOfficeRelationEntity implements HasUuid, Stringifyable {
.importEntityAlias("anchorPerson", HsOfficePersonEntity.class,
fetchedBySql("select * from hs_office_person as p where p.uuid = ${REF}.anchorUuid"),
.importEntityAlias("holderPerson", HsOfficePersonEntity.class,
fetchedBySql("select * from hs_office_person as p where p.uuid = ${REF}.holderUuid"),
.importEntityAlias("contact", HsOfficeContactEntity.class,
fetchedBySql("select * from hs_office_contact as c where c.uuid = ${REF}.contactUuid"),
.createRole(OWNER, (with) -> {
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ public class HsOfficeSepaMandateEntity implements Stringifyable, HasUuid {
.importEntityAlias("debitorRel", HsOfficeRelationEntity.class,
SELECT debitorRel.*
SELECT ${columns}
FROM hs_office_relation debitorRel
JOIN hs_office_debitor debitor ON debitor.debitorRelUuid = debitorRel.uuid
WHERE debitor.uuid = ${REF}.debitorUuid
@ -114,8 +114,7 @@ public class InsertTriggerGenerator {
} else {
final var superRoleEntityAlias = g.getSuperRoleDef().getEntityAlias();
if (superRoleEntityAlias.fetchSql().part == RbacView.SQL.Part.AUTO_FETCH) {
if (g.getSuperRoleDef().getEntityAlias().isFetchedByDirectForeignKey()) {
generateInsertPermissionTriggerAllowByRoleOfDirectForeignKey(plPgSql, g);
} else {
generateInsertPermissionTriggerAllowByRoleOfIndirectForeignKey(plPgSql, g);
@ -164,24 +163,27 @@ public class InsertTriggerGenerator {
An indirect role is a role FIXME.
create or replace function ${rawSubTable}_insert_permission_missing_tf()
create or replace function ${rawSubTable}_insert_permission_check_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql as $$
superRoleObjectUuid uuid;
if ( not hasInsertPermission(
( SELECT ${varName}.uuid FROM
with("rawSubTable", rbacDef.getRootEntityAlias().getRawTableName()),
with("varName", g.getSuperRoleDef().getEntityAlias().aliasName()));
plPgSql.indented(3, () -> {
with("rawSubTable", rbacDef.getRootEntityAlias().getRawTableName()));
plPgSql.indented(2, () -> {
"(" + g.getSuperRoleDef().getEntityAlias().fetchSql().sql + ") AS ${varName}",
with("varName", g.getSuperRoleDef().getEntityAlias().aliasName()),
"superRoleObjectUuid := (" + g.getSuperRoleDef().getEntityAlias().fetchSql().sql + ");\n" +
"assert superRoleObjectUuid is not null, 'superRoleObjectUuid must not be null';",
with("columns", g.getSuperRoleDef().getEntityAlias().aliasName() + ".uuid"),
with("ref", NEW.name()));
), 'INSERT', '${rawSubTable}') ) then
if ( not hasInsertPermission(superRoleObjectUuid, 'INSERT', '${rawSubTable}') ) then
raise exception
'[403] insert into ${rawSubTable} not allowed for current subjects % (%)',
currentSubjects(), currentSubjectsUuids();
@ -192,7 +194,7 @@ public class InsertTriggerGenerator {
create trigger ${rawSubTable}_insert_permission_check_tg
before insert on ${rawSubTable}
for each row
execute procedure ${rawSubTable}_insert_permission_missing_tf();
execute procedure ${rawSubTable}_insert_permission_check_tf();
with("rawSubTable", rbacDef.getRootEntityAlias().getRawTableName()));
@ -26,18 +26,20 @@ public class RbacIdentityViewGenerator {
switch (rbacDef.getIdentityViewSqlQuery().part) {
case SQL_PROJECTION -> """
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('${rawTableName}', $idName$
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('${rawTableName}',
case SQL_QUERY -> """
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromQuery('${rawTableName}', $idName$
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromQuery('${rawTableName}',
default -> throw new IllegalStateException("illegal SQL part given");
with("identityViewSqlPart", rbacDef.getIdentityViewSqlQuery().sql),
with("identityViewSqlPart", StringWriter.indented(2, rbacDef.getIdentityViewSqlQuery().sql)),
with("rawTableName", rawTableName));
@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ public class RbacRestrictedViewGenerator {
with("liquibaseTagPrefix", liquibaseTagPrefix),
with("orderBy", indented(rbacDef.getOrderBySqlExpression().sql, 2)),
with("updates", indented(rbacDef.getUpdatableColumns().stream()
with("orderBy", indented(2, rbacDef.getOrderBySqlExpression().sql)),
with("updates", indented(2, rbacDef.getUpdatableColumns().stream()
.map(c -> c + " = new." + c)
.collect(joining(",\n")), 2)),
with("rawTableName", rawTableName));
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import static java.util.Arrays.stream;
import static java.util.Optional.ofNullable;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.rbacdef.RbacView.Nullable.NOT_NULL;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.rbacdef.RbacView.RbacUserReference.UserRole.CREATOR;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.rbacdef.RbacView.SQL.Part.AUTO_FETCH;
import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.rbacdef.RbacView.SQL.directlyFetchedByDependsOnColumn;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.uncapitalize;
@ -839,8 +840,8 @@ public class RbacView {
public boolean hasFetchSql() {
return fetchSql != null;
boolean isFetchedByDirectForeignKey() {
return fetchSql != null && fetchSql.part == AUTO_FETCH;
private String withoutEntitySuffix(final String simpleEntityName) {
@ -909,14 +910,25 @@ public class RbacView {
* DSL method to specify an SQL SELECT expression which fetches the related entity,
* using the reference `${ref}` of the root entity.
* `${ref}` is going to be replaced by either `NEW` or `OLD` of the trigger function.
* `into ...` will be added with a variable name prefixed with either `new` or `old`.
* using the reference `${ref}` of the root entity and `${columns}` for the projection.
* <p>The query <strong>must define</strong> the entity alias name of the fetched table
* as its alias for, so it can be used in the generated projection (the columns between
* `SELECT` and `FROM`.</p>
* <p>`${ref}` is going to be replaced by either `NEW` or `OLD` of the trigger function.
* `into ...` will be added with a variable name prefixed with either `new` or `old`.</p>
* <p>`${columns}` is going to be replaced by the columns which are needed for the query,
* e.g. `*` or `uuid`.</p>
* @param sql an SQL SELECT expression (not ending with ';)
* @return the wrapped SQL expression
public static SQL fetchedBySql(final String sql) {
if ( !sql.startsWith("SELECT ${columns}") ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("SQL SELECT expression must start with 'SELECT ${columns}', but is: " + sql);
return new SQL(sql, Part.SQL_QUERY);
@ -929,7 +941,7 @@ public class RbacView {
* @return the wrapped SQL definition object
public static SQL directlyFetchedByDependsOnColumn() {
return new SQL(null, Part.AUTO_FETCH);
return new SQL(null, AUTO_FETCH);
@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ class RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator {
final PostgresTriggerReference old) {
ea.fetchSql().sql + " INTO " + entityRefVar(old, ea) + ";",
with("columns", ea.aliasName() + ".*"),
with("ref", old.name()));
if (ea.nullable() == RbacView.Nullable.NOT_NULL) {
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public class StringWriter {
return string.toString();
public static String indented(final String text, final int indentLevel) {
public static String indented(final int indentLevel, final String text) {
final var indentation = StringUtils.repeat(" ", indentLevel);
final var indented = stream(text.split("\n"))
.map(line -> line.trim().isBlank() ? "" : indentation + line)
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public class StringWriter {
if ( indentLevel == 0) {
return text;
return indented(text, indentLevel);
return indented(indentLevel, text);
record VarDef(String name, String value){}
@ -143,8 +143,9 @@ create trigger test_customer_insert_permission_check_tg
--changeset test-customer-rbac-IDENTITY-VIEW:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('test_customer', $idName$
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('test_customer',
@ -189,30 +189,22 @@ execute procedure test_package_test_customer_insert_tf();
Checks if the user or assumed roles are allowed to insert a row to test_package,
where the check is performed by an indirect role.
where the check is performed by a direct role.
An indirect role is a role FIXME.
A direct role is a role depending on a foreign key directly available in the NEW row.
create or replace function test_package_insert_permission_missing_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql as $$
if ( not hasInsertPermission(
( SELECT customer.uuid FROM
(SELECT * FROM test_customer WHERE uuid = NEW.customerUuid) AS customer
), 'INSERT', 'test_package') ) then
raise exception
'[403] insert into test_package not allowed for current subjects % (%)',
currentSubjects(), currentSubjectsUuids();
end if;
return NEW;
raise exception '[403] insert into test_package not allowed for current subjects % (%)',
currentSubjects(), currentSubjectsUuids();
end; $$;
create trigger test_package_insert_permission_check_tg
before insert on test_package
for each row
when ( not hasInsertPermission(NEW.customerUuid, 'INSERT', 'test_package') )
execute procedure test_package_insert_permission_missing_tf();
@ -220,8 +212,9 @@ create trigger test_package_insert_permission_check_tg
--changeset test-package-rbac-IDENTITY-VIEW:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('test_package', $idName$
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('test_package',
@ -188,30 +188,22 @@ execute procedure test_domain_test_package_insert_tf();
Checks if the user or assumed roles are allowed to insert a row to test_domain,
where the check is performed by an indirect role.
where the check is performed by a direct role.
An indirect role is a role FIXME.
A direct role is a role depending on a foreign key directly available in the NEW row.
create or replace function test_domain_insert_permission_missing_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql as $$
if ( not hasInsertPermission(
( SELECT package.uuid FROM
(SELECT * FROM test_package WHERE uuid = NEW.packageUuid) AS package
), 'INSERT', 'test_domain') ) then
raise exception
'[403] insert into test_domain not allowed for current subjects % (%)',
currentSubjects(), currentSubjectsUuids();
end if;
return NEW;
raise exception '[403] insert into test_domain not allowed for current subjects % (%)',
currentSubjects(), currentSubjectsUuids();
end; $$;
create trigger test_domain_insert_permission_check_tg
before insert on test_domain
for each row
when ( not hasInsertPermission(NEW.packageUuid, 'INSERT', 'test_domain') )
execute procedure test_domain_insert_permission_missing_tf();
@ -219,8 +211,9 @@ create trigger test_domain_insert_permission_check_tg
--changeset test-domain-rbac-IDENTITY-VIEW:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('test_domain', $idName$
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('test_domain',
@ -125,8 +125,9 @@ execute procedure hs_office_contact_global_insert_tf();
--changeset hs-office-contact-rbac-IDENTITY-VIEW:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('hs_office_contact', $idName$
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('hs_office_contact',
@ -125,8 +125,9 @@ execute procedure hs_office_person_global_insert_tf();
--changeset hs-office-person-rbac-IDENTITY-VIEW:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('hs_office_person', $idName$
concat(tradeName, familyName, givenName)
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('hs_office_person',
concat(tradeName, familyName, givenName)
@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ declare
call enterTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
select * from hs_office_person as p where p.uuid = NEW.holderUuid INTO newHolderPerson;
SELECT * FROM hs_office_person WHERE uuid = NEW.holderUuid INTO newHolderPerson;
assert newHolderPerson.uuid is not null, format('newHolderPerson must not be null for NEW.holderUuid = %s', NEW.holderUuid);
select * from hs_office_person as p where p.uuid = NEW.anchorUuid INTO newAnchorPerson;
SELECT * FROM hs_office_person WHERE uuid = NEW.anchorUuid INTO newAnchorPerson;
assert newAnchorPerson.uuid is not null, format('newAnchorPerson must not be null for NEW.anchorUuid = %s', NEW.anchorUuid);
select * from hs_office_contact as c where c.uuid = NEW.contactUuid INTO newContact;
SELECT * FROM hs_office_contact WHERE uuid = NEW.contactUuid INTO newContact;
assert newContact.uuid is not null, format('newContact must not be null for NEW.contactUuid = %s', NEW.contactUuid);
@ -73,13 +73,13 @@ begin
permissions => array['SELECT'],
incomingSuperRoles => array[
outgoingSubRoles => array[
call leaveTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
@ -130,22 +130,22 @@ declare
call enterTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
select * from hs_office_person as p where p.uuid = OLD.holderUuid INTO oldHolderPerson;
SELECT * FROM hs_office_person WHERE uuid = OLD.holderUuid INTO oldHolderPerson;
assert oldHolderPerson.uuid is not null, format('oldHolderPerson must not be null for OLD.holderUuid = %s', OLD.holderUuid);
select * from hs_office_person as p where p.uuid = NEW.holderUuid INTO newHolderPerson;
SELECT * FROM hs_office_person WHERE uuid = NEW.holderUuid INTO newHolderPerson;
assert newHolderPerson.uuid is not null, format('newHolderPerson must not be null for NEW.holderUuid = %s', NEW.holderUuid);
select * from hs_office_person as p where p.uuid = OLD.anchorUuid INTO oldAnchorPerson;
SELECT * FROM hs_office_person WHERE uuid = OLD.anchorUuid INTO oldAnchorPerson;
assert oldAnchorPerson.uuid is not null, format('oldAnchorPerson must not be null for OLD.anchorUuid = %s', OLD.anchorUuid);
select * from hs_office_person as p where p.uuid = NEW.anchorUuid INTO newAnchorPerson;
SELECT * FROM hs_office_person WHERE uuid = NEW.anchorUuid INTO newAnchorPerson;
assert newAnchorPerson.uuid is not null, format('newAnchorPerson must not be null for NEW.anchorUuid = %s', NEW.anchorUuid);
select * from hs_office_contact as c where c.uuid = OLD.contactUuid INTO oldContact;
SELECT * FROM hs_office_contact WHERE uuid = OLD.contactUuid INTO oldContact;
assert oldContact.uuid is not null, format('oldContact must not be null for OLD.contactUuid = %s', OLD.contactUuid);
select * from hs_office_contact as c where c.uuid = NEW.contactUuid INTO newContact;
SELECT * FROM hs_office_contact WHERE uuid = NEW.contactUuid INTO newContact;
assert newContact.uuid is not null, format('newContact must not be null for NEW.contactUuid = %s', NEW.contactUuid);
@ -228,30 +228,22 @@ execute procedure hs_office_relation_hs_office_person_insert_tf();
Checks if the user or assumed roles are allowed to insert a row to hs_office_relation,
where the check is performed by an indirect role.
where the check is performed by a direct role.
An indirect role is a role FIXME.
A direct role is a role depending on a foreign key directly available in the NEW row.
create or replace function hs_office_relation_insert_permission_missing_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql as $$
if ( not hasInsertPermission(
( SELECT anchorPerson.uuid FROM
(select * from hs_office_person as p where p.uuid = NEW.anchorUuid) AS anchorPerson
), 'INSERT', 'hs_office_relation') ) then
raise exception
'[403] insert into hs_office_relation not allowed for current subjects % (%)',
currentSubjects(), currentSubjectsUuids();
end if;
return NEW;
raise exception '[403] insert into hs_office_relation not allowed for current subjects % (%)',
currentSubjects(), currentSubjectsUuids();
end; $$;
create trigger hs_office_relation_insert_permission_check_tg
before insert on hs_office_relation
for each row
when ( not hasInsertPermission(NEW.anchorUuid, 'INSERT', 'hs_office_relation') )
execute procedure hs_office_relation_insert_permission_missing_tf();
@ -259,11 +251,11 @@ create trigger hs_office_relation_insert_permission_check_tg
--changeset hs-office-relation-rbac-IDENTITY-VIEW:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('hs_office_relation', $idName$
(select idName from hs_office_person_iv p where p.uuid = anchorUuid)
|| '-with-' || target.type || '-'
|| (select idName from hs_office_person_iv p where p.uuid = holderUuid)
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('hs_office_relation',
(select idName from hs_office_person_iv p where p.uuid = anchorUuid)
|| '-with-' || target.type || '-'
|| (select idName from hs_office_person_iv p where p.uuid = holderUuid)
@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ declare
call enterTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
SELECT * FROM hs_office_relation AS r WHERE r.uuid = NEW.partnerRelUuid INTO newPartnerRel;
SELECT * FROM hs_office_relation WHERE uuid = NEW.partnerRelUuid INTO newPartnerRel;
assert newPartnerRel.uuid is not null, format('newPartnerRel must not be null for NEW.partnerRelUuid = %s', NEW.partnerRelUuid);
SELECT * FROM hs_office_partner_details AS d WHERE d.uuid = NEW.detailsUuid INTO newPartnerDetails;
SELECT * FROM hs_office_partner_details WHERE uuid = NEW.detailsUuid INTO newPartnerDetails;
assert newPartnerDetails.uuid is not null, format('newPartnerDetails must not be null for NEW.detailsUuid = %s', NEW.detailsUuid);
call grantPermissionToRole(createPermission(NEW.uuid, 'DELETE'), hsOfficeRelationAdmin(newPartnerRel));
@ -95,16 +95,16 @@ declare
call enterTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
SELECT * FROM hs_office_relation AS r WHERE r.uuid = OLD.partnerRelUuid INTO oldPartnerRel;
SELECT * FROM hs_office_relation WHERE uuid = OLD.partnerRelUuid INTO oldPartnerRel;
assert oldPartnerRel.uuid is not null, format('oldPartnerRel must not be null for OLD.partnerRelUuid = %s', OLD.partnerRelUuid);
SELECT * FROM hs_office_relation AS r WHERE r.uuid = NEW.partnerRelUuid INTO newPartnerRel;
SELECT * FROM hs_office_relation WHERE uuid = NEW.partnerRelUuid INTO newPartnerRel;
assert newPartnerRel.uuid is not null, format('newPartnerRel must not be null for NEW.partnerRelUuid = %s', NEW.partnerRelUuid);
SELECT * FROM hs_office_partner_details AS d WHERE d.uuid = OLD.detailsUuid INTO oldPartnerDetails;
SELECT * FROM hs_office_partner_details WHERE uuid = OLD.detailsUuid INTO oldPartnerDetails;
assert oldPartnerDetails.uuid is not null, format('oldPartnerDetails must not be null for OLD.detailsUuid = %s', OLD.detailsUuid);
SELECT * FROM hs_office_partner_details AS d WHERE d.uuid = NEW.detailsUuid INTO newPartnerDetails;
SELECT * FROM hs_office_partner_details WHERE uuid = NEW.detailsUuid INTO newPartnerDetails;
assert newPartnerDetails.uuid is not null, format('newPartnerDetails must not be null for NEW.detailsUuid = %s', NEW.detailsUuid);
@ -220,8 +220,9 @@ create trigger hs_office_partner_insert_permission_check_tg
--changeset hs-office-partner-rbac-IDENTITY-VIEW:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('hs_office_partner', $idName$
'P-' || partnerNumber
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('hs_office_partner',
'P-' || partnerNumber
@ -124,12 +124,12 @@ create trigger hs_office_partner_details_insert_permission_check_tg
--changeset hs-office-partner-details-rbac-IDENTITY-VIEW:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromQuery('hs_office_partner_details', $idName$
SELECT partnerDetails.uuid as uuid, partner_iv.idName || '-details' as idName
FROM hs_office_partner_details AS partnerDetails
JOIN hs_office_partner partner ON partner.detailsUuid = partnerDetails.uuid
JOIN hs_office_partner_iv partner_iv ON partner_iv.uuid = partner.uuid
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromQuery('hs_office_partner_details',
SELECT partnerDetails.uuid as uuid, partner_iv.idName || '-details' as idName
FROM hs_office_partner_details AS partnerDetails
JOIN hs_office_partner partner ON partner.detailsUuid = partnerDetails.uuid
JOIN hs_office_partner_iv partner_iv ON partner_iv.uuid = partner.uuid
@ -125,8 +125,9 @@ execute procedure hs_office_bankaccount_global_insert_tf();
--changeset hs-office-bankaccount-rbac-IDENTITY-VIEW:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('hs_office_bankaccount', $idName$
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('hs_office_bankaccount',
@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ begin
incomingSuperRoles => array[hsOfficeSepaMandateAdmin(NEW)],
outgoingSubRoles => array[
perform createRoleWithGrants(
@ -151,20 +151,22 @@ execute procedure hs_office_sepamandate_hs_office_relation_insert_tf();
An indirect role is a role FIXME.
create or replace function hs_office_sepamandate_insert_permission_missing_tf()
create or replace function hs_office_sepamandate_insert_permission_check_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql as $$
superRoleObjectUuid uuid;
if ( not hasInsertPermission(
( SELECT debitorRel.uuid FROM
superRoleObjectUuid := (SELECT debitorRel.uuid
FROM hs_office_relation debitorRel
JOIN hs_office_debitor debitor ON debitor.debitorRelUuid = debitorRel.uuid
WHERE debitor.uuid = NEW.debitorUuid
assert superRoleObjectUuid is not null, 'superRoleObjectUuid must not be null';
(SELECT debitorRel.*
FROM hs_office_relation debitorRel
JOIN hs_office_debitor debitor ON debitor.debitorRelUuid = debitorRel.uuid
WHERE debitor.uuid = NEW.debitorUuid
) AS debitorRel
), 'INSERT', 'hs_office_sepamandate') ) then
if ( not hasInsertPermission(superRoleObjectUuid, 'INSERT', 'hs_office_sepamandate') ) then
raise exception
'[403] insert into hs_office_sepamandate not allowed for current subjects % (%)',
currentSubjects(), currentSubjectsUuids();
@ -175,18 +177,18 @@ end; $$;
create trigger hs_office_sepamandate_insert_permission_check_tg
before insert on hs_office_sepamandate
for each row
execute procedure hs_office_sepamandate_insert_permission_missing_tf();
execute procedure hs_office_sepamandate_insert_permission_check_tf();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset hs-office-sepamandate-rbac-IDENTITY-VIEW:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromQuery('hs_office_sepamandate', $idName$
select sm.uuid as uuid, ba.iban || '-' || sm.validity as idName
from hs_office_sepamandate sm
join hs_office_bankaccount ba on ba.uuid = sm.bankAccountUuid
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromQuery('hs_office_sepamandate',
select sm.uuid as uuid, ba.iban || '-' || sm.validity as idName
from hs_office_sepamandate sm
join hs_office_bankaccount ba on ba.uuid = sm.bankAccountUuid
@ -46,10 +46,7 @@ begin
INTO newPartnerRel;
assert newPartnerRel.uuid is not null, format('newPartnerRel must not be null for NEW.debitorRelUuid = %s', NEW.debitorRelUuid);
FROM hs_office_relation AS r
WHERE r.type = 'DEBITOR' AND r.uuid = NEW.debitorRelUuid
INTO newDebitorRel;
SELECT * FROM hs_office_relation WHERE uuid = NEW.debitorRelUuid INTO newDebitorRel;
assert newDebitorRel.uuid is not null, format('newDebitorRel must not be null for NEW.debitorRelUuid = %s', NEW.debitorRelUuid);
SELECT * FROM hs_office_bankaccount WHERE uuid = NEW.refundBankAccountUuid INTO newRefundBankAccount;
@ -196,18 +193,18 @@ create trigger hs_office_debitor_insert_permission_check_tg
--changeset hs-office-debitor-rbac-IDENTITY-VIEW:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromQuery('hs_office_debitor', $idName$
SELECT debitor.uuid AS uuid,
'D-' || (SELECT partner.partnerNumber
FROM hs_office_partner partner
JOIN hs_office_relation partnerRel
ON partnerRel.uuid = partner.partnerRelUUid AND partnerRel.type = 'PARTNER'
JOIN hs_office_relation debitorRel
ON debitorRel.anchorUuid = partnerRel.holderUuid AND debitorRel.type = 'DEBITOR'
WHERE debitorRel.uuid = debitor.debitorRelUuid)
|| to_char(debitorNumberSuffix, 'fm00') as idName
FROM hs_office_debitor AS debitor
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromQuery('hs_office_debitor',
SELECT debitor.uuid AS uuid,
'D-' || (SELECT partner.partnerNumber
FROM hs_office_partner partner
JOIN hs_office_relation partnerRel
ON partnerRel.uuid = partner.partnerRelUUid AND partnerRel.type = 'PARTNER'
JOIN hs_office_relation debitorRel
ON debitorRel.anchorUuid = partnerRel.holderUuid AND debitorRel.type = 'DEBITOR'
WHERE debitorRel.uuid = debitor.debitorRelUuid)
|| to_char(debitorNumberSuffix, 'fm00') as idName
FROM hs_office_debitor AS debitor
@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ declare
call enterTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid);
FROM hs_office_partner AS p
JOIN hs_office_relation AS r ON r.uuid = p.partnerRelUuid
WHERE p.uuid = NEW.partnerUuid
SELECT partnerRel.*
FROM hs_office_partner AS partner
JOIN hs_office_relation AS partnerRel ON partnerRel.uuid = partner.partnerRelUuid
WHERE partner.uuid = NEW.partnerUuid
INTO newPartnerRel;
assert newPartnerRel.uuid is not null, format('newPartnerRel must not be null for NEW.partnerUuid = %s', NEW.partnerUuid);
@ -138,20 +138,22 @@ execute procedure hs_office_membership_hs_office_relation_insert_tf();
An indirect role is a role FIXME.
create or replace function hs_office_membership_insert_permission_missing_tf()
create or replace function hs_office_membership_insert_permission_check_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql as $$
superRoleObjectUuid uuid;
if ( not hasInsertPermission(
( SELECT partnerRel.uuid FROM
superRoleObjectUuid := (SELECT partnerRel.uuid
FROM hs_office_partner AS partner
JOIN hs_office_relation AS partnerRel ON partnerRel.uuid = partner.partnerRelUuid
WHERE partner.uuid = NEW.partnerUuid
assert superRoleObjectUuid is not null, 'superRoleObjectUuid must not be null';
FROM hs_office_partner AS p
JOIN hs_office_relation AS r ON r.uuid = p.partnerRelUuid
WHERE p.uuid = NEW.partnerUuid
) AS partnerRel
), 'INSERT', 'hs_office_membership') ) then
if ( not hasInsertPermission(superRoleObjectUuid, 'INSERT', 'hs_office_membership') ) then
raise exception
'[403] insert into hs_office_membership not allowed for current subjects % (%)',
currentSubjects(), currentSubjectsUuids();
@ -162,19 +164,19 @@ end; $$;
create trigger hs_office_membership_insert_permission_check_tg
before insert on hs_office_membership
for each row
execute procedure hs_office_membership_insert_permission_missing_tf();
execute procedure hs_office_membership_insert_permission_check_tf();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset hs-office-membership-rbac-IDENTITY-VIEW:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromQuery('hs_office_membership', $idName$
SELECT m.uuid AS uuid,
'M-' || p.partnerNumber || m.memberNumberSuffix as idName
FROM hs_office_membership AS m
JOIN hs_office_partner AS p ON p.uuid = m.partnerUuid
call generateRbacIdentityViewFromQuery('hs_office_membership',
SELECT m.uuid AS uuid,
'M-' || p.partnerNumber || m.memberNumberSuffix as idName
FROM hs_office_membership AS m
JOIN hs_office_partner AS p ON p.uuid = m.partnerUuid
Reference in New Issue
Block a user