This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
"name": "Asset",
"fields": [
"fieldName": "documentDate",
"fieldType": "LocalDate",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldName": "valueDate",
"fieldType": "LocalDate",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldName": "action",
"fieldType": "AssetAction",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldName": "amount",
"fieldType": "BigDecimal",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldName": "remark",
"fieldType": "String",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldValidateRulesMaxlength": 160
"relationships": [
"relationshipType": "many-to-one",
"otherEntityName": "membership",
"otherEntityRelationshipName": "asset",
"relationshipValidateRules": "required",
"relationshipName": "membership",
"otherEntityField": "documentDate"
"changelogDate": "20190418143053",
"entityTableName": "asset",
"dto": "mapstruct",
"pagination": "infinite-scroll",
"service": "serviceClass",
"jpaMetamodelFiltering": true,
"fluentMethods": true,
"clientRootFolder": "",
"applications": "*"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
"name": "Customer",
"fields": [
"fieldName": "reference",
"fieldType": "Integer",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldValidateRulesMin": 10000,
"fieldValidateRulesMax": 99999
"fieldName": "prefix",
"fieldType": "String",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldValidateRulesMaxlength": 3,
"fieldValidateRulesPattern": "[a-z][a-z0-9]+"
"fieldName": "name",
"fieldType": "String",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldValidateRulesMaxlength": 80
"fieldName": "contractualSalutation",
"fieldType": "String",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldValidateRulesMaxlength": 80
"fieldName": "contractualAddress",
"fieldType": "String",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldValidateRulesMaxlength": 400
"fieldName": "billingSalutation",
"fieldType": "String",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldValidateRulesMaxlength": 80
"fieldName": "billingAddress",
"fieldType": "String",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldValidateRulesMaxlength": 400
"fieldName": "remark",
"fieldType": "String",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldValidateRulesMaxlength": 160
"relationships": [
"relationshipType": "one-to-many",
"otherEntityName": "membership",
"otherEntityRelationshipName": "customer",
"relationshipName": "membership"
"relationshipType": "one-to-many",
"otherEntityName": "sepaMandate",
"otherEntityRelationshipName": "customer",
"relationshipName": "sepamandate"
"changelogDate": "20190418143050",
"entityTableName": "customer",
"dto": "mapstruct",
"pagination": "infinite-scroll",
"service": "serviceClass",
"jpaMetamodelFiltering": true,
"fluentMethods": true,
"clientRootFolder": "",
"applications": "*"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
"name": "Membership",
"fields": [
"fieldName": "documentDate",
"fieldType": "LocalDate",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldName": "memberFrom",
"fieldType": "LocalDate",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldName": "memberUntil",
"fieldType": "LocalDate"
"fieldName": "remark",
"fieldType": "String",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldValidateRulesMaxlength": 160
"relationships": [
"relationshipType": "one-to-many",
"otherEntityName": "share",
"otherEntityRelationshipName": "membership",
"relationshipName": "share"
"relationshipType": "one-to-many",
"otherEntityName": "asset",
"otherEntityRelationshipName": "membership",
"relationshipName": "asset"
"relationshipType": "many-to-one",
"otherEntityName": "customer",
"otherEntityRelationshipName": "membership",
"relationshipValidateRules": "required",
"relationshipName": "customer",
"otherEntityField": "prefix"
"changelogDate": "20190418143051",
"entityTableName": "membership",
"dto": "mapstruct",
"pagination": "infinite-scroll",
"service": "serviceClass",
"jpaMetamodelFiltering": true,
"fluentMethods": true,
"clientRootFolder": "",
"applications": "*"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
"name": "SepaMandate",
"fields": [
"fieldName": "reference",
"fieldType": "String",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldValidateRulesMaxlength": 40
"fieldName": "iban",
"fieldType": "String",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldValidateRulesMaxlength": 34
"fieldName": "bic",
"fieldType": "String",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldValidateRulesMaxlength": 11
"fieldName": "documentDate",
"fieldType": "LocalDate",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldName": "validFrom",
"fieldType": "LocalDate",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldName": "validUntil",
"fieldType": "LocalDate"
"fieldName": "lastUsed",
"fieldType": "LocalDate"
"fieldName": "cancellationDate",
"fieldType": "LocalDate"
"fieldName": "remark",
"fieldType": "String",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldValidateRulesMaxlength": 160
"relationships": [
"relationshipType": "many-to-one",
"otherEntityName": "customer",
"otherEntityRelationshipName": "sepamandate",
"relationshipValidateRules": "required",
"relationshipName": "customer",
"otherEntityField": "prefix"
"changelogDate": "20190418143054",
"entityTableName": "sepa_mandate",
"dto": "mapstruct",
"pagination": "infinite-scroll",
"service": "serviceClass",
"jpaMetamodelFiltering": true,
"fluentMethods": true,
"clientRootFolder": "",
"applications": "*"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
"name": "Share",
"fields": [
"fieldName": "documentDate",
"fieldType": "LocalDate",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldName": "valueDate",
"fieldType": "LocalDate",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldName": "action",
"fieldType": "ShareAction",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldName": "quantity",
"fieldType": "Integer",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldName": "remark",
"fieldType": "String",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldValidateRulesMaxlength": 160
"relationships": [
"relationshipType": "many-to-one",
"otherEntityName": "membership",
"otherEntityRelationshipName": "share",
"relationshipValidateRules": "required",
"relationshipName": "membership",
"otherEntityField": "documentDate"
"changelogDate": "20190418143052",
"entityTableName": "share",
"dto": "mapstruct",
"pagination": "infinite-scroll",
"service": "serviceClass",
"jpaMetamodelFiltering": true,
"fluentMethods": true,
"clientRootFolder": "",
"applications": "*"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
package org.hostsharing.hsadminng.domain;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties;
import javax.persistence.*;
import javax.validation.constraints.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.hostsharing.hsadminng.domain.enumeration.AssetAction;
* A Asset.
@Table(name = "asset")
public class Asset implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "sequenceGenerator")
@SequenceGenerator(name = "sequenceGenerator")
private Long id;
@Column(name = "document_date", nullable = false)
private LocalDate documentDate;
@Column(name = "value_date", nullable = false)
private LocalDate valueDate;
@Column(name = "action", nullable = false)
private AssetAction action;
@Column(name = "amount", precision = 10, scale = 2, nullable = false)
private BigDecimal amount;
@Size(max = 160)
@Column(name = "remark", length = 160)
private String remark;
@ManyToOne(optional = false)
private Membership membership;
// jhipster-needle-entity-add-field - JHipster will add fields here, do not remove
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) {
|||| = id;
public LocalDate getDocumentDate() {
return documentDate;
public Asset documentDate(LocalDate documentDate) {
this.documentDate = documentDate;
return this;
public void setDocumentDate(LocalDate documentDate) {
this.documentDate = documentDate;
public LocalDate getValueDate() {
return valueDate;
public Asset valueDate(LocalDate valueDate) {
this.valueDate = valueDate;
return this;
public void setValueDate(LocalDate valueDate) {
this.valueDate = valueDate;
public AssetAction getAction() {
return action;
public Asset action(AssetAction action) {
this.action = action;
return this;
public void setAction(AssetAction action) {
this.action = action;
public BigDecimal getAmount() {
return amount;
public Asset amount(BigDecimal amount) {
this.amount = amount;
return this;
public void setAmount(BigDecimal amount) {
this.amount = amount;
public String getRemark() {
return remark;
public Asset remark(String remark) {
this.remark = remark;
return this;
public void setRemark(String remark) {
this.remark = remark;
public Membership getMembership() {
return membership;
public Asset membership(Membership membership) {
this.membership = membership;
return this;
public void setMembership(Membership membership) {
this.membership = membership;
// jhipster-needle-entity-add-getters-setters - JHipster will add getters and setters here, do not remove
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
Asset asset = (Asset) o;
if (asset.getId() == null || getId() == null) {
return false;
return Objects.equals(getId(), asset.getId());
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(getId());
public String toString() {
return "Asset{" +
"id=" + getId() +
", documentDate='" + getDocumentDate() + "'" +
", valueDate='" + getValueDate() + "'" +
", action='" + getAction() + "'" +
", amount=" + getAmount() +
", remark='" + getRemark() + "'" +
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
package org.hostsharing.hsadminng.domain;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import javax.persistence.*;
import javax.validation.constraints.*;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Objects;
* A Customer.
@Table(name = "customer")
public class Customer implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "sequenceGenerator")
@SequenceGenerator(name = "sequenceGenerator")
private Long id;
@Min(value = 10000)
@Max(value = 99999)
@Column(name = "reference", nullable = false, unique = true)
private Integer reference;
@Size(max = 3)
@Pattern(regexp = "[a-z][a-z0-9]+")
@Column(name = "prefix", length = 3, nullable = false, unique = true)
private String prefix;
@Size(max = 80)
@Column(name = "name", length = 80, nullable = false)
private String name;
@Size(max = 80)
@Column(name = "contractual_salutation", length = 80)
private String contractualSalutation;
@Size(max = 400)
@Column(name = "contractual_address", length = 400, nullable = false)
private String contractualAddress;
@Size(max = 80)
@Column(name = "billing_salutation", length = 80)
private String billingSalutation;
@Size(max = 400)
@Column(name = "billing_address", length = 400)
private String billingAddress;
@Size(max = 160)
@Column(name = "remark", length = 160)
private String remark;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "customer")
private Set<Membership> memberships = new HashSet<>();
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "customer")
private Set<SepaMandate> sepamandates = new HashSet<>();
// jhipster-needle-entity-add-field - JHipster will add fields here, do not remove
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) {
|||| = id;
public Integer getReference() {
return reference;
public Customer reference(Integer reference) {
this.reference = reference;
return this;
public void setReference(Integer reference) {
this.reference = reference;
public String getPrefix() {
return prefix;
public Customer prefix(String prefix) {
this.prefix = prefix;
return this;
public void setPrefix(String prefix) {
this.prefix = prefix;
public String getName() {
return name;
public Customer name(String name) {
|||| = name;
return this;
public void setName(String name) {
|||| = name;
public String getContractualSalutation() {
return contractualSalutation;
public Customer contractualSalutation(String contractualSalutation) {
this.contractualSalutation = contractualSalutation;
return this;
public void setContractualSalutation(String contractualSalutation) {
this.contractualSalutation = contractualSalutation;
public String getContractualAddress() {
return contractualAddress;
public Customer contractualAddress(String contractualAddress) {
this.contractualAddress = contractualAddress;
return this;
public void setContractualAddress(String contractualAddress) {
this.contractualAddress = contractualAddress;
public String getBillingSalutation() {
return billingSalutation;
public Customer billingSalutation(String billingSalutation) {
this.billingSalutation = billingSalutation;
return this;
public void setBillingSalutation(String billingSalutation) {
this.billingSalutation = billingSalutation;
public String getBillingAddress() {
return billingAddress;
public Customer billingAddress(String billingAddress) {
this.billingAddress = billingAddress;
return this;
public void setBillingAddress(String billingAddress) {
this.billingAddress = billingAddress;
public String getRemark() {
return remark;
public Customer remark(String remark) {
this.remark = remark;
return this;
public void setRemark(String remark) {
this.remark = remark;
public Set<Membership> getMemberships() {
return memberships;
public Customer memberships(Set<Membership> memberships) {
this.memberships = memberships;
return this;
public Customer addMembership(Membership membership) {
return this;
public Customer removeMembership(Membership membership) {
return this;
public void setMemberships(Set<Membership> memberships) {
this.memberships = memberships;
public Set<SepaMandate> getSepamandates() {
return sepamandates;
public Customer sepamandates(Set<SepaMandate> sepaMandates) {
this.sepamandates = sepaMandates;
return this;
public Customer addSepamandate(SepaMandate sepaMandate) {
return this;
public Customer removeSepamandate(SepaMandate sepaMandate) {
return this;
public void setSepamandates(Set<SepaMandate> sepaMandates) {
this.sepamandates = sepaMandates;
// jhipster-needle-entity-add-getters-setters - JHipster will add getters and setters here, do not remove
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
Customer customer = (Customer) o;
if (customer.getId() == null || getId() == null) {
return false;
return Objects.equals(getId(), customer.getId());
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(getId());
public String toString() {
return "Customer{" +
"id=" + getId() +
", reference=" + getReference() +
", prefix='" + getPrefix() + "'" +
", name='" + getName() + "'" +
", contractualSalutation='" + getContractualSalutation() + "'" +
", contractualAddress='" + getContractualAddress() + "'" +
", billingSalutation='" + getBillingSalutation() + "'" +
", billingAddress='" + getBillingAddress() + "'" +
", remark='" + getRemark() + "'" +
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
package org.hostsharing.hsadminng.domain;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties;
import javax.persistence.*;
import javax.validation.constraints.*;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Objects;
* A Membership.
@Table(name = "membership")
public class Membership implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "sequenceGenerator")
@SequenceGenerator(name = "sequenceGenerator")
private Long id;
@Column(name = "document_date", nullable = false)
private LocalDate documentDate;
@Column(name = "member_from", nullable = false)
private LocalDate memberFrom;
@Column(name = "member_until")
private LocalDate memberUntil;
@Size(max = 160)
@Column(name = "remark", length = 160)
private String remark;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "membership")
private Set<Share> shares = new HashSet<>();
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "membership")
private Set<Asset> assets = new HashSet<>();
@ManyToOne(optional = false)
private Customer customer;
// jhipster-needle-entity-add-field - JHipster will add fields here, do not remove
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) {
|||| = id;
public LocalDate getDocumentDate() {
return documentDate;
public Membership documentDate(LocalDate documentDate) {
this.documentDate = documentDate;
return this;
public void setDocumentDate(LocalDate documentDate) {
this.documentDate = documentDate;
public LocalDate getMemberFrom() {
return memberFrom;
public Membership memberFrom(LocalDate memberFrom) {
this.memberFrom = memberFrom;
return this;
public void setMemberFrom(LocalDate memberFrom) {
this.memberFrom = memberFrom;
public LocalDate getMemberUntil() {
return memberUntil;
public Membership memberUntil(LocalDate memberUntil) {
this.memberUntil = memberUntil;
return this;
public void setMemberUntil(LocalDate memberUntil) {
this.memberUntil = memberUntil;
public String getRemark() {
return remark;
public Membership remark(String remark) {
this.remark = remark;
return this;
public void setRemark(String remark) {
this.remark = remark;
public Set<Share> getShares() {
return shares;
public Membership shares(Set<Share> shares) {
this.shares = shares;
return this;
public Membership addShare(Share share) {
return this;
public Membership removeShare(Share share) {
return this;
public void setShares(Set<Share> shares) {
this.shares = shares;
public Set<Asset> getAssets() {
return assets;
public Membership assets(Set<Asset> assets) {
this.assets = assets;
return this;
public Membership addAsset(Asset asset) {
return this;
public Membership removeAsset(Asset asset) {
return this;
public void setAssets(Set<Asset> assets) {
this.assets = assets;
public Customer getCustomer() {
return customer;
public Membership customer(Customer customer) {
this.customer = customer;
return this;
public void setCustomer(Customer customer) {
this.customer = customer;
// jhipster-needle-entity-add-getters-setters - JHipster will add getters and setters here, do not remove
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
Membership membership = (Membership) o;
if (membership.getId() == null || getId() == null) {
return false;
return Objects.equals(getId(), membership.getId());
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(getId());
public String toString() {
return "Membership{" +
"id=" + getId() +
", documentDate='" + getDocumentDate() + "'" +
", memberFrom='" + getMemberFrom() + "'" +
", memberUntil='" + getMemberUntil() + "'" +
", remark='" + getRemark() + "'" +
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
package org.hostsharing.hsadminng.domain;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties;
import javax.persistence.*;
import javax.validation.constraints.*;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.Objects;
* A SepaMandate.
@Table(name = "sepa_mandate")
public class SepaMandate implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "sequenceGenerator")
@SequenceGenerator(name = "sequenceGenerator")
private Long id;
@Size(max = 40)
@Column(name = "reference", length = 40, nullable = false, unique = true)
private String reference;
@Size(max = 34)
@Column(name = "iban", length = 34)
private String iban;
@Size(max = 11)
@Column(name = "bic", length = 11)
private String bic;
@Column(name = "document_date", nullable = false)
private LocalDate documentDate;
@Column(name = "valid_from", nullable = false)
private LocalDate validFrom;
@Column(name = "valid_until")
private LocalDate validUntil;
@Column(name = "last_used")
private LocalDate lastUsed;
@Column(name = "cancellation_date")
private LocalDate cancellationDate;
@Size(max = 160)
@Column(name = "remark", length = 160)
private String remark;
@ManyToOne(optional = false)
private Customer customer;
// jhipster-needle-entity-add-field - JHipster will add fields here, do not remove
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) {
|||| = id;
public String getReference() {
return reference;
public SepaMandate reference(String reference) {
this.reference = reference;
return this;
public void setReference(String reference) {
this.reference = reference;
public String getIban() {
return iban;
public SepaMandate iban(String iban) {
this.iban = iban;
return this;
public void setIban(String iban) {
this.iban = iban;
public String getBic() {
return bic;
public SepaMandate bic(String bic) {
this.bic = bic;
return this;
public void setBic(String bic) {
this.bic = bic;
public LocalDate getDocumentDate() {
return documentDate;
public SepaMandate documentDate(LocalDate documentDate) {
this.documentDate = documentDate;
return this;
public void setDocumentDate(LocalDate documentDate) {
this.documentDate = documentDate;
public LocalDate getValidFrom() {
return validFrom;
public SepaMandate validFrom(LocalDate validFrom) {
this.validFrom = validFrom;
return this;
public void setValidFrom(LocalDate validFrom) {
this.validFrom = validFrom;
public LocalDate getValidUntil() {
return validUntil;
public SepaMandate validUntil(LocalDate validUntil) {
this.validUntil = validUntil;
return this;
public void setValidUntil(LocalDate validUntil) {
this.validUntil = validUntil;
public LocalDate getLastUsed() {
return lastUsed;
public SepaMandate lastUsed(LocalDate lastUsed) {
this.lastUsed = lastUsed;
return this;
public void setLastUsed(LocalDate lastUsed) {
this.lastUsed = lastUsed;
public LocalDate getCancellationDate() {
return cancellationDate;
public SepaMandate cancellationDate(LocalDate cancellationDate) {
this.cancellationDate = cancellationDate;
return this;
public void setCancellationDate(LocalDate cancellationDate) {
this.cancellationDate = cancellationDate;
public String getRemark() {
return remark;
public SepaMandate remark(String remark) {
this.remark = remark;
return this;
public void setRemark(String remark) {
this.remark = remark;
public Customer getCustomer() {
return customer;
public SepaMandate customer(Customer customer) {
this.customer = customer;
return this;
public void setCustomer(Customer customer) {
this.customer = customer;
// jhipster-needle-entity-add-getters-setters - JHipster will add getters and setters here, do not remove
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
SepaMandate sepaMandate = (SepaMandate) o;
if (sepaMandate.getId() == null || getId() == null) {
return false;
return Objects.equals(getId(), sepaMandate.getId());
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(getId());
public String toString() {
return "SepaMandate{" +
"id=" + getId() +
", reference='" + getReference() + "'" +
", iban='" + getIban() + "'" +
", bic='" + getBic() + "'" +
", documentDate='" + getDocumentDate() + "'" +
", validFrom='" + getValidFrom() + "'" +
", validUntil='" + getValidUntil() + "'" +
", lastUsed='" + getLastUsed() + "'" +
", cancellationDate='" + getCancellationDate() + "'" +
", remark='" + getRemark() + "'" +
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
package org.hostsharing.hsadminng.domain;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties;
import javax.persistence.*;
import javax.validation.constraints.*;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.hostsharing.hsadminng.domain.enumeration.ShareAction;
* A Share.
@Table(name = "share")
public class Share implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "sequenceGenerator")
@SequenceGenerator(name = "sequenceGenerator")
private Long id;
@Column(name = "document_date", nullable = false)
private LocalDate documentDate;
@Column(name = "value_date", nullable = false)
private LocalDate valueDate;
@Column(name = "action", nullable = false)
private ShareAction action;
@Column(name = "quantity", nullable = false)
private Integer quantity;
@Size(max = 160)
@Column(name = "remark", length = 160)
private String remark;
@ManyToOne(optional = false)
private Membership membership;
// jhipster-needle-entity-add-field - JHipster will add fields here, do not remove
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) {
|||| = id;
public LocalDate getDocumentDate() {
return documentDate;
public Share documentDate(LocalDate documentDate) {
this.documentDate = documentDate;
return this;
public void setDocumentDate(LocalDate documentDate) {
this.documentDate = documentDate;
public LocalDate getValueDate() {
return valueDate;
public Share valueDate(LocalDate valueDate) {
this.valueDate = valueDate;
return this;
public void setValueDate(LocalDate valueDate) {
this.valueDate = valueDate;
public ShareAction getAction() {
return action;
public Share action(ShareAction action) {
this.action = action;
return this;
public void setAction(ShareAction action) {
this.action = action;
public Integer getQuantity() {
return quantity;
public Share quantity(Integer quantity) {
this.quantity = quantity;
return this;
public void setQuantity(Integer quantity) {
this.quantity = quantity;
public String getRemark() {
return remark;
public Share remark(String remark) {
this.remark = remark;
return this;
public void setRemark(String remark) {
this.remark = remark;
public Membership getMembership() {
return membership;
public Share membership(Membership membership) {
this.membership = membership;
return this;
public void setMembership(Membership membership) {
this.membership = membership;
// jhipster-needle-entity-add-getters-setters - JHipster will add getters and setters here, do not remove
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
Share share = (Share) o;
if (share.getId() == null || getId() == null) {
return false;
return Objects.equals(getId(), share.getId());
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(getId());
public String toString() {
return "Share{" +
"id=" + getId() +
", documentDate='" + getDocumentDate() + "'" +
", valueDate='" + getValueDate() + "'" +
", action='" + getAction() + "'" +
", quantity=" + getQuantity() +
", remark='" + getRemark() + "'" +