
This commit is contained in:
Michael Hoennig 2022-10-28 11:21:55 +02:00
parent db17a2e990
commit e2a69fe103
5 changed files with 22 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
member_asstr_id; bp_id; date; action; amount
33443; 7; 2000-12-06; PAYMENT; 1280
33451; 10; 2000-12-06; PAYMENT; 128
33701; 7; 2005-01-10; PAYMENT; 2560
33810; 10; 2016-12-31; PAYBACK; 128
1 member_asstr_id bp_id date action amount
2 33443 7 2000-12-06 PAYMENT 1280
3 33451 10 2000-12-06 PAYMENT 128
4 33701 7 2005-01-10 PAYMENT 2560
5 33810 10 2016-12-31 PAYBACK 128

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
bp_id; member_id; member_code; member_since; member_until; member_role; author_contract;nondisc_contract; free; exempt_vat; indicator_vat; uid_vat
7; 10007; mih; 2000-12-06; ; Aufsichtsrat; 2006-10-15; 2001-10-15; false; false; NET; DE-VAT-007
10; 10010; xyz; 2000-12-06; 2015-12-31; ; ; ; false; false; GROSS;
12; 11012; xxx; 2021-04-01; ; ; ; ; true; true; GROSS;
1 bp_id member_id member_code member_since member_until member_role author_contract nondisc_contract free exempt_vat indicator_vat uid_vat
2 7 10007 mih 2000-12-06 Aufsichtsrat 2006-10-15 2001-10-15 false false NET DE-VAT-007
3 10 10010 xyz 2000-12-06 2015-12-31 false false GROSS
4 12 11012 xxx 2021-04-01 true true GROSS

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
contact_id; bp_id; salut; first_name; last_name; title; firma; co; street; zipcode;city; country; phone_private; phone_office; phone_mobile; fax; email
71; 7; Herr; Michael; Mellies; ; ; ; Kleine Freiheit 50; 26524; Hage; DE; ; +49 4931 123456; +49 1522 123456;; mih@example.org
101; 10; Frau; Jenny; Meyer; Dr.; JM e.K.;; Waldweg 5; 11001; Berlin; DE; +49 30 7777777; +49 30 8888888; ; +49 30 9999999; jm@example.org
102; 10; Herr; Andrew; Meyer; ; JM e.K.;; Waldweg 5; 11001; Berlin; DE; +49 30 6666666; +49 30 5555555; ; +49 30 9999999; am@example.org
121; 12; ; Paule; Schmidt; ; Test PS;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ps@example.com
1 contact_id bp_id salut first_name last_name title firma co street zipcode city country phone_private phone_office phone_mobile fax email
2 71 7 Herr Michael Mellies Kleine Freiheit 50 26524 Hage DE +49 4931 123456 +49 1522 123456 mih@example.org
3 101 10 Frau Jenny Meyer Dr. JM e.K. Waldweg 5 11001 Berlin DE +49 30 7777777 +49 30 8888888 +49 30 9999999 jm@example.org
4 102 10 Herr Andrew Meyer JM e.K. Waldweg 5 11001 Berlin DE +49 30 6666666 +49 30 5555555 +49 30 9999999 am@example.org
5 121 12 Paule Schmidt Test PS ps@example.com

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
sepa_mandat_id; bp_id; bank_customer; bank_name; bank_iban; bank_bic; mandat_ref; mandat_signed; mandat_since; mandat_until; mandat_used
234234; 7; Michael Mellies; ING Bank AG; DE37500105177419788228; INGDDEFFXXX; MH12345; 2004-06-12; 2004-06-15; ; 2022-10-20
235662; 10; JM e.K.; ING Bank AG; DE49500105174516484892; INGDDEFFXXX; JM33344; 2005-06-282; 2005-07-01; ; 2016-01-18
1 sepa_mandat_id bp_id bank_customer bank_name bank_iban bank_bic mandat_ref mandat_signed mandat_since mandat_until mandat_used
2 234234 7 Michael Mellies ING Bank AG DE37500105177419788228 INGDDEFFXXX MH12345 2004-06-12 2004-06-15 2022-10-20
3 235662 10 JM e.K. ING Bank AG DE49500105174516484892 INGDDEFFXXX JM33344 2005-06-282 2005-07-01 2016-01-18

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
member_share_id;bp_id; date; action; quantity; comment
33443; 7; 2000-12-06; SUBSCRIPTION; 20; initial share subscription
33451; 10; 2000-12-06; SUBSCRIPTION; 2; initial share subscription
33701; 7; 2005-01-10; SUBSCRIPTION; 40; increase
33810; 10; 2016-12-31; UNSUBSCRIPTION; 22; membership ended
1 member_share_id bp_id date action quantity comment
2 33443 7 2000-12-06 SUBSCRIPTION 20 initial share subscription
3 33451 10 2000-12-06 SUBSCRIPTION 2 initial share subscription
4 33701 7 2005-01-10 SUBSCRIPTION 40 increase
5 33810 10 2016-12-31 UNSUBSCRIPTION 22 membership ended