generateRbacRestrictedView for non-updateable tables

This commit is contained in:
Michael Hoennig 2022-10-18 17:29:10 +02:00
parent 61473abf68
commit bec559c9c3

View File

@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ end; $$;
--changeset rbac-generators-RESTRICTED-VIEW:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
create or replace procedure generateRbacRestrictedView(targetTable text, orderBy text, columnUpdates text)
create or replace procedure generateRbacRestrictedView(targetTable text, orderBy text, columnUpdates text = null)
language plpgsql as $$
sql text;
@ -221,32 +221,34 @@ begin
Instead of update trigger function for the restricted view
based on the 'edit' permission of the current subject.
sql := format($sql$
create or replace function %1$sUpdate()
returns trigger
language plpgsql as $f$
if old.uuid in (select queryAccessibleObjectUuidsOfSubjectIds('edit', '%1$s', currentSubjectsUuids())) then
update %1$s
set %2$s
where uuid = old.uuid;
return old;
end if;
raise exception '[403] Subject %% is not allowed to update %1$s uuid %%', currentSubjectsUuids(), old.uuid;
end; $f$;
$sql$, targetTable, columnUpdates);
execute sql;
if columnUpdates is not null then
sql := format($sql$
create or replace function %1$sUpdate()
returns trigger
language plpgsql as $f$
if old.uuid in (select queryAccessibleObjectUuidsOfSubjectIds('edit', '%1$s', currentSubjectsUuids())) then
update %1$s
set %2$s
where uuid = old.uuid;
return old;
end if;
raise exception '[403] Subject %% is not allowed to update %1$s uuid %%', currentSubjectsUuids(), old.uuid;
end; $f$;
$sql$, targetTable, columnUpdates);
execute sql;
Creates an instead of delete trigger for the restricted view.
sql = format($sql$
create trigger %1$sUpdate_tg
instead of update
on %1$s_rv
for each row
execute function %1$sUpdate();
$sql$, targetTable);
execute sql;
Creates an instead of delete trigger for the restricted view.
sql = format($sql$
create trigger %1$sUpdate_tg
instead of update
on %1$s_rv
for each row
execute function %1$sUpdate();
$sql$, targetTable);
execute sql;
end if;
end; $$;