improving branch coverage for AssetResourceIntTest

This commit is contained in:
Michael Hoennig 2019-04-20 10:47:01 +02:00
parent 9f95af7547
commit 7ba20b3687
5 changed files with 18 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -19,3 +19,12 @@ Either simply:
or with a specific port:
SERVER_PORT=8081 ./gradlew bootRun
== Running JUnit tests with branch coverage
=== for IntelliJ IDEA
Either apply it to specific test configurations or,
better, delete the previous test configurations and amend the JUnit template.

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@ -74,13 +74,8 @@ public class AssetResource {
public ResponseEntity<AssetDTO> updateAsset(@Valid @RequestBody AssetDTO assetDTO) throws URISyntaxException {
log.debug("REST request to update Asset : {}", assetDTO);
if (assetDTO.getId() == null) {
throw new BadRequestAlertException("Invalid id", ENTITY_NAME, "idnull");
AssetDTO result =;
return ResponseEntity.ok()
.headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityUpdateAlert(ENTITY_NAME, assetDTO.getId().toString()))
// TODO mhoennig: Rather completely remove the endpoint?
throw new BadRequestAlertException("Assets are immutable", ENTITY_NAME, "assetTransactionImmutable");
@ -132,7 +127,7 @@ public class AssetResource {
public ResponseEntity<Void> deleteAsset(@PathVariable Long id) {
log.debug("REST request to delete Asset : {}", id);
return ResponseEntity.ok().headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityDeletionAlert(ENTITY_NAME, id.toString())).build();
// TODO mhoennig: Rather completely remove the endpoint?
throw new BadRequestAlertException("Asset are immutable", ENTITY_NAME, "assetTransactionImmutable");

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"membershipNotDeletable": "Mitgliedschaft kann nicht gelöscht werden, setze stattdessen das 'untilDate'",
"untilDateMustBeAfterSinceDate": "Mitgliedshaftsaustrittsdatum muss nach dem Beitrittsdatum liegen",
"documentDateMayNotBeAfterValueDate": "Belegdatum darf nicht vor dem Buchungsdatum liegen",
"assetTransactionImmutable": "Transaktionen mit Geschäftsguthaben sind unveränderlich",
"anotherUncancelledMembershipExists": "Nur eine einzige ungekündigte Mitgliedschaft pro Kunde ist zulässig",
"assetPaymentsPositiveAmount": "Einzahlungen von Geschäftsguthaben erfordern einen positiven Betrag",
"assetAdoptionsPositiveAmount": "Übernahmen von Geschäftsguthaben erfordern einen positiven Betrag",

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
"untilDateMustBeAfterSinceDate": "Membership until date must be after since date",
"documentDateMayNotBeAfterValueDate": "Document date may not be after value date",
"anotherUncancelledMembershipExists": "Only a single uncancelled membership allowed per customer",
"assetTransactionImmutable": "Asset transactions are immutable",
"assetPaymentsPositiveAmount": "Asset payments require a positive amount",
"assetAdoptionsPositiveAmount": "Asset adoptions require a positive amount",
"assetPaybacksNegativeAmount": "Asset paybacks require a negative amount",

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@ -689,11 +689,11 @@ public class AssetResourceIntTest {
// Delete the asset
restAssetMockMvc.perform(delete("/api/assets/{id}", asset.getId())
// Validate the database is empty
// Validate the database still contains the same number of assets
List<Asset> assetList = assetRepository.findAll();
assertThat(assetList).hasSize(databaseSizeBeforeDelete - 1);