rename table rbac.grants -> rbac.grant for consistent naming (#141)
Co-authored-by: Michael Hoennig <> Reviewed-on: #141 Reviewed-by: Timotheus Pokorra <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import lombok.*;
import lombok.experimental.FieldNameConstants;
import lombok.experimental.SuperBuilder;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.errors.DisplayAs;
import net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacSpec;
@ -22,7 +21,6 @@ import static net.hostsharing.hsadminng.rbac.generator.RbacSpec.rbacViewFor;
@SuperBuilder(toBuilder = true)
public class HsOfficePersonRbacEntity extends HsOfficePerson<HsOfficePersonRbacEntity> {
@ -54,18 +54,18 @@ class RbacRbacSystemRebuildGenerator {
grantsAfter numeric;
grantsBefore numeric;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grants;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grant;
FOR row IN SELECT * FROM ${rawTableName} LOOP
-- first delete all generated grants for this row from the previously defined RBAC system
DELETE FROM rbac.grants g
DELETE FROM rbac.grant g
WHERE g.grantedbytriggerof = row.uuid;
-- then build the grants according to the currently defined RBAC rules
CALL ${rawTableName}_build_rbac_system(row);
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grants;
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grant;
-- print how the total count of grants has changed
raise notice 'total grant count before -> after: % -> %', grantsBefore, grantsAfter;
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator {
if ${updateConditions} then
delete from rbac.grants g where g.grantedbytriggerof = OLD.uuid;
delete from rbac.grant g where g.grantedbytriggerof = OLD.uuid;
call ${rawTableQualifiedName}_build_rbac_system(NEW);
end if;
end; $$;
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
@Table(schema = "rbac", name = "grants_ev")
@Table(schema = "rbac", name = "grant_ev")
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import jakarta.persistence.*;
import java.util.UUID;
@Table(schema = "rbac", name = "grants_rv")
@Table(schema = "rbac", name = "grant_rv")
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ create or replace function rbac.delete_grants_of_role_tf()
strict as $$
if TG_OP = 'DELETE' then
delete from rbac.grants g where old.uuid in (g.grantedbyroleuuid, g.ascendantuuid, g.descendantuuid);
delete from rbac.grant g where old.uuid in (g.grantedbyroleuuid, g.ascendantuuid, g.descendantuuid);
raise exception 'invalid usage of TRIGGER BEFORE DELETE';
end if;
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ $$;
Table to store grants / role- or permission assignments to subjects or roles.
create table rbac.grants
create table rbac.grant
uuid uuid primary key default uuid_generate_v4(),
grantedByTriggerOf uuid references rbac.object (uuid) on delete cascade initially deferred ,
@ -551,21 +551,21 @@ create table rbac.grants
assumed boolean not null default true, -- auto assumed (true) vs. needs assumeRoles (false)
unique (ascendantUuid, descendantUuid),
constraint rbacGrant_createdBy check ( grantedByRoleUuid is null or grantedByTriggerOf is null) );
create index on rbac.grants (ascendantUuid);
create index on rbac.grants (descendantUuid);
create index on rbac.grant (ascendantUuid);
create index on rbac.grant (descendantUuid);
call base.create_journal('rbac.grants');
call base.create_journal('rbac.grant');
create or replace function rbac.findGrantees(grantedId uuid)
returns setof rbac.reference
returns null on null input
language sql as $$
with recursive grants as (
select descendantUuid, ascendantUuid
from rbac.grants
from rbac.grant
where descendantUuid = grantedId
union all
select g.descendantUuid, g.ascendantUuid
from rbac.grants g
from rbac.grant g
inner join grants on grants.ascendantUuid = g.descendantUuid
select ref.*
@ -579,11 +579,11 @@ create or replace function rbac.isGranted(granteeIds uuid[], grantedId uuid)
language sql as $$
with recursive grants as (
select descendantUuid, ascendantUuid
from rbac.grants
from rbac.grant
where descendantUuid = grantedId
union all
select "grant".descendantUuid, "grant".ascendantUuid
from rbac.grants "grant"
from rbac.grant "grant"
inner join grants recur on recur.ascendantUuid = "grant".descendantUuid
select exists (
@ -605,11 +605,11 @@ create or replace function rbac.isPermissionGrantedToSubject(permissionId uuid,
language sql as $$
with recursive grants as (
select descendantUuid, ascendantUuid
from rbac.grants
from rbac.grant
where descendantUuid = permissionId
union all
select g.descendantUuid, g.ascendantUuid
from rbac.grants g
from rbac.grant g
inner join grants on grants.ascendantUuid = g.descendantUuid
select exists(
@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ create or replace function rbac.hasGlobalRoleGranted(forAscendantUuid uuid)
language sql as $$
select exists(
select r.uuid
from rbac.grants as g
from rbac.grant as g
join rbac.role as r on r.uuid = g.descendantuuid
join rbac.object as o on o.uuid = r.objectuuid
where g.ascendantuuid = forAscendantUuid
@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ begin
perform rbac.assertReferenceType('permissionId (descendant)', permissionUuid, 'rbac.permission');
into rbac.grants (grantedByTriggerOf, ascendantUuid, descendantUuid, assumed)
into rbac.grant (grantedByTriggerOf, ascendantUuid, descendantUuid, assumed)
values (rbac.currentTriggerObjectUuid(), roleUuid, permissionUuid, true)
on conflict do nothing; -- allow granting multiple times
@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ begin
end if;
into rbac.grants (grantedByTriggerOf, ascendantuuid, descendantUuid, assumed)
into rbac.grant (grantedByTriggerOf, ascendantuuid, descendantUuid, assumed)
values (rbac.currentTriggerObjectUuid(), superRoleId, subRoleId, doAssume)
on conflict do nothing; -- allow granting multiple times
end; $$;
@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ begin
end if;
into rbac.grants (grantedByTriggerOf, ascendantuuid, descendantUuid, assumed)
into rbac.grant (grantedByTriggerOf, ascendantuuid, descendantUuid, assumed)
values (rbac.currentTriggerObjectUuid(), superRoleId, subRoleId, doAssume)
on conflict do nothing; -- allow granting multiple times
end; $$;
@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ begin
perform rbac.assertReferenceType('subRoleId (descendant)', subRoleId, 'rbac.role');
if (rbac.isGranted(superRoleId, subRoleId)) then
delete from rbac.grants where ascendantUuid = superRoleId and descendantUuid = subRoleId;
delete from rbac.grant where ascendantUuid = superRoleId and descendantUuid = subRoleId;
raise exception 'cannot revoke role % (%) from % (%) because it is not granted',
subRole, subRoleId, superRole, superRoleId;
@ -743,10 +743,10 @@ begin
perform rbac.assertReferenceType('permission (descendant)', permissionId, 'rbac.permission');
if (rbac.isGranted(superRoleId, permissionId)) then
delete from rbac.grants where ascendantUuid = superRoleId and descendantUuid = permissionId;
delete from rbac.grant where ascendantUuid = superRoleId and descendantUuid = permissionId;
select p.op, o.objectTable, o.uuid
from rbac.grants g
from rbac.grant g
join rbac.permission p on p.uuid=g.descendantUuid
join rbac.object o on o.uuid=p.objectUuid
where g.uuid=permissionId
@ -777,12 +777,12 @@ begin
return query
SELECT descendantUuid, ascendantUuid, 1 AS level
FROM rbac.grants
FROM rbac.grant
WHERE assumed
AND ascendantUuid = any(subjectIds)
SELECT g.descendantUuid, g.ascendantUuid, grants.level + 1 AS level
FROM rbac.grants g
FROM rbac.grant g
INNER JOIN grants ON grants.descendantUuid = g.ascendantUuid
WHERE g.assumed
@ -821,11 +821,11 @@ create or replace function rbac.queryPermissionsGrantedToSubjectId(subjectId uui
language sql as $$
with recursive grants as (
select descendantUuid, ascendantUuid
from rbac.grants
from rbac.grant
where ascendantUuid = subjectId
union all
select g.descendantUuid, g.ascendantUuid
from rbac.grants g
from rbac.grant g
inner join grants on grants.descendantUuid = g.ascendantUuid
select perm.*
@ -855,11 +855,11 @@ select *
-- @formatter:off
with recursive grants as (
select descendantUuid, ascendantUuid
from rbac.grants
from rbac.grant
where descendantUuid = objectId
union all
select "grant".descendantUuid, "grant".ascendantUuid
from rbac.grants "grant"
from rbac.grant "grant"
inner join grants recur on recur.ascendantUuid = "grant".descendantUuid
-- @formatter:on
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ begin
perform rbac.assertReferenceType('subjectUuid (ascendant)', subjectUuid, 'rbac.subject');
into rbac.grants (grantedByRoleUuid, ascendantUuid, descendantUuid, assumed)
into rbac.grant (grantedByRoleUuid, ascendantUuid, descendantUuid, assumed)
values (grantedByRoleUuid, subjectUuid, grantedRoleUuid, doAssume)
-- TODO: check if grantedByRoleUuid+doAssume are the same, otherwise raise exception?
on conflict do nothing; -- allow granting multiple times
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ begin
end if;
into rbac.grants (grantedByRoleUuid, ascendantUuid, descendantUuid, assumed)
into rbac.grant (grantedByRoleUuid, ascendantUuid, descendantUuid, assumed)
values (grantedByRoleUuid, subjectUuid, grantedRoleUuid, doAssume);
-- TODO.impl: What should happen on multiple grants? What if options (doAssume) are not the same?
-- Most powerful or latest grant wins? What about managed?
@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ create or replace procedure rbac.revokeRoleFromSubject(grantedByRoleUuid uuid, g
call rbac.checkRevokeRoleFromSubjectPreconditions(grantedByRoleUuid, grantedRoleUuid, subjectUuid);
raise INFO 'delete from rbac.grants where ascendantUuid = % and descendantUuid = %', subjectUuid, grantedRoleUuid;
delete from rbac.grants as g
raise INFO 'delete from rbac.grant where ascendantUuid = % and descendantUuid = %', subjectUuid, grantedRoleUuid;
delete from rbac.grant as g
where g.ascendantUuid = subjectUuid and g.descendantUuid = grantedRoleUuid
and g.grantedByRoleUuid = revokeRoleFromSubject.grantedByRoleUuid;
end; $$;
@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ end; $$;
create or replace procedure rbac.revokePermissionFromRole(permissionUuid uuid, superRoleUuid uuid)
language plpgsql as $$
raise INFO 'delete from rbac.grants where ascendantUuid = % and descendantUuid = %', superRoleUuid, permissionUuid;
delete from rbac.grants as g
raise INFO 'delete from rbac.grant where ascendantUuid = % and descendantUuid = %', superRoleUuid, permissionUuid;
delete from rbac.grant as g
where g.ascendantUuid = superRoleUuid and g.descendantUuid = permissionUuid;
end; $$;
@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ grant all privileges on rbac.role_rv to ${HSADMINNG_POSTGRES_RESTRICTED_USERNAME
Creates a view to the grants table with additional columns
for easier human readability.
drop view if exists rbac.grants_ev;
create or replace view rbac.grants_ev as
drop view if exists rbac.grant_ev;
create or replace view rbac.grant_ev as
-- @formatter:off
select x.grantUuid as uuid,
x.grantedByTriggerOf as grantedByTriggerOf,
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ create or replace view rbac.grants_ev as
) as descendingIdName,
dro.objectTable, dro.uuid,
dp.op, dp.optablename
from rbac.grants as g
from rbac.grant as g
left outer join rbac.role as ar on ar.uuid = g.ascendantUuid
left outer join rbac.object as aro on aro.uuid = ar.objectuuid
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ create or replace view rbac.grants_ev as
Creates a view to the grants table with row-level limitation
based on the direct grants of the current user.
create or replace view rbac.grants_rv as
create or replace view rbac.grant_rv as
-- @formatter:off
select o.objectTable || '#' || rbac.findIdNameByObjectUuid(o.objectTable, o.uuid) || ':' || r.roletype as grantedByRoleIdName,
g.objectTable || '#' || g.objectIdName || ':' || g.roletype as grantedRoleIdName, g.userName, g.assumed,
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ select o.objectTable || '#' || rbac.findIdNameByObjectUuid(o.objectTable, o.uuid
select g.grantedbyroleuuid, g.ascendantuuid, g.descendantuuid, g.assumed,
|||| as userName, o.objecttable, r.objectuuid, r.roletype,
rbac.findIdNameByObjectUuid(o.objectTable, o.uuid) as objectIdName
from rbac.grants as g
from rbac.grant as g
join rbac.role as r on r.uuid = g.descendantUuid
join rbac.object o on o.uuid = r.objectuuid
left outer join rbac.subject u on u.uuid = g.ascendantuuid
@ -141,28 +141,28 @@ grant all privileges on rbac.role_rv to ${HSADMINNG_POSTGRES_RESTRICTED_USERNAME
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Instead of insert trigger function for rbac.grants_rv.
Instead of insert trigger function for rbac.grant_rv.
create or replace function rbac.insert_grant_tf()
returns trigger
language plpgsql as $$
newGrant rbac.grants_rv;
newGrant rbac.grant_rv;
call rbac.grantRoleToSubject(rbac.assumedRoleUuid(), new.grantedRoleUuid, new.subjectUuid, new.assumed);
select grv.*
from rbac.grants_rv grv
from rbac.grant_rv grv
where grv.subjectUuid=new.subjectUuid and grv.grantedRoleUuid=new.grantedRoleUuid
into newGrant;
return newGrant;
end; $$;
Creates an instead of insert trigger for the rbac.grants_rv view.
Creates an instead of insert trigger for the rbac.grant_rv view.
create trigger insert_grant_tg
instead of insert
on rbac.grants_rv
on rbac.grant_rv
for each row
execute function rbac.insert_grant_tf();
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ execute function rbac.insert_grant_tf();
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Instead of delete trigger function for rbac.grants_rv.
Instead of delete trigger function for rbac.grant_rv.
Checks if the current subject or assumed role have the permission to revoke the grant.
@ -186,11 +186,11 @@ begin
end; $$;
Creates an instead of delete trigger for the rbac.grants_rv view.
Creates an instead of delete trigger for the rbac.grant_rv view.
create trigger delete_grant_tg
instead of delete
on rbac.grants_rv
on rbac.grant_rv
for each row
execute function rbac.delete_grant_tf();
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ select distinct *
from (
select usersInRolesOfcurrentSubject.*
from rbac.subject as usersInRolesOfcurrentSubject
join rbac.grants as g on g.ascendantuuid = usersInRolesOfcurrentSubject.uuid
join rbac.grant as g on g.ascendantuuid = usersInRolesOfcurrentSubject.uuid
join rbac.role_ev as r on r.uuid = g.descendantuuid
select users.*
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ create or replace view rbac.subject_rv as
from (
select usersInRolesOfcurrentSubject.*
from rbac.subject as usersInRolesOfcurrentSubject
join rbac.grants as g on g.ascendantuuid = usersInRolesOfcurrentSubject.uuid
join rbac.grant as g on g.ascendantuuid = usersInRolesOfcurrentSubject.uuid
join rbac.role_rv as r on r.uuid = g.descendantuuid
select users.*
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ select r.uuid as roleuuid, p.uuid as permissionUuid,
(r.objecttable || ':' || r.objectidname || ':' || r.roletype) as roleName, p.op,
o.objecttable, r.objectidname, o.uuid as objectuuid
from rbac.role_rv r
join rbac.grants g on g.ascendantuuid = r.uuid
join rbac.grant g on g.ascendantuuid = r.uuid
join rbac.permission p on p.uuid = g.descendantuuid
join rbac.object o on o.uuid = p.objectuuid;
grant all privileges on rbac.own_granted_permissions_rv to ${HSADMINNG_POSTGRES_RESTRICTED_USERNAME};
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ begin
rbac.findIdNameByObjectUuid(po.objectTable, po.uuid) as permissionObjectIdName,
po.uuid as permissionObjectUuid
from rbac.queryPermissionsGrantedToSubjectId( targetSubjectUuid) as p
join rbac.grants as g on g.descendantUuid = p.uuid
join rbac.grant as g on g.descendantUuid = p.uuid
join rbac.object as po on po.uuid = p.objectUuid
join rbac.role_rv as r on r.uuid = g.ascendantUuid
join rbac.object as ro on ro.uuid = r.objectUuid
@ -193,19 +193,19 @@ begin
with accessible_uuids as (
with recursive
recursive_grants as
(select distinct rbac.grants.descendantuuid,
(select distinct rbac.grant.descendantuuid,
1 as level,
from rbac.grants
where rbac.grants.assumed
and (rbac.grants.ascendantuuid = any (rbac.currentSubjectOrAssumedRolesUuids()))
from rbac.grant
where rbac.grant.assumed
and (rbac.grant.ascendantuuid = any (rbac.currentSubjectOrAssumedRolesUuids()))
union all
select distinct g.descendantuuid,
grants.level + 1 as level,
base.assertTrue(grants.level < 22, 'too many grant-levels: ' || grants.level)
from rbac.grants g
from rbac.grant g
join recursive_grants grants on grants.descendantuuid = g.ascendantuuid
where g.assumed),
grant_count AS (
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ select no, to_char("count", '9 999 999 999') as "count", "table"
from rbac.reference
select 5 as no, count(*) as "count", 'grants' as "table"
from rbac.grants
from rbac.grant
select 6 as no, count(*) as "count", 'objects' as "table"
from rbac.object) as totals
@ -212,18 +212,18 @@ DECLARE
grantsAfter numeric;
grantsBefore numeric;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grants;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grant;
FOR row IN SELECT * FROM rbactest.customer LOOP
-- first delete all generated grants for this row from the previously defined RBAC system
DELETE FROM rbac.grants g
DELETE FROM rbac.grant g
WHERE g.grantedbytriggerof = row.uuid;
-- then build the grants according to the currently defined RBAC rules
CALL rbactest.customer_build_rbac_system(row);
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grants;
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grant;
-- print how the total count of grants has changed
raise notice 'total grant count before -> after: % -> %', grantsBefore, grantsAfter;
@ -277,18 +277,18 @@ DECLARE
grantsAfter numeric;
grantsBefore numeric;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grants;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grant;
FOR row IN SELECT * FROM rbactest.package LOOP
-- first delete all generated grants for this row from the previously defined RBAC system
DELETE FROM rbac.grants g
DELETE FROM rbac.grant g
WHERE g.grantedbytriggerof = row.uuid;
-- then build the grants according to the currently defined RBAC rules
CALL rbactest.package_build_rbac_system(row);
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grants;
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grant;
-- print how the total count of grants has changed
raise notice 'total grant count before -> after: % -> %', grantsBefore, grantsAfter;
@ -276,18 +276,18 @@ DECLARE
grantsAfter numeric;
grantsBefore numeric;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grants;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grant;
FOR row IN SELECT * FROM rbactest.domain LOOP
-- first delete all generated grants for this row from the previously defined RBAC system
DELETE FROM rbac.grants g
DELETE FROM rbac.grant g
WHERE g.grantedbytriggerof = row.uuid;
-- then build the grants according to the currently defined RBAC rules
CALL rbactest.domain_build_rbac_system(row);
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grants;
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grant;
-- print how the total count of grants has changed
raise notice 'total grant count before -> after: % -> %', grantsBefore, grantsAfter;
@ -136,18 +136,18 @@ DECLARE
grantsAfter numeric;
grantsBefore numeric;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grants;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grant;
-- first delete all generated grants for this row from the previously defined RBAC system
DELETE FROM rbac.grants g
DELETE FROM rbac.grant g
WHERE g.grantedbytriggerof = row.uuid;
-- then build the grants according to the currently defined RBAC rules
CALL hs_office.contact_build_rbac_system(row);
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grants;
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grant;
-- print how the total count of grants has changed
raise notice 'total grant count before -> after: % -> %', grantsBefore, grantsAfter;
@ -138,18 +138,18 @@ DECLARE
grantsAfter numeric;
grantsBefore numeric;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grants;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grant;
FOR row IN SELECT * FROM hs_office.person LOOP
-- first delete all generated grants for this row from the previously defined RBAC system
DELETE FROM rbac.grants g
DELETE FROM rbac.grant g
WHERE g.grantedbytriggerof = row.uuid;
-- then build the grants according to the currently defined RBAC rules
CALL hs_office.person_build_rbac_system(row);
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grants;
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grant;
-- print how the total count of grants has changed
raise notice 'total grant count before -> after: % -> %', grantsBefore, grantsAfter;
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ create or replace procedure hs_office.relation_update_rbac_system(
if NEW.contactUuid is distinct from OLD.contactUuid then
delete from rbac.grants g where g.grantedbytriggerof = OLD.uuid;
delete from rbac.grant g where g.grantedbytriggerof = OLD.uuid;
call hs_office.relation_build_rbac_system(NEW);
end if;
end; $$;
@ -286,18 +286,18 @@ DECLARE
grantsAfter numeric;
grantsBefore numeric;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grants;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grant;
FOR row IN SELECT * FROM hs_office.relation LOOP
-- first delete all generated grants for this row from the previously defined RBAC system
DELETE FROM rbac.grants g
DELETE FROM rbac.grant g
WHERE g.grantedbytriggerof = row.uuid;
-- then build the grants according to the currently defined RBAC rules
CALL hs_office.relation_build_rbac_system(row);
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grants;
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grant;
-- print how the total count of grants has changed
raise notice 'total grant count before -> after: % -> %', grantsBefore, grantsAfter;
@ -287,18 +287,18 @@ DECLARE
grantsAfter numeric;
grantsBefore numeric;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grants;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grant;
FOR row IN SELECT * FROM hs_office.partner LOOP
-- first delete all generated grants for this row from the previously defined RBAC system
DELETE FROM rbac.grants g
DELETE FROM rbac.grant g
WHERE g.grantedbytriggerof = row.uuid;
-- then build the grants according to the currently defined RBAC rules
CALL hs_office.partner_build_rbac_system(row);
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grants;
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grant;
-- print how the total count of grants has changed
raise notice 'total grant count before -> after: % -> %', grantsBefore, grantsAfter;
@ -199,18 +199,18 @@ DECLARE
grantsAfter numeric;
grantsBefore numeric;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grants;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grant;
FOR row IN SELECT * FROM hs_office.partner_details LOOP
-- first delete all generated grants for this row from the previously defined RBAC system
DELETE FROM rbac.grants g
DELETE FROM rbac.grant g
WHERE g.grantedbytriggerof = row.uuid;
-- then build the grants according to the currently defined RBAC rules
CALL hs_office.partner_details_build_rbac_system(row);
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grants;
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grant;
-- print how the total count of grants has changed
raise notice 'total grant count before -> after: % -> %', grantsBefore, grantsAfter;
@ -135,18 +135,18 @@ DECLARE
grantsAfter numeric;
grantsBefore numeric;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grants;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grant;
FOR row IN SELECT * FROM hs_office.bankaccount LOOP
-- first delete all generated grants for this row from the previously defined RBAC system
DELETE FROM rbac.grants g
DELETE FROM rbac.grant g
WHERE g.grantedbytriggerof = row.uuid;
-- then build the grants according to the currently defined RBAC rules
CALL hs_office.bankaccount_build_rbac_system(row);
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grants;
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grant;
-- print how the total count of grants has changed
raise notice 'total grant count before -> after: % -> %', grantsBefore, grantsAfter;
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ begin
if NEW.debitorRelUuid is distinct from OLD.debitorRelUuid
or NEW.refundBankAccountUuid is distinct from OLD.refundBankAccountUuid then
delete from rbac.grants g where g.grantedbytriggerof = OLD.uuid;
delete from rbac.grant g where g.grantedbytriggerof = OLD.uuid;
call hs_office.debitor_build_rbac_system(NEW);
end if;
end; $$;
@ -276,18 +276,18 @@ DECLARE
grantsAfter numeric;
grantsBefore numeric;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grants;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grant;
FOR row IN SELECT * FROM hs_office.debitor LOOP
-- first delete all generated grants for this row from the previously defined RBAC system
DELETE FROM rbac.grants g
DELETE FROM rbac.grant g
WHERE g.grantedbytriggerof = row.uuid;
-- then build the grants according to the currently defined RBAC rules
CALL hs_office.debitor_build_rbac_system(row);
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grants;
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grant;
-- print how the total count of grants has changed
raise notice 'total grant count before -> after: % -> %', grantsBefore, grantsAfter;
@ -245,18 +245,18 @@ DECLARE
grantsAfter numeric;
grantsBefore numeric;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grants;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grant;
FOR row IN SELECT * FROM hs_office.sepamandate LOOP
-- first delete all generated grants for this row from the previously defined RBAC system
DELETE FROM rbac.grants g
DELETE FROM rbac.grant g
WHERE g.grantedbytriggerof = row.uuid;
-- then build the grants according to the currently defined RBAC rules
CALL hs_office.sepamandate_build_rbac_system(row);
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grants;
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grant;
-- print how the total count of grants has changed
raise notice 'total grant count before -> after: % -> %', grantsBefore, grantsAfter;
@ -227,18 +227,18 @@ DECLARE
grantsAfter numeric;
grantsBefore numeric;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grants;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grant;
FOR row IN SELECT * FROM hs_office.membership LOOP
-- first delete all generated grants for this row from the previously defined RBAC system
DELETE FROM rbac.grants g
DELETE FROM rbac.grant g
WHERE g.grantedbytriggerof = row.uuid;
-- then build the grants according to the currently defined RBAC rules
CALL hs_office.membership_build_rbac_system(row);
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grants;
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grant;
-- print how the total count of grants has changed
raise notice 'total grant count before -> after: % -> %', grantsBefore, grantsAfter;
@ -198,18 +198,18 @@ DECLARE
grantsAfter numeric;
grantsBefore numeric;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grants;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grant;
FOR row IN SELECT * FROM hs_office.coopsharetx LOOP
-- first delete all generated grants for this row from the previously defined RBAC system
DELETE FROM rbac.grants g
DELETE FROM rbac.grant g
WHERE g.grantedbytriggerof = row.uuid;
-- then build the grants according to the currently defined RBAC rules
CALL hs_office.coopsharetx_build_rbac_system(row);
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grants;
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grant;
-- print how the total count of grants has changed
raise notice 'total grant count before -> after: % -> %', grantsBefore, grantsAfter;
@ -198,18 +198,18 @@ DECLARE
grantsAfter numeric;
grantsBefore numeric;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grants;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grant;
FOR row IN SELECT * FROM hs_office.coopassettx LOOP
-- first delete all generated grants for this row from the previously defined RBAC system
DELETE FROM rbac.grants g
DELETE FROM rbac.grant g
WHERE g.grantedbytriggerof = row.uuid;
-- then build the grants according to the currently defined RBAC rules
CALL hs_office.coopassettx_build_rbac_system(row);
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grants;
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grant;
-- print how the total count of grants has changed
raise notice 'total grant count before -> after: % -> %', grantsBefore, grantsAfter;
@ -238,18 +238,18 @@ DECLARE
grantsAfter numeric;
grantsBefore numeric;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grants;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grant;
FOR row IN SELECT * FROM hs_booking.project LOOP
-- first delete all generated grants for this row from the previously defined RBAC system
DELETE FROM rbac.grants g
DELETE FROM rbac.grant g
WHERE g.grantedbytriggerof = row.uuid;
-- then build the grants according to the currently defined RBAC rules
CALL hs_booking.project_build_rbac_system(row);
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grants;
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grant;
-- print how the total count of grants has changed
raise notice 'total grant count before -> after: % -> %', grantsBefore, grantsAfter;
@ -309,18 +309,18 @@ DECLARE
grantsAfter numeric;
grantsBefore numeric;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grants;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grant;
FOR row IN SELECT * FROM hs_booking.item LOOP
-- first delete all generated grants for this row from the previously defined RBAC system
DELETE FROM rbac.grants g
DELETE FROM rbac.grant g
WHERE g.grantedbytriggerof = row.uuid;
-- then build the grants according to the currently defined RBAC rules
CALL hs_booking.item_build_rbac_system(row);
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grants;
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grant;
-- print how the total count of grants has changed
raise notice 'total grant count before -> after: % -> %', grantsBefore, grantsAfter;
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ begin
if NEW.assignedToAssetUuid is distinct from OLD.assignedToAssetUuid
or NEW.alarmContactUuid is distinct from OLD.alarmContactUuid then
delete from rbac.grants g where g.grantedbytriggerof = OLD.uuid;
delete from rbac.grant g where g.grantedbytriggerof = OLD.uuid;
call hs_hosting.asset_build_rbac_system(NEW);
end if;
end; $$;
@ -215,18 +215,18 @@ DECLARE
grantsAfter numeric;
grantsBefore numeric;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grants;
SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grant;
FOR row IN SELECT * FROM hs_hosting.asset LOOP
-- first delete all generated grants for this row from the previously defined RBAC system
DELETE FROM rbac.grants g
DELETE FROM rbac.grant g
WHERE g.grantedbytriggerof = row.uuid;
-- then build the grants according to the currently defined RBAC rules
CALL hs_hosting.asset_build_rbac_system(row);
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grants;
select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grant;
-- print how the total count of grants has changed
raise notice 'total grant count before -> after: % -> %', grantsBefore, grantsAfter;
@ -295,14 +295,14 @@ class RbacGrantRepositoryIntegrationTest extends ContextBasedTest {
public void rebuildingTheRbacSystemWitSameRbacSpecDoesNotChangeGrantNorRoleCount() {
final var grantCountBefore = sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rbac.grants");
final var grantCountBefore = sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rbac.grant");
final var roleCountBefore = sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rbac.role");
jpaAttempt.transacted(() ->
em.createNativeQuery("CALL rbactest.package_rebuild_rbac_system()")
final var grantCountAfter = sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rbac.grants");
final var grantCountAfter = sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rbac.grant");
assertThat(grantCountBefore).as("grant count must not change").isEqualTo(grantCountAfter);
final var roleCountAfter = sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rbac.role");
Reference in New Issue
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