Merge branch 'jhipster-generated'
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,10 +46,10 @@
"otherEntityRelationshipName": "asset",
"relationshipValidateRules": "required",
"relationshipName": "membership",
"otherEntityField": "documentDate"
"otherEntityField": "admissionDocumentDate"
"changelogDate": "20190418143053",
"changelogDate": "20190424123258",
"entityTableName": "asset",
"dto": "mapstruct",
"pagination": "infinite-scroll",
@ -34,6 +34,58 @@
"fieldValidateRulesMaxlength": 80
"fieldName": "kind",
"fieldType": "CustomerKind",
"fieldValues": "NATURAL,LEGAL",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldName": "birthDate",
"fieldType": "LocalDate"
"fieldName": "birthPlace",
"fieldType": "String",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldValidateRulesMaxlength": 80
"fieldName": "registrationCourt",
"fieldType": "String",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldValidateRulesMaxlength": 80
"fieldName": "registrationNumber",
"fieldType": "String",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldValidateRulesMaxlength": 80
"fieldName": "vatRegion",
"fieldType": "VatRegion",
"fieldValues": "DOMESTIC,EU,OTHER",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldName": "vatNumber",
"fieldType": "String",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldValidateRulesMaxlength": 40
"fieldName": "contractualSalutation",
"fieldType": "String",
@ -90,7 +142,7 @@
"relationshipName": "sepamandate"
"changelogDate": "20190418143050",
"changelogDate": "20190424123255",
"entityTableName": "customer",
"dto": "mapstruct",
"pagination": "infinite-scroll",
@ -2,21 +2,25 @@
"name": "Membership",
"fields": [
"fieldName": "documentDate",
"fieldName": "admissionDocumentDate",
"fieldType": "LocalDate",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldName": "memberFrom",
"fieldName": "cancellationDocumentDate",
"fieldType": "LocalDate"
"fieldName": "memberFromDate",
"fieldType": "LocalDate",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldName": "memberUntil",
"fieldName": "memberUntilDate",
"fieldType": "LocalDate"
@ -50,7 +54,7 @@
"otherEntityField": "prefix"
"changelogDate": "20190418143051",
"changelogDate": "20190424123256",
"entityTableName": "membership",
"dto": "mapstruct",
"pagination": "infinite-scroll",
@ -28,29 +28,29 @@
"fieldValidateRulesMaxlength": 11
"fieldName": "documentDate",
"fieldName": "grantingDocumentDate",
"fieldType": "LocalDate",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldName": "validFrom",
"fieldName": "revokationDocumentDate",
"fieldType": "LocalDate"
"fieldName": "validFromDate",
"fieldType": "LocalDate",
"fieldValidateRules": [
"fieldName": "validUntil",
"fieldName": "validUntilDate",
"fieldType": "LocalDate"
"fieldName": "lastUsed",
"fieldType": "LocalDate"
"fieldName": "cancellationDate",
"fieldName": "lastUsedDate",
"fieldType": "LocalDate"
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
"otherEntityField": "prefix"
"changelogDate": "20190418143054",
"changelogDate": "20190424123259",
"entityTableName": "sepa_mandate",
"dto": "mapstruct",
"pagination": "infinite-scroll",
@ -46,10 +46,10 @@
"otherEntityRelationshipName": "share",
"relationshipValidateRules": "required",
"relationshipName": "membership",
"otherEntityField": "documentDate"
"otherEntityField": "admissionDocumentDate"
"changelogDate": "20190418143052",
"changelogDate": "20190424123257",
"entityTableName": "share",
"dto": "mapstruct",
"pagination": "infinite-scroll",
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ public class Asset implements Serializable {
@Column(name = "remark", length = 160)
private String remark;
@ManyToOne(optional = false)
private Membership membership;
@ -7,10 +7,15 @@ import javax.persistence.*;
import javax.validation.constraints.*;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.hostsharing.hsadminng.domain.enumeration.CustomerKind;
import org.hostsharing.hsadminng.domain.enumeration.VatRegion;
* A Customer.
@ -42,6 +47,35 @@ public class Customer implements Serializable {
@Column(name = "name", length = 80, nullable = false)
private String name;
@Column(name = "kind", nullable = false)
private CustomerKind kind;
@Column(name = "birth_date")
private LocalDate birthDate;
@Size(max = 80)
@Column(name = "birth_place", length = 80)
private String birthPlace;
@Size(max = 80)
@Column(name = "registration_court", length = 80)
private String registrationCourt;
@Size(max = 80)
@Column(name = "registration_number", length = 80)
private String registrationNumber;
@Column(name = "vat_region", nullable = false)
private VatRegion vatRegion;
@Size(max = 40)
@Column(name = "vat_number", length = 40)
private String vatNumber;
@Size(max = 80)
@Column(name = "contractual_salutation", length = 80)
private String contractualSalutation;
@ -115,6 +149,97 @@ public class Customer implements Serializable {
|||| = name;
public CustomerKind getKind() {
return kind;
public Customer kind(CustomerKind kind) {
this.kind = kind;
return this;
public void setKind(CustomerKind kind) {
this.kind = kind;
public LocalDate getBirthDate() {
return birthDate;
public Customer birthDate(LocalDate birthDate) {
this.birthDate = birthDate;
return this;
public void setBirthDate(LocalDate birthDate) {
this.birthDate = birthDate;
public String getBirthPlace() {
return birthPlace;
public Customer birthPlace(String birthPlace) {
this.birthPlace = birthPlace;
return this;
public void setBirthPlace(String birthPlace) {
this.birthPlace = birthPlace;
public String getRegistrationCourt() {
return registrationCourt;
public Customer registrationCourt(String registrationCourt) {
this.registrationCourt = registrationCourt;
return this;
public void setRegistrationCourt(String registrationCourt) {
this.registrationCourt = registrationCourt;
public String getRegistrationNumber() {
return registrationNumber;
public Customer registrationNumber(String registrationNumber) {
this.registrationNumber = registrationNumber;
return this;
public void setRegistrationNumber(String registrationNumber) {
this.registrationNumber = registrationNumber;
public VatRegion getVatRegion() {
return vatRegion;
public Customer vatRegion(VatRegion vatRegion) {
this.vatRegion = vatRegion;
return this;
public void setVatRegion(VatRegion vatRegion) {
this.vatRegion = vatRegion;
public String getVatNumber() {
return vatNumber;
public Customer vatNumber(String vatNumber) {
this.vatNumber = vatNumber;
return this;
public void setVatNumber(String vatNumber) {
this.vatNumber = vatNumber;
public String getContractualSalutation() {
return contractualSalutation;
@ -195,6 +320,16 @@ public class Customer implements Serializable {
return this;
public Customer removeMembership(Membership membership) {
return this;
public void setMemberships(Set<Membership> memberships) {
this.memberships = memberships;
public Set<SepaMandate> getSepamandates() {
return sepamandates;
@ -210,6 +345,15 @@ public class Customer implements Serializable {
return this;
public Customer removeSepamandate(SepaMandate sepaMandate) {
return this;
public void setSepamandates(Set<SepaMandate> sepaMandates) {
this.sepamandates = sepaMandates;
// jhipster-needle-entity-add-getters-setters - JHipster will add getters and setters here, do not remove
@ -239,6 +383,13 @@ public class Customer implements Serializable {
", reference=" + getReference() +
", prefix='" + getPrefix() + "'" +
", name='" + getName() + "'" +
", kind='" + getKind() + "'" +
", birthDate='" + getBirthDate() + "'" +
", birthPlace='" + getBirthPlace() + "'" +
", registrationCourt='" + getRegistrationCourt() + "'" +
", registrationNumber='" + getRegistrationNumber() + "'" +
", vatRegion='" + getVatRegion() + "'" +
", vatNumber='" + getVatNumber() + "'" +
", contractualSalutation='" + getContractualSalutation() + "'" +
", contractualAddress='" + getContractualAddress() + "'" +
", billingSalutation='" + getBillingSalutation() + "'" +
@ -30,15 +30,18 @@ public class Membership implements Serializable {
private Long id;
@Column(name = "document_date", nullable = false)
private LocalDate documentDate;
@Column(name = "admission_document_date", nullable = false)
private LocalDate admissionDocumentDate;
@Column(name = "cancellation_document_date")
private LocalDate cancellationDocumentDate;
@Column(name = "member_from", nullable = false)
private LocalDate memberFrom;
@Column(name = "member_from_date", nullable = false)
private LocalDate memberFromDate;
@Column(name = "member_until")
private LocalDate memberUntil;
@Column(name = "member_until_date")
private LocalDate memberUntilDate;
@Size(max = 160)
@Column(name = "remark", length = 160)
@ -62,43 +65,56 @@ public class Membership implements Serializable {
|||| = id;
public LocalDate getDocumentDate() {
return documentDate;
public LocalDate getAdmissionDocumentDate() {
return admissionDocumentDate;
public Membership documentDate(LocalDate documentDate) {
this.documentDate = documentDate;
public Membership admissionDocumentDate(LocalDate admissionDocumentDate) {
this.admissionDocumentDate = admissionDocumentDate;
return this;
public void setDocumentDate(LocalDate documentDate) {
this.documentDate = documentDate;
public void setAdmissionDocumentDate(LocalDate admissionDocumentDate) {
this.admissionDocumentDate = admissionDocumentDate;
public LocalDate getMemberFrom() {
return memberFrom;
public LocalDate getCancellationDocumentDate() {
return cancellationDocumentDate;
public Membership memberFrom(LocalDate memberFrom) {
this.memberFrom = memberFrom;
public Membership cancellationDocumentDate(LocalDate cancellationDocumentDate) {
this.cancellationDocumentDate = cancellationDocumentDate;
return this;
public void setMemberFrom(LocalDate memberFrom) {
this.memberFrom = memberFrom;
public void setCancellationDocumentDate(LocalDate cancellationDocumentDate) {
this.cancellationDocumentDate = cancellationDocumentDate;
public LocalDate getMemberUntil() {
return memberUntil;
public LocalDate getMemberFromDate() {
return memberFromDate;
public Membership memberUntil(LocalDate memberUntil) {
this.memberUntil = memberUntil;
public Membership memberFromDate(LocalDate memberFromDate) {
this.memberFromDate = memberFromDate;
return this;
public void setMemberUntil(LocalDate memberUntil) {
this.memberUntil = memberUntil;
public void setMemberFromDate(LocalDate memberFromDate) {
this.memberFromDate = memberFromDate;
public LocalDate getMemberUntilDate() {
return memberUntilDate;
public Membership memberUntilDate(LocalDate memberUntilDate) {
this.memberUntilDate = memberUntilDate;
return this;
public void setMemberUntilDate(LocalDate memberUntilDate) {
this.memberUntilDate = memberUntilDate;
public String getRemark() {
@ -129,6 +145,16 @@ public class Membership implements Serializable {
return this;
public Membership removeShare(Share share) {
return this;
public void setShares(Set<Share> shares) {
this.shares = shares;
public Set<Asset> getAssets() {
return assets;
@ -144,6 +170,16 @@ public class Membership implements Serializable {
return this;
public Membership removeAsset(Asset asset) {
return this;
public void setAssets(Set<Asset> assets) {
this.assets = assets;
public Customer getCustomer() {
return customer;
@ -182,9 +218,10 @@ public class Membership implements Serializable {
public String toString() {
return "Membership{" +
"id=" + getId() +
", documentDate='" + getDocumentDate() + "'" +
", memberFrom='" + getMemberFrom() + "'" +
", memberUntil='" + getMemberUntil() + "'" +
", admissionDocumentDate='" + getAdmissionDocumentDate() + "'" +
", cancellationDocumentDate='" + getCancellationDocumentDate() + "'" +
", memberFromDate='" + getMemberFromDate() + "'" +
", memberUntilDate='" + getMemberUntilDate() + "'" +
", remark='" + getRemark() + "'" +
@ -38,21 +38,21 @@ public class SepaMandate implements Serializable {
private String bic;
@Column(name = "document_date", nullable = false)
private LocalDate documentDate;
@Column(name = "granting_document_date", nullable = false)
private LocalDate grantingDocumentDate;
@Column(name = "revokation_document_date")
private LocalDate revokationDocumentDate;
@Column(name = "valid_from", nullable = false)
private LocalDate validFrom;
@Column(name = "valid_from_date", nullable = false)
private LocalDate validFromDate;
@Column(name = "valid_until")
private LocalDate validUntil;
@Column(name = "valid_until_date")
private LocalDate validUntilDate;
@Column(name = "last_used")
private LocalDate lastUsed;
@Column(name = "cancellation_date")
private LocalDate cancellationDate;
@Column(name = "last_used_date")
private LocalDate lastUsedDate;
@Size(max = 160)
@Column(name = "remark", length = 160)
@ -111,69 +111,69 @@ public class SepaMandate implements Serializable {
this.bic = bic;
public LocalDate getDocumentDate() {
return documentDate;
public LocalDate getGrantingDocumentDate() {
return grantingDocumentDate;
public SepaMandate documentDate(LocalDate documentDate) {
this.documentDate = documentDate;
public SepaMandate grantingDocumentDate(LocalDate grantingDocumentDate) {
this.grantingDocumentDate = grantingDocumentDate;
return this;
public void setDocumentDate(LocalDate documentDate) {
this.documentDate = documentDate;
public void setGrantingDocumentDate(LocalDate grantingDocumentDate) {
this.grantingDocumentDate = grantingDocumentDate;
public LocalDate getValidFrom() {
return validFrom;
public LocalDate getRevokationDocumentDate() {
return revokationDocumentDate;
public SepaMandate validFrom(LocalDate validFrom) {
this.validFrom = validFrom;
public SepaMandate revokationDocumentDate(LocalDate revokationDocumentDate) {
this.revokationDocumentDate = revokationDocumentDate;
return this;
public void setValidFrom(LocalDate validFrom) {
this.validFrom = validFrom;
public void setRevokationDocumentDate(LocalDate revokationDocumentDate) {
this.revokationDocumentDate = revokationDocumentDate;
public LocalDate getValidUntil() {
return validUntil;
public LocalDate getValidFromDate() {
return validFromDate;
public SepaMandate validUntil(LocalDate validUntil) {
this.validUntil = validUntil;
public SepaMandate validFromDate(LocalDate validFromDate) {
this.validFromDate = validFromDate;
return this;
public void setValidUntil(LocalDate validUntil) {
this.validUntil = validUntil;
public void setValidFromDate(LocalDate validFromDate) {
this.validFromDate = validFromDate;
public LocalDate getLastUsed() {
return lastUsed;
public LocalDate getValidUntilDate() {
return validUntilDate;
public SepaMandate lastUsed(LocalDate lastUsed) {
this.lastUsed = lastUsed;
public SepaMandate validUntilDate(LocalDate validUntilDate) {
this.validUntilDate = validUntilDate;
return this;
public void setLastUsed(LocalDate lastUsed) {
this.lastUsed = lastUsed;
public void setValidUntilDate(LocalDate validUntilDate) {
this.validUntilDate = validUntilDate;
public LocalDate getCancellationDate() {
return cancellationDate;
public LocalDate getLastUsedDate() {
return lastUsedDate;
public SepaMandate cancellationDate(LocalDate cancellationDate) {
this.cancellationDate = cancellationDate;
public SepaMandate lastUsedDate(LocalDate lastUsedDate) {
this.lastUsedDate = lastUsedDate;
return this;
public void setCancellationDate(LocalDate cancellationDate) {
this.cancellationDate = cancellationDate;
public void setLastUsedDate(LocalDate lastUsedDate) {
this.lastUsedDate = lastUsedDate;
public String getRemark() {
@ -230,11 +230,11 @@ public class SepaMandate implements Serializable {
", reference='" + getReference() + "'" +
", iban='" + getIban() + "'" +
", bic='" + getBic() + "'" +
", documentDate='" + getDocumentDate() + "'" +
", validFrom='" + getValidFrom() + "'" +
", validUntil='" + getValidUntil() + "'" +
", lastUsed='" + getLastUsed() + "'" +
", cancellationDate='" + getCancellationDate() + "'" +
", grantingDocumentDate='" + getGrantingDocumentDate() + "'" +
", revokationDocumentDate='" + getRevokationDocumentDate() + "'" +
", validFromDate='" + getValidFromDate() + "'" +
", validUntilDate='" + getValidUntilDate() + "'" +
", lastUsedDate='" + getLastUsedDate() + "'" +
", remark='" + getRemark() + "'" +
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ public class Share implements Serializable {
@Column(name = "remark", length = 160)
private String remark;
@ManyToOne(optional = false)
private Membership membership;
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
package org.hostsharing.hsadminng.domain.enumeration;
* The CustomerKind enumeration.
public enum CustomerKind {
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
package org.hostsharing.hsadminng.domain.enumeration;
* The VatRegion enumeration.
public enum VatRegion {
@ -42,9 +42,7 @@ public class AssetService {
public AssetDTO save(AssetDTO assetDTO) {
log.debug("Request to save Asset : {}", assetDTO);
Asset asset = assetMapper.toEntity(assetDTO);
asset =;
return assetMapper.toDto(asset);
@ -98,6 +98,27 @@ public class CustomerQueryService extends QueryService<Customer> {
if (criteria.getName() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildStringSpecification(criteria.getName(),;
if (criteria.getKind() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildSpecification(criteria.getKind(), Customer_.kind));
if (criteria.getBirthDate() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getBirthDate(), Customer_.birthDate));
if (criteria.getBirthPlace() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildStringSpecification(criteria.getBirthPlace(), Customer_.birthPlace));
if (criteria.getRegistrationCourt() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildStringSpecification(criteria.getRegistrationCourt(), Customer_.registrationCourt));
if (criteria.getRegistrationNumber() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildStringSpecification(criteria.getRegistrationNumber(), Customer_.registrationNumber));
if (criteria.getVatRegion() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildSpecification(criteria.getVatRegion(), Customer_.vatRegion));
if (criteria.getVatNumber() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildStringSpecification(criteria.getVatNumber(), Customer_.vatNumber));
if (criteria.getContractualSalutation() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildStringSpecification(criteria.getContractualSalutation(), Customer_.contractualSalutation));
@ -89,14 +89,17 @@ public class MembershipQueryService extends QueryService<Membership> {
if (criteria.getId() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildSpecification(criteria.getId(),;
if (criteria.getDocumentDate() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getDocumentDate(), Membership_.documentDate));
if (criteria.getAdmissionDocumentDate() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getAdmissionDocumentDate(), Membership_.admissionDocumentDate));
if (criteria.getMemberFrom() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getMemberFrom(), Membership_.memberFrom));
if (criteria.getCancellationDocumentDate() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getCancellationDocumentDate(), Membership_.cancellationDocumentDate));
if (criteria.getMemberUntil() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getMemberUntil(), Membership_.memberUntil));
if (criteria.getMemberFromDate() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getMemberFromDate(), Membership_.memberFromDate));
if (criteria.getMemberUntilDate() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getMemberUntilDate(), Membership_.memberUntilDate));
if (criteria.getRemark() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildStringSpecification(criteria.getRemark(), Membership_.remark));
@ -98,20 +98,20 @@ public class SepaMandateQueryService extends QueryService<SepaMandate> {
if (criteria.getBic() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildStringSpecification(criteria.getBic(), SepaMandate_.bic));
if (criteria.getDocumentDate() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getDocumentDate(), SepaMandate_.documentDate));
if (criteria.getGrantingDocumentDate() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getGrantingDocumentDate(), SepaMandate_.grantingDocumentDate));
if (criteria.getValidFrom() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getValidFrom(), SepaMandate_.validFrom));
if (criteria.getRevokationDocumentDate() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getRevokationDocumentDate(), SepaMandate_.revokationDocumentDate));
if (criteria.getValidUntil() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getValidUntil(), SepaMandate_.validUntil));
if (criteria.getValidFromDate() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getValidFromDate(), SepaMandate_.validFromDate));
if (criteria.getLastUsed() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getLastUsed(), SepaMandate_.lastUsed));
if (criteria.getValidUntilDate() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getValidUntilDate(), SepaMandate_.validUntilDate));
if (criteria.getCancellationDate() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getCancellationDate(), SepaMandate_.cancellationDate));
if (criteria.getLastUsedDate() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getLastUsedDate(), SepaMandate_.lastUsedDate));
if (criteria.getRemark() != null) {
specification = specification.and(buildStringSpecification(criteria.getRemark(), SepaMandate_.remark));
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public class AssetDTO implements Serializable {
private Long membershipId;
private String membershipDocumentDate;
private String membershipAdmissionDocumentDate;
public Long getId() {
return id;
@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ public class AssetDTO implements Serializable {
this.membershipId = membershipId;
public String getMembershipDocumentDate() {
return membershipDocumentDate;
public String getMembershipAdmissionDocumentDate() {
return membershipAdmissionDocumentDate;
public void setMembershipDocumentDate(String membershipDocumentDate) {
this.membershipDocumentDate = membershipDocumentDate;
public void setMembershipAdmissionDocumentDate(String membershipAdmissionDocumentDate) {
this.membershipAdmissionDocumentDate = membershipAdmissionDocumentDate;
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ public class AssetDTO implements Serializable {
", amount=" + getAmount() +
", remark='" + getRemark() + "'" +
", membership=" + getMembershipId() +
", membership='" + getMembershipDocumentDate() + "'" +
", membership='" + getMembershipAdmissionDocumentDate() + "'" +
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ package org.hostsharing.hsadminng.service.dto;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.hostsharing.hsadminng.domain.enumeration.CustomerKind;
import org.hostsharing.hsadminng.domain.enumeration.VatRegion;
import io.github.jhipster.service.filter.BooleanFilter;
import io.github.jhipster.service.filter.DoubleFilter;
import io.github.jhipster.service.filter.Filter;
@ -9,6 +11,7 @@ import io.github.jhipster.service.filter.FloatFilter;
import io.github.jhipster.service.filter.IntegerFilter;
import io.github.jhipster.service.filter.LongFilter;
import io.github.jhipster.service.filter.StringFilter;
import io.github.jhipster.service.filter.LocalDateFilter;
* Criteria class for the Customer entity. This class is used in CustomerResource to
@ -19,6 +22,16 @@ import io.github.jhipster.service.filter.StringFilter;
* fix type specific filters.
public class CustomerCriteria implements Serializable {
* Class for filtering CustomerKind
public static class CustomerKindFilter extends Filter<CustomerKind> {
* Class for filtering VatRegion
public static class VatRegionFilter extends Filter<VatRegion> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@ -30,6 +43,20 @@ public class CustomerCriteria implements Serializable {
private StringFilter name;
private CustomerKindFilter kind;
private LocalDateFilter birthDate;
private StringFilter birthPlace;
private StringFilter registrationCourt;
private StringFilter registrationNumber;
private VatRegionFilter vatRegion;
private StringFilter vatNumber;
private StringFilter contractualSalutation;
private StringFilter contractualAddress;
@ -76,6 +103,62 @@ public class CustomerCriteria implements Serializable {
|||| = name;
public CustomerKindFilter getKind() {
return kind;
public void setKind(CustomerKindFilter kind) {
this.kind = kind;
public LocalDateFilter getBirthDate() {
return birthDate;
public void setBirthDate(LocalDateFilter birthDate) {
this.birthDate = birthDate;
public StringFilter getBirthPlace() {
return birthPlace;
public void setBirthPlace(StringFilter birthPlace) {
this.birthPlace = birthPlace;
public StringFilter getRegistrationCourt() {
return registrationCourt;
public void setRegistrationCourt(StringFilter registrationCourt) {
this.registrationCourt = registrationCourt;
public StringFilter getRegistrationNumber() {
return registrationNumber;
public void setRegistrationNumber(StringFilter registrationNumber) {
this.registrationNumber = registrationNumber;
public VatRegionFilter getVatRegion() {
return vatRegion;
public void setVatRegion(VatRegionFilter vatRegion) {
this.vatRegion = vatRegion;
public StringFilter getVatNumber() {
return vatNumber;
public void setVatNumber(StringFilter vatNumber) {
this.vatNumber = vatNumber;
public StringFilter getContractualSalutation() {
return contractualSalutation;
@ -147,6 +230,13 @@ public class CustomerCriteria implements Serializable {
Objects.equals(reference, that.reference) &&
Objects.equals(prefix, that.prefix) &&
Objects.equals(name, &&
Objects.equals(kind, that.kind) &&
Objects.equals(birthDate, that.birthDate) &&
Objects.equals(birthPlace, that.birthPlace) &&
Objects.equals(registrationCourt, that.registrationCourt) &&
Objects.equals(registrationNumber, that.registrationNumber) &&
Objects.equals(vatRegion, that.vatRegion) &&
Objects.equals(vatNumber, that.vatNumber) &&
Objects.equals(contractualSalutation, that.contractualSalutation) &&
Objects.equals(contractualAddress, that.contractualAddress) &&
Objects.equals(billingSalutation, that.billingSalutation) &&
@ -163,6 +253,13 @@ public class CustomerCriteria implements Serializable {
@ -180,6 +277,13 @@ public class CustomerCriteria implements Serializable {
(reference != null ? "reference=" + reference + ", " : "") +
(prefix != null ? "prefix=" + prefix + ", " : "") +
(name != null ? "name=" + name + ", " : "") +
(kind != null ? "kind=" + kind + ", " : "") +
(birthDate != null ? "birthDate=" + birthDate + ", " : "") +
(birthPlace != null ? "birthPlace=" + birthPlace + ", " : "") +
(registrationCourt != null ? "registrationCourt=" + registrationCourt + ", " : "") +
(registrationNumber != null ? "registrationNumber=" + registrationNumber + ", " : "") +
(vatRegion != null ? "vatRegion=" + vatRegion + ", " : "") +
(vatNumber != null ? "vatNumber=" + vatNumber + ", " : "") +
(contractualSalutation != null ? "contractualSalutation=" + contractualSalutation + ", " : "") +
(contractualAddress != null ? "contractualAddress=" + contractualAddress + ", " : "") +
(billingSalutation != null ? "billingSalutation=" + billingSalutation + ", " : "") +
@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
package org.hostsharing.hsadminng.service.dto;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import javax.validation.constraints.*;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.hostsharing.hsadminng.domain.enumeration.CustomerKind;
import org.hostsharing.hsadminng.domain.enumeration.VatRegion;
* A DTO for the Customer entity.
@ -24,6 +27,26 @@ public class CustomerDTO implements Serializable {
@Size(max = 80)
private String name;
private CustomerKind kind;
private LocalDate birthDate;
@Size(max = 80)
private String birthPlace;
@Size(max = 80)
private String registrationCourt;
@Size(max = 80)
private String registrationNumber;
private VatRegion vatRegion;
@Size(max = 40)
private String vatNumber;
@Size(max = 80)
private String contractualSalutation;
@ -73,6 +96,62 @@ public class CustomerDTO implements Serializable {
|||| = name;
public CustomerKind getKind() {
return kind;
public void setKind(CustomerKind kind) {
this.kind = kind;
public LocalDate getBirthDate() {
return birthDate;
public void setBirthDate(LocalDate birthDate) {
this.birthDate = birthDate;
public String getBirthPlace() {
return birthPlace;
public void setBirthPlace(String birthPlace) {
this.birthPlace = birthPlace;
public String getRegistrationCourt() {
return registrationCourt;
public void setRegistrationCourt(String registrationCourt) {
this.registrationCourt = registrationCourt;
public String getRegistrationNumber() {
return registrationNumber;
public void setRegistrationNumber(String registrationNumber) {
this.registrationNumber = registrationNumber;
public VatRegion getVatRegion() {
return vatRegion;
public void setVatRegion(VatRegion vatRegion) {
this.vatRegion = vatRegion;
public String getVatNumber() {
return vatNumber;
public void setVatNumber(String vatNumber) {
this.vatNumber = vatNumber;
public String getContractualSalutation() {
return contractualSalutation;
@ -141,6 +220,13 @@ public class CustomerDTO implements Serializable {
", reference=" + getReference() +
", prefix='" + getPrefix() + "'" +
", name='" + getName() + "'" +
", kind='" + getKind() + "'" +
", birthDate='" + getBirthDate() + "'" +
", birthPlace='" + getBirthPlace() + "'" +
", registrationCourt='" + getRegistrationCourt() + "'" +
", registrationNumber='" + getRegistrationNumber() + "'" +
", vatRegion='" + getVatRegion() + "'" +
", vatNumber='" + getVatNumber() + "'" +
", contractualSalutation='" + getContractualSalutation() + "'" +
", contractualAddress='" + getContractualAddress() + "'" +
", billingSalutation='" + getBillingSalutation() + "'" +
@ -25,11 +25,13 @@ public class MembershipCriteria implements Serializable {
private LongFilter id;
private LocalDateFilter documentDate;
private LocalDateFilter admissionDocumentDate;
private LocalDateFilter memberFrom;
private LocalDateFilter cancellationDocumentDate;
private LocalDateFilter memberUntil;
private LocalDateFilter memberFromDate;
private LocalDateFilter memberUntilDate;
private StringFilter remark;
@ -47,28 +49,36 @@ public class MembershipCriteria implements Serializable {
|||| = id;
public LocalDateFilter getDocumentDate() {
return documentDate;
public LocalDateFilter getAdmissionDocumentDate() {
return admissionDocumentDate;
public void setDocumentDate(LocalDateFilter documentDate) {
this.documentDate = documentDate;
public void setAdmissionDocumentDate(LocalDateFilter admissionDocumentDate) {
this.admissionDocumentDate = admissionDocumentDate;
public LocalDateFilter getMemberFrom() {
return memberFrom;
public LocalDateFilter getCancellationDocumentDate() {
return cancellationDocumentDate;
public void setMemberFrom(LocalDateFilter memberFrom) {
this.memberFrom = memberFrom;
public void setCancellationDocumentDate(LocalDateFilter cancellationDocumentDate) {
this.cancellationDocumentDate = cancellationDocumentDate;
public LocalDateFilter getMemberUntil() {
return memberUntil;
public LocalDateFilter getMemberFromDate() {
return memberFromDate;