2022-07-28 17:17:22 +02:00
--liquibase formatted sql
2022-07-25 16:38:21 +02:00
2022-07-29 08:46:04 +02:00
2022-07-28 17:17:22 +02:00
-- =================================================================
--changeset rbac-role-builder-create-role:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
2022-07-25 16:38:21 +02:00
2024-04-08 11:16:06 +02:00
-- TODO: rename to defineRoleWithGrants because it does not complain if the role already exists
2022-10-12 15:48:56 +02:00
create or replace function createRoleWithGrants(
2022-07-27 19:54:05 +02:00
roleDescriptor RbacRoleDescriptor,
2022-10-12 15:48:56 +02:00
permissions RbacOp[] = array[]::RbacOp[],
incomingSuperRoles RbacRoleDescriptor[] = array[]::RbacRoleDescriptor[],
outgoingSubRoles RbacRoleDescriptor[] = array[]::RbacRoleDescriptor[],
userUuids uuid[] = array[]::uuid[],
grantedByRole RbacRoleDescriptor = null
2022-07-25 16:38:21 +02:00
2022-07-29 08:46:04 +02:00
returns uuid
called on null input
language plpgsql as $$
2024-03-26 11:25:18 +01:00
roleUuid uuid;
2024-04-02 13:14:46 +02:00
permission RbacOp;
permissionUuid uuid;
2024-03-26 11:25:18 +01:00
subRoleDesc RbacRoleDescriptor;
superRoleDesc RbacRoleDescriptor;
subRoleUuid uuid;
superRoleUuid uuid;
userUuid uuid;
userGrantsByRoleUuid uuid;
2022-07-29 08:46:04 +02:00
2024-04-08 11:16:06 +02:00
roleUuid := coalesce(findRoleId(roleDescriptor), createRole(roleDescriptor));
2022-07-25 16:38:21 +02:00
2024-04-02 13:14:46 +02:00
foreach permission in array permissions
permissionUuid := createPermission(roleDescriptor.objectuuid, permission);
call grantPermissionToRole(permissionUuid, roleUuid);
end loop;
2022-07-29 08:46:04 +02:00
2024-03-11 12:30:43 +01:00
foreach superRoleDesc in array array_remove(incomingSuperRoles, null)
2022-10-12 15:48:56 +02:00
2024-03-11 12:30:43 +01:00
superRoleUuid := getRoleId(superRoleDesc);
call grantRoleToRole(roleUuid, superRoleUuid, superRoleDesc.assumed);
2022-10-12 15:48:56 +02:00
end loop;
2022-07-29 08:46:04 +02:00
2024-03-11 12:30:43 +01:00
foreach subRoleDesc in array array_remove(outgoingSubRoles, null)
2022-10-12 15:48:56 +02:00
2024-03-11 12:30:43 +01:00
subRoleUuid := getRoleId(subRoleDesc);
call grantRoleToRole(subRoleUuid, roleUuid, subRoleDesc.assumed);
2022-10-12 15:48:56 +02:00
end loop;
if cardinality(userUuids) > 0 then
2024-03-26 11:25:18 +01:00
-- direct grants to users need a grantedByRole which can revoke the grant
2022-10-12 15:48:56 +02:00
if grantedByRole is null then
2024-04-02 13:14:46 +02:00
userGrantsByRoleUuid := roleUuid; -- TODO.spec: or do we want to require an explicit userGrantsByRoleUuid?
2024-03-11 12:30:43 +01:00
2024-03-26 11:25:18 +01:00
userGrantsByRoleUuid := getRoleId(grantedByRole);
2022-10-12 15:48:56 +02:00
end if;
foreach userUuid in array userUuids
2022-07-29 08:46:04 +02:00
2024-03-26 11:25:18 +01:00
call grantRoleToUserUnchecked(userGrantsByRoleUuid, roleUuid, userUuid);
2022-07-29 08:46:04 +02:00
end loop;
end if;
return roleUuid;
end; $$;
2022-07-28 17:17:22 +02:00
2022-08-16 10:46:41 +02:00