
126 lines
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--liquibase formatted sql
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--changeset rbac-user-grant-GRANT-ROLE-TO-USER:1 endDelimiter:--//
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2024-09-13 14:53:40 +02:00
create or replace function rbac.assumedRoleUuid()
returns uuid
stable -- leakproof
language plpgsql as $$
currentSubjectOrAssumedRolesUuids uuid[];
-- exactly one role must be assumed, not none not more than one
2024-09-13 20:21:12 +02:00
if cardinality(base.assumedRoles()) <> 1 then
raise exception '[400] Granting roles to user is only possible if exactly one role is assumed, given: %', base.assumedRoles();
end if;
currentSubjectOrAssumedRolesUuids := rbac.currentSubjectOrAssumedRolesUuids();
return currentSubjectOrAssumedRolesUuids[1];
end; $$;
2024-09-13 16:20:14 +02:00
create or replace procedure rbac.grantRoleToUserUnchecked(grantedByRoleUuid uuid, grantedRoleUuid uuid, subjectUuid uuid, doAssume boolean = true)
language plpgsql as $$
perform rbac.assertReferenceType('grantingRoleUuid', grantedByRoleUuid, 'RbacRole');
perform rbac.assertReferenceType('roleId (descendant)', grantedRoleUuid, 'RbacRole');
2024-09-13 16:20:14 +02:00
perform rbac.assertReferenceType('subjectUuid (ascendant)', subjectUuid, 'rbac.subject');
into RbacGrants (grantedByRoleUuid, ascendantUuid, descendantUuid, assumed)
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values (grantedByRoleUuid, subjectUuid, grantedRoleUuid, doAssume)
-- TODO: check if grantedByRoleUuid+doAssume are the same, otherwise raise exception?
on conflict do nothing; -- allow granting multiple times
end; $$;
2024-09-13 16:20:14 +02:00
create or replace procedure rbac.grantRoleToSubject(grantedByRoleUuid uuid, grantedRoleUuid uuid, subjectUuid uuid, doAssume boolean = true)
language plpgsql as $$
grantedByRoleIdName text;
grantedRoleIdName text;
perform rbac.assertReferenceType('grantingRoleUuid', grantedByRoleUuid, 'RbacRole');
perform rbac.assertReferenceType('grantedRoleUuid (descendant)', grantedRoleUuid, 'RbacRole');
2024-09-13 16:20:14 +02:00
perform rbac.assertReferenceType('subjectUuid (ascendant)', subjectUuid, 'rbac.subject');
assert grantedByRoleUuid is not null, 'grantedByRoleUuid must not be null';
assert grantedRoleUuid is not null, 'grantedRoleUuid must not be null';
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assert subjectUuid is not null, 'subjectUuid must not be null';
if NOT isGranted(rbac.currentSubjectOrAssumedRolesUuids(), grantedByRoleUuid) then
select roleIdName from rbacRole_ev where uuid=grantedByRoleUuid into grantedByRoleIdName;
raise exception '[403] Access to granted-by-role % (%) forbidden for % (%)',
grantedByRoleIdName, grantedByRoleUuid, currentSubjects(), rbac.currentSubjectOrAssumedRolesUuids();
end if;
if NOT isGranted(grantedByRoleUuid, grantedRoleUuid) then
select roleIdName from rbacRole_ev where uuid=grantedByRoleUuid into grantedByRoleIdName;
select roleIdName from rbacRole_ev where uuid=grantedRoleUuid into grantedRoleIdName;
raise exception '[403] Access to granted role % (%) forbidden for % (%)',
grantedRoleIdName, grantedRoleUuid, grantedByRoleIdName, grantedByRoleUuid;
end if;
into RbacGrants (grantedByRoleUuid, ascendantUuid, descendantUuid, assumed)
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values (grantedByRoleUuid, subjectUuid, grantedRoleUuid, doAssume);
-- TODO.impl: What should happen on multiple grants? What if options (doAssume) are not the same?
-- Most powerful or latest grant wins? What about managed?
-- on conflict do nothing; -- allow granting multiple times
end; $$;
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--changeset rbac-user-grant-REVOKE-ROLE-FROM-USER:1 endDelimiter:--//
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2024-09-13 16:20:14 +02:00
create or replace procedure rbac.checkRevokeRoleFromSubjectPreconditions(grantedByRoleUuid uuid, grantedRoleUuid uuid, subjectUuid uuid)
language plpgsql as $$
perform rbac.assertReferenceType('grantedByRoleUuid', grantedByRoleUuid, 'RbacRole');
perform rbac.assertReferenceType('grantedRoleUuid (descendant)', grantedRoleUuid, 'RbacRole');
2024-09-13 16:20:14 +02:00
perform rbac.assertReferenceType('subjectUuid (ascendant)', subjectUuid, 'rbac.subject');
if NOT isGranted(rbac.currentSubjectOrAssumedRolesUuids(), grantedByRoleUuid) then
raise exception '[403] Revoking role created by % is forbidden for %.', grantedByRoleUuid, currentSubjects();
end if;
if NOT isGranted(grantedByRoleUuid, grantedRoleUuid) then
raise exception '[403] Revoking role % is forbidden for %.', grantedRoleUuid, currentSubjects();
end if;
--raise exception 'isGranted(%, %)', rbac.currentSubjectOrAssumedRolesUuids(), grantedByRoleUuid;
if NOT isGranted(rbac.currentSubjectOrAssumedRolesUuids(), grantedByRoleUuid) then
raise exception '[403] Revoking role granted by % is forbidden for %.', grantedByRoleUuid, currentSubjects();
end if;
2024-09-13 16:20:14 +02:00
if NOT isGranted(subjectUuid, grantedRoleUuid) then
raise exception '[404] No such grant found granted by % for subject % to role %.', grantedByRoleUuid, subjectUuid, grantedRoleUuid;
end if;
end; $$;
2024-09-13 16:20:14 +02:00
create or replace procedure rbac.revokeRoleFromSubject(grantedByRoleUuid uuid, grantedRoleUuid uuid, subjectUuid uuid)
language plpgsql as $$
2024-09-13 16:20:14 +02:00
call rbac.checkRevokeRoleFromSubjectPreconditions(grantedByRoleUuid, grantedRoleUuid, subjectUuid);
2024-09-13 16:20:14 +02:00
raise INFO 'delete from RbacGrants where ascendantUuid = % and descendantUuid = %', subjectUuid, grantedRoleUuid;
delete from RbacGrants as g
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where g.ascendantUuid = subjectUuid and g.descendantUuid = grantedRoleUuid
and g.grantedByRoleUuid = revokeRoleFromSubject.grantedByRoleUuid;
end; $$;
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--changeset rbac-user-grant-REVOKE-PERMISSION-FROM-ROLE:1 endDelimiter:--//
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2024-09-13 16:20:14 +02:00
create or replace procedure rbac.revokePermissionFromRole(permissionUuid uuid, superRoleUuid uuid)
language plpgsql as $$
raise INFO 'delete from RbacGrants where ascendantUuid = % and descendantUuid = %', superRoleUuid, permissionUuid;
delete from RbacGrants as g
where g.ascendantUuid = superRoleUuid and g.descendantUuid = permissionUuid;
end; $$;