2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
--liquibase formatted sql
-- ============================================================================
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
--changeset test-package-rbac-CREATE-OBJECT:1 endDelimiter:--//
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Creates the related RbacObject through a BEFORE INSERT TRIGGER.
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
drop trigger if exists createRbacObjectFortest_unixuser_Trigger on test_unixuser;
create trigger createRbacObjectFortest_unixuser_Trigger
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
before insert
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
on test_unixuser
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
for each row
execute procedure createRbacObject();
-- ============================================================================
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
--changeset test-unixuser-rbac-ROLE-DESCRIPTORS:1 endDelimiter:--//
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
create or replace function testUnixUserOwner(uu test_unixuser)
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
returns RbacRoleDescriptor
returns null on null input
language plpgsql as $$
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
return roleDescriptor('test_unixuser', uu.uuid, 'owner');
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
end; $$;
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
create or replace function testUnixUserAdmin(uu test_unixuser)
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
returns RbacRoleDescriptor
returns null on null input
language plpgsql as $$
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
return roleDescriptor('test_unixuser', uu.uuid, 'admin');
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
end; $$;
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
create or replace function testUnixUserTenant(uu test_unixuser)
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
returns RbacRoleDescriptor
returns null on null input
language plpgsql as $$
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
return roleDescriptor('test_unixuser', uu.uuid, 'tenant');
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
end; $$;
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
create or replace function createTestUnixUserTenantRoleIfNotExists(unixUser test_unixuser)
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
returns uuid
returns null on null input
language plpgsql as $$
unixUserTenantRoleDesc RbacRoleDescriptor;
unixUserTenantRoleUuid uuid;
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
unixUserTenantRoleDesc = testUnixUserTenant(unixUser);
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
unixUserTenantRoleUuid = findRoleId(unixUserTenantRoleDesc);
if unixUserTenantRoleUuid is not null then
return unixUserTenantRoleUuid;
end if;
return createRole(
grantingPermissions(forObjectUuid => unixUser.uuid, permitOps => array ['view']),
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
end; $$;
-- ============================================================================
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
--changeset test-unixuser-rbac-ROLES-CREATION:1 endDelimiter:--//
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Creates the roles and their assignments for a new UnixUser for the AFTER INSERT TRIGGER.
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
create or replace function createRbacRulesForTestUnixUser()
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
returns trigger
language plpgsql
strict as $$
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
parentPackage test_package;
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
unixuserOwnerRoleId uuid;
unixuserAdminRoleId uuid;
if TG_OP <> 'INSERT' then
raise exception 'invalid usage of TRIGGER AFTER INSERT';
end if;
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
select * from test_package where uuid = NEW.packageUuid into parentPackage;
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
-- an owner role is created and assigned to the package's admin group
unixuserOwnerRoleId = createRole(
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
grantingPermissions(forObjectUuid => NEW.uuid, permitOps => array ['*']),
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
-- and a unixuser admin role is created and assigned to the unixuser owner as well
unixuserAdminRoleId = createRole(
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
grantingPermissions(forObjectUuid => NEW.uuid, permitOps => array ['edit']),
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
-- a tenent role is only created on demand
return NEW;
end; $$;
An AFTER INSERT TRIGGER which creates the role structure for a new UnixUser.
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
drop trigger if exists createRbacRulesForTestUnixuser_Trigger on test_unixuser;
create trigger createRbacRulesForTestUnixuser_Trigger
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
after insert
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
on test_unixuser
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
for each row
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
execute procedure createRbacRulesForTestUnixUser();
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
-- ============================================================================
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
--changeset test-unixuser-rbac-ROLES-REMOVAL:1 endDelimiter:--//
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deletes the roles and their assignments of a deleted UnixUser for the BEFORE DELETE TRIGGER.
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
create or replace function deleteRbacRulesForTestUnixUser()
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
returns trigger
language plpgsql
strict as $$
if TG_OP = 'DELETE' then
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
call deleteRole(findRoleId(testUnixUserOwner(OLD)));
call deleteRole(findRoleId(testUnixUserAdmin(OLD)));
call deleteRole(findRoleId(testUnixUserTenant(OLD)));
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
raise exception 'invalid usage of TRIGGER BEFORE DELETE';
end if;
end; $$;
An BEFORE DELETE TRIGGER which deletes the role structure of a UnixUser.
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
drop trigger if exists deleteRbacRulesForTestUnixUser_Trigger on test_package;
create trigger deleteRbacRulesForTestUnixUser_Trigger
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
before delete
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
on test_unixuser
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
for each row
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
execute procedure deleteRbacRulesForTestUnixUser();
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
-- ============================================================================
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
--changeset test-unixuser-rbac-IDENTITY-VIEW:1 endDelimiter:--//
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Creates a view to the UnixUser main table which maps the identifying name
(in this case, actually the column `name`) to the objectUuid.
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
drop view if exists test_unixuser_iv;
create or replace view test_unixuser_iv as
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
select distinct target.uuid, target.name as idName
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
from test_unixuser as target;
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
-- TODO: Is it ok that everybody has access to this information?
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
grant all privileges on test_unixuser_iv to restricted;
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
Returns the objectUuid for a given identifying name (in this case, actually the column `name`).
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
create or replace function test_unixUserUuidByIdName(idName varchar)
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
returns uuid
language sql
strict as $$
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
select uuid from test_unixuser_iv iv where iv.idName = test_unixUserUuidByIdName.idName;
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
Returns the identifying name for a given objectUuid (in this case the name).
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
create or replace function test_unixUserIdNameByUuid(uuid uuid)
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
returns varchar
stable leakproof
language sql
strict as $$
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
select idName from test_unixuser_iv iv where iv.uuid = test_unixUserIdNameByUuid.uuid;
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
-- ============================================================================
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
--changeset test-package-rbac-RESTRICTED-VIEW:1 endDelimiter:--//
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Creates a view to the customer main table which maps the identifying name
(in this case, the prefix) to the objectUuid.
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
drop view if exists test_unixuser_rv;
create or replace view test_unixuser_rv as
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00
select target.*
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
from test_unixuser as target
2022-08-30 09:18:52 +02:00
where target.uuid in (select queryAccessibleObjectUuidsOfSubjectIds('view', 'unixuser', currentSubjectsUuids()));
2022-08-31 09:42:40 +02:00
grant all privileges on test_unixuser_rv to restricted;
2022-08-14 16:44:26 +02:00