
242 lines
9.0 KiB
Raw Normal View History

--liquibase formatted sql
-- ============================================================================
--changeset rbac-views-ROLE-RESTRICTED-VIEW:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Creates a view to the role table with row-level limitation
based on the grants of the current user or assumed roles.
drop view if exists rbacrole_rv;
create or replace view rbacrole_rv as
select *
-- @formatter:off
from (
select r.*, o.objectTable,
findIdNameByObjectUuid(o.objectTable, o.uuid) as objectIdName
from rbacrole as r
join rbacobject as o on o.uuid = r.objectuuid
where isGranted(currentSubjectIds(), r.uuid)
) as unordered
-- @formatter:on
order by objectTable || '#' || objectIdName || '.' || roleType;
grant all privileges on rbacrole_rv to restricted;
2022-08-13 16:47:36 +02:00
-- ============================================================================
--changeset rbac-views-GRANT-RESTRICTED-VIEW:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Creates a view to the grants table with row-level limitation
based on the direct grants of the current user.
drop view if exists rbacgrants_rv;
create or replace view rbacgrants_rv as
-- @formatter:off
select o.objectTable || '#' || findIdNameByObjectUuid(o.objectTable, o.uuid) || '.' || r.roletype as grantedByRoleIdName,
g.objectTable || '#' || g.objectIdName || '.' || g.roletype as grantedRoleIdName, g.userName, g.assumed,
g.grantedByRoleUuid, g.descendantUuid as grantedRoleUuid, g.ascendantUuid as userUuid,
g.objectTable, g.objectUuid, g.objectIdName, g.roleType as grantedRoleType
from (
select g.grantedbyroleuuid, g.ascendantuuid, g.descendantuuid, g.assumed,
u.name as userName, o.objecttable, r.objectuuid, r.roletype,
2022-08-13 16:47:36 +02:00
findIdNameByObjectUuid(o.objectTable, o.uuid) as objectIdName
from rbacgrants as g
join rbacrole as r on r.uuid = g.descendantUuid
join rbacobject o on o.uuid = r.objectuuid
join rbacuser u on u.uuid = g.ascendantuuid
where isGranted(currentSubjectIds(), r.uuid)
) as g
join RbacRole as r on r.uuid = grantedByRoleUuid
join RbacObject as o on o.uuid = r.objectUuid
order by grantedRoleIdName;
-- @formatter:on
2022-08-13 16:47:36 +02:00
grant all privileges on rbacrole_rv to restricted;
-- ============================================================================
--changeset rbac-views-GRANTS-RV-INSERT-TRIGGER:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Instead of insert trigger function for RbacGrants_RV.
create or replace function insertRbacGrant()
returns trigger
language plpgsql as $$
newGrant RbacGrants_RV;
call grantRoleToUser(assumedRoleUuid(), new.grantedRoleUuid, new.userUuid, new.assumed);
2022-08-13 16:47:36 +02:00
select grv.*
from RbacGrants_RV grv
where grv.userUuid=new.userUuid and grv.grantedRoleUuid=new.grantedRoleUuid
2022-08-13 16:47:36 +02:00
into newGrant;
return newGrant;
end; $$;
Creates an instead of insert trigger for the RbacGrants_rv view.
create trigger insertRbacGrant_Trigger
instead of insert
on RbacGrants_rv
for each row
execute function insertRbacGrant();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset rbac-views-GRANTS-RV-DELETE-TRIGGER:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Instead of delete trigger function for RbacGrants_RV.
create or replace function deleteRbacGrant()
returns trigger
language plpgsql as $$
call revokeRoleFromUser(old.grantedByRoleUuid, old.grantedRoleUuid, old.userUuid);
return old;
end; $$;
Creates an instead of delete trigger for the RbacGrants_rv view.
create trigger deleteRbacGrant_Trigger
instead of delete
on RbacGrants_rv
for each row
execute function deleteRbacGrant();
2022-08-13 16:47:36 +02:00
-- ============================================================================
--changeset rbac-views-USER-RESTRICTED-VIEW:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Creates a view to the users table with row-level limitation
based on the grants of the current user or assumed roles.
drop view if exists RbacUser_rv;
create or replace view RbacUser_rv as
select distinct *
-- @formatter:off
from (
select usersInRolesOfCurrentUser.*
from RbacUser as usersInRolesOfCurrentUser
join RbacGrants as g on g.ascendantuuid = usersInRolesOfCurrentUser.uuid
join rbacrole_rv as r on r.uuid = g.descendantuuid
select users.*
from RbacUser as users
where cardinality(assumedRoles()) = 0 and currentUserId() = users.uuid
) as unordered
-- @formatter:on
order by unordered.name;
grant all privileges on RbacUser_rv to restricted;
-- ============================================================================
--changeset rbac-views-USER-RV-INSERT-TRIGGER:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Instead of insert trigger function for RbacUser_rv.
create or replace function insertRbacUser()
returns trigger
language plpgsql as $$
refUuid uuid;
newUser RbacUser;
into RbacReference as r (uuid, type)
values( new.uuid, 'RbacUser')
returning r.uuid into refUuid;
into RbacUser (uuid, name)
values (refUuid, new.name)
returning * into newUser;
return newUser;
Creates an instead of insert trigger for the RbacUser_rv view.
create trigger insertRbacUser_Trigger
instead of insert
on RbacUser_rv
for each row
execute function insertRbacUser();
-- ============================================================================
--changeset rbac-views-OWN-GRANTED-PERMISSIONS-VIEW:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Creates a view to all permissions granted to the current user or
based on the grants of the current user or assumed roles.
-- @formatter:off
drop view if exists RbacOwnGrantedPermissions_rv;
create or replace view RbacOwnGrantedPermissions_rv as
select r.uuid as roleuuid, p.uuid as permissionUuid,
(r.objecttable || '#' || r.objectidname || '.' || r.roletype) as roleName, p.op,
o.objecttable, r.objectidname, o.uuid as objectuuid
from rbacrole_rv r
join rbacgrants g on g.ascendantuuid = r.uuid
join rbacpermission p on p.uuid = g.descendantuuid
join rbacobject o on o.uuid = p.objectuuid;
grant all privileges on RbacOwnGrantedPermissions_rv to restricted;
-- @formatter:om
-- ============================================================================
--changeset rbac-views-GRANTED-PERMISSIONS:1 endDelimiter:--//
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Returns all permissions granted to the given user,
which are also visible to the current user or assumed roles.
2022-08-25 17:27:17 +02:00
create or replace function grantedPermissions(targetUserUuid uuid)
returns table(roleUuid uuid, roleName text, permissionUuid uuid, op RbacOp, objectTable varchar, objectIdName varchar, objectUuid uuid)
returns null on null input
language plpgsql as $$
currentUserId uuid;
-- @formatter:off
currentUserId := currentUserId();
2022-08-25 17:27:17 +02:00
if hasGlobalRoleGranted(targetUserUuid) and not hasGlobalRoleGranted(currentUserId) then
raise exception '[403] permissions of user "%" are not accessible to user "%"', targetUserUuid, currentUser();
end if;
return query select
(xp.roleObjectTable || '#' || xp.roleObjectIdName || '.' || xp.roleType) as roleName,
xp.permissionUuid, xp.op, xp.permissionObjectTable, xp.permissionObjectIdName, xp.permissionObjectUuid
from (select
r.uuid as roleUuid, r.roletype, ro.objectTable as roleObjectTable,
findIdNameByObjectUuid(ro.objectTable, ro.uuid) as roleObjectIdName,
p.uuid as permissionUuid, p.op, po.objecttable as permissionObjectTable,
findIdNameByObjectUuid(po.objectTable, po.uuid) as permissionObjectIdName,
po.uuid as permissionObjectUuid
2022-08-25 17:27:17 +02:00
from queryPermissionsGrantedToSubjectId( targetUserUuid) as p
join rbacgrants as g on g.descendantUuid = p.uuid
join rbacobject as po on po.uuid = p.objectUuid
join rbacrole_rv as r on r.uuid = g.ascendantUuid
join rbacobject as ro on ro.uuid = r.objectUuid
2022-08-25 17:27:17 +02:00
where isGranted(targetUserUuid, r.uuid)
) xp;
-- @formatter:on
end; $$;