--liquibase formatted sql -- ============================================================================ --changeset michael.hoennig:test-package-TEST-DATA-GENERATOR endDelimiter:--// -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Creates the given number of test packages for the given customer. */ create or replace procedure rbactest.package_create_test_data(customerPrefix varchar, pacCount int) language plpgsql as $$ declare cust rbactest.customer; custAdminUser varchar; custAdminRole varchar; pacName varchar; pac rbactest.package; begin select * from rbactest.customer where rbactest.customer.prefix = customerPrefix into cust; for t in 0..(pacCount-1) loop pacName = cust.prefix || to_char(t, 'fm00'); custAdminUser = 'customer-admin@' || cust.prefix || '.example.com'; custAdminRole = 'rbactest.customer#' || cust.prefix || ':ADMIN'; call base.defineContext('creating RBAC test package', null, 'superuser-fran@hostsharing.net', custAdminRole); insert into rbactest.package (customerUuid, name, description) values (cust.uuid, pacName, 'Here you can add your own description of package ' || pacName || '.') returning * into pac; call rbac.grantRoleToSubject( rbac.getRoleId(rbactest.customer_ADMIN(cust)), rbac.findRoleId(rbactest.package_ADMIN(pac)), rbac.create_subject('pac-admin-' || pacName || '@' || cust.prefix || '.example.com'), true); end loop; end; $$; /* Creates a range of test packages for mass data generation. */ create or replace procedure rbactest.package_create_test_data() language plpgsql as $$ declare cust rbactest.customer; begin for cust in (select * from rbactest.customer) loop continue when cust.reference >= 90000; -- reserved for functional testing call rbactest.package_create_test_data(cust.prefix, 3); end loop; commit; end ; $$; --// -- ============================================================================ --changeset michael.hoennig:test-package-TEST-DATA-GENERATION context:!without-test-data endDelimiter:--// -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- do language plpgsql $$ begin call rbactest.package_create_test_data('xxx', 3); call rbactest.package_create_test_data('yyy', 3); call rbactest.package_create_test_data('zzz', 3); end; $$; --//