--liquibase formatted sql

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    Creates a single partner test record.
create or replace procedure createHsOfficePartnerTestData( personTradeName varchar, contactLabel varchar )
    language plpgsql as $$
    currentTask     varchar;
    idName          varchar;
    relatedPerson   hs_office_person;
    relatedContact  hs_office_contact;
    idName := cleanIdentifier( personTradeName|| '-' || contactLabel);
    currentTask := 'creating RBAC test partner ' || idName;
    call defineContext(currentTask, null, 'alex@hostsharing.net', 'global#global.admin');
    execute format('set local hsadminng.currentTask to %L', currentTask);

    select p.* from hs_office_person p where p.tradeName = personTradeName into relatedPerson;
    select c.* from hs_office_contact c where c.label = contactLabel into relatedContact;

    raise notice 'creating test partner: %', idName;
    raise notice '- using person (%): %', relatedPerson.uuid, relatedPerson;
    raise notice '- using contact (%): %', relatedContact.uuid, relatedContact;
        into hs_office_partner (uuid, personuuid, contactuuid)
        values (uuid_generate_v4(), relatedPerson.uuid, relatedContact.uuid);
end; $$;

    Creates a range of test partner for mass data generation.
create or replace procedure createHsOfficePartnerTestData(
    startCount integer,  -- count of auto generated rows before the run
    endCount integer     -- count of auto generated rows after the run
    language plpgsql as $$
    person hs_office_person;
    contact hs_office_contact;
    for t in startCount..endCount
            select p.* from hs_office_person p where tradeName = intToVarChar(t, 4) into person;
            select c.* from hs_office_contact c where c.label = intToVarChar(t, 4) || '#' || t into contact;

            call createHsOfficePartnerTestData(person.uuid, contact.uuid);
        end loop;
end; $$;

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do language plpgsql $$
        call createHsOfficePartnerTestData('First Impressions GmbH', 'first contact');

        call createHsOfficePartnerTestData('Rockshop e.K.', 'second contact');

        call createHsOfficePartnerTestData('Ostfriesische Kuhhandel OHG', 'third contact');