--liquibase formatted sql -- This code generated was by RbacViewPostgresGenerator, do not amend manually. -- ============================================================================ --changeset RbacObjectGenerator:hs-office-person-rbac-OBJECT endDelimiter:--// -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- call rbac.generateRelatedRbacObject('hs_office.person'); --// -- ============================================================================ --changeset RbacRoleDescriptorsGenerator:hs-office-person-rbac-ROLE-DESCRIPTORS endDelimiter:--// -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- call rbac.generateRbacRoleDescriptors('hs_office.person'); --// -- ============================================================================ --changeset RolesGrantsAndPermissionsGenerator:hs-office-person-rbac-insert-trigger endDelimiter:--// -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Creates the roles, grants and permission for the AFTER INSERT TRIGGER. */ create or replace procedure hs_office.person_build_rbac_system( NEW hs_office.person ) language plpgsql as $$ declare begin call rbac.enterTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid); perform rbac.defineRoleWithGrants( hs_office.person_OWNER(NEW), permissions => array['DELETE'], incomingSuperRoles => array[rbac.global_ADMIN()], subjectUuids => array[rbac.currentSubjectUuid()] ); perform rbac.defineRoleWithGrants( hs_office.person_ADMIN(NEW), permissions => array['UPDATE'], incomingSuperRoles => array[hs_office.person_OWNER(NEW)] ); perform rbac.defineRoleWithGrants( hs_office.person_REFERRER(NEW), permissions => array['SELECT'], incomingSuperRoles => array[hs_office.person_ADMIN(NEW)] ); call rbac.leaveTriggerForObjectUuid(NEW.uuid); end; $$; /* AFTER INSERT TRIGGER to create the role+grant structure for a new hs_office.person row. */ create or replace function hs_office.person_build_rbac_system_after_insert_tf() returns trigger language plpgsql strict as $$ begin call hs_office.person_build_rbac_system(NEW); return NEW; end; $$; create trigger build_rbac_system_after_insert_tg after insert on hs_office.person for each row execute procedure hs_office.person_build_rbac_system_after_insert_tf(); --// -- ============================================================================ --changeset RbacIdentityViewGenerator:hs-office-person-rbac-IDENTITY-VIEW endDelimiter:--// -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- call rbac.generateRbacIdentityViewFromProjection('hs_office.person', $idName$ concat(tradeName, familyName, givenName) $idName$); --// -- ============================================================================ --changeset RbacRestrictedViewGenerator:hs-office-person-rbac-RESTRICTED-VIEW endDelimiter:--// -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- call rbac.generateRbacRestrictedView('hs_office.person', $orderBy$ concat(tradeName, familyName, givenName) $orderBy$, $updates$ personType = new.personType, title = new.title, salutation = new.salutation, tradeName = new.tradeName, givenName = new.givenName, familyName = new.familyName $updates$); --// -- ============================================================================ --changeset RbacRbacSystemRebuildGenerator:hs-office-person-rbac-rebuild endDelimiter:--// -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- HOWTO: Rebuild RBAC-system for table hs_office.person after changing its RBAC specification. -- -- begin transaction; -- call base.defineContext('re-creating RBAC for table hs_office.person', null, <>); -- call hs_office.person_rebuild_rbac_system(); -- commit; -- -- How it works: -- 1. All grants previously created from the RBAC specification of this table will be deleted. -- These grants are identified by `hs_office.person.grantedByTriggerOf IS NOT NULL`. -- User-induced grants (`hs_office.person.grantedByTriggerOf IS NULL`) are NOT deleted. -- 2. New role types will be created, but existing role types which are not specified anymore, -- will NOT be deleted! -- 3. All newly specified grants will be created. -- -- IMPORTANT: -- Make sure not to skip any previously defined role-types or you might break indirect grants! -- E.g. If, in an updated version of the RBAC system for a table, you remove the AGENT role type -- and now directly grant the TENANT role to the ADMIN role, all external grants to the AGENT role -- of this table would be in a dead end. create or replace procedure hs_office.person_rebuild_rbac_system() language plpgsql as $$ DECLARE DECLARE row hs_office.person; grantsAfter numeric; grantsBefore numeric; BEGIN SELECT count(*) INTO grantsBefore FROM rbac.grants; FOR row IN SELECT * FROM hs_office.person LOOP -- first delete all generated grants for this row from the previously defined RBAC system DELETE FROM rbac.grants g WHERE g.grantedbytriggerof = row.uuid; -- then build the grants according to the currently defined RBAC rules CALL hs_office.person_build_rbac_system(row); END LOOP; select count(*) into grantsAfter from rbac.grants; -- print how the total count of grants has changed raise notice 'total grant count before -> after: % -> %', grantsBefore, grantsAfter; END; $$; --//