git checkout jhipster-generated git pull git tag REAL-HEAD git reset --hard jdl-base git clean -f -d git cherry-pick -n spotless git reset --soft REAL-HEAD git checkout REAL-HEAD src/main/jdl/customer.jdl # AND OTHERS! git tag -d REAL-HEAD # MANUAL STEP: Apply changes to the jdl file! # (Re-) Importing jhipster import-jdl src/main/jdl/customer.jdl jhipster import-jdl src/main/jdl/accessrights.jdl # AND OTHERS! # add @formatter:off to src/main/java/org/hostsharing/hsadminng/config/ # I will add this change to the commit with the spotless commit to get rid of this. gw spotlessApply git add . git commit -m"..." # MANUAL STEP: # - if you've renamed any identifiers, use refactoring to rename in master as well BEFORE MERGING! # Merge changeset into master branch git checkout master git merge jhipster-generated