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+## Test-Concept
+- [Unit-Tests](#unit-tests)
+- [REST-Tests](#rest-tests)
+- [Integration-Tests](#integration-tests)
+- [Acceptance-Tests](#acceptance-tests)
+- [Performance-Tests](#performance-tests)
+- [System-Integration-Tests](#system-integration-tests)
+### General Issues
+The following test concept uses the terms "double" and "mock" (maybe in inflected form like "mocking" or "mocked"), "whitebox-test" and "blackbox-tests" which I would like to define first.
+#### Test-Doubles, Dummies, Fakes, Mocks, Spies and Stubs
+A "double" is a general term for something which replaces a real implementation of a dependency of the unit under test.
+This can be a "dummy", a "fake", a "mock", a "spy" or a "stub".
+Often the term "mock" is used in a generic way, because typical mocking libraries like *Mockito* can also be used as dummies or spies and can replace fakes.
+A fake would be a double without using any library, but rather a manual fake implementation of a dependency.
+Where our APIs should be designed in a way that it's possible, using a mocking library like *Mockito* often leads to shorter test code.
+#### Whitebox- and Blackbox-Tests
+A whitebox-test knows and considers the internals of an implementation, e.g. it knows which dependencies it needs and can test special, implementation-dependent cases.
+A blackbox-test does not know and not consider such internals of an implementation, it just tests externally observable behaviour.
+### Kinds of Tests
+Depending on the concrete aspects which we want to test, we are using different kinds of tests as described as follows.
+#### Unit-Tests
+In this project a *Unit* for *UnitTests* can be a single method (function), a class or even a group of classes which express a common concept.
+The unit are whitebox-tests and count into test-code-coverage.
+Unit-Test in this project are implemented with *JUnit Jupiter*, *Mockito* and *AssertJ*.
+Unit-Tests do not use any external systems, not even a database.
+They just test the unit, not any dependencies or proper integration with dependencies.
+Such tests usually run very fast and should test all branches.
+These Tests are always named `...UnitTest` and can automatically run in the build-process.
+#### REST-Tests
+At the level of REST-Controllers, *Spring's* `WebMvcTest`, a special kind of Unit-Test, are utilized.
+Such tests issue REST-requests through a mocked REST-Layer and therefore use the controllers similar to a real client.
+Otherwise, the implementation technologies are like those of Unit-Tests.
+Being unit-tests, also REST-tests are whitebox-tests and count into test-code-coverage.
+Like other Unit-Tests, REST-Test do not use any external systems, not even a database.
+They just test the REST-related parts of the unit, e.g. URL-Mappings, HTTP-Headers and proper JSON encoding of request and response data.
+Other dependencies and integrations with such are not tested on this level.
+Such tests usually run very fast, but should focus on REST-specific issues, leaving branch-testing to pure Unit-Tests.
+These Tests are always named `...RestTest` and can automatically run in the build-process.
+#### Integration-Tests
+Integration-Tests in this context mean integration with support systems like databases or messaging-systems, but not integration with external systems.
+Integration-tests, are blackbox-tests and do not count into test-code-coverage.
+Such tests are implemented with *JUnit Jupiter* through some sort of `@SpringBootTest`, e.g. `DataJpaTest` and usually utilize *Testcontainers* and *Docker* to wrap the supporting system, e.g. the *PostgreSQL* database.
+*Mockito* can also be used for this kind of tests, to separate multiple integrations.
+Integration-Tests are relatively slow and therefore should focus on the integration.
+Internal issues should be tested through Unit-Tests.
+These Tests are always named `...IntegrationTest` and can automatically run in the build-process.
+#### Acceptance-Tests
+We define Acceptance-Tests as test which describe user-stories, respectively high-level business requirements.
+Acceptance-Tests run on a fully integrated and deployed system with deployed doubles for external systems.
+Acceptance-tests, are blackbox-tests and do not count into test-code-coverage.
+TODO: Complete the Acceptance-Tests test concept.
+#### Performance-Tests
+Performance-critical scenarios have to be identified and a special performance-test has to be implemented.
+The implementation-technologie depends on the scenario.
+Performance-tests, are blackbox-tests and do not count into test-code-coverage.
+Such tests usually are very slow and should not be automatically run in the build-pipeline but manually, after critical areas have been changed.
+#### System-Integration-Tests
+We define System-Integration-Tests as test in which this system is deployed in a production-like environment to test integration with external systems.
+System-Integration-tests, are blackbox-tests and do not count into test-code-coverage.
+TODO: Complete the System-Integration-Tests test concept.